Increase efficiency of rotating shaft.

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re: Increase efficiency of rotating shaft.

Post by LustInBlack »

Yes, try it in reality not in your head, there's a difference.
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re: Increase efficiency of rotating shaft.

Post by Fletcher »

Work Done = Force x Distance.

If something can't move it can't do work. A fidge magnet does not do work.

You may have to explain your math much clearer (step by step) so that others can see where the potential loop hole exists, if there is one.
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re: Increase efficiency of rotating shaft.

Post by LustInBlack »

Fletcher, I think there is a catch here, classical physics may tell that there is no force when there is no movement.

However, matter is always in movement at the "nano" scale..

A fridge magnet don't do work when it's still .. I have a problem with that.

It must do work, compare that to a coil when you turn off the current, the coil would fall to the ground .. It did work to stay on place.

However, a locking mechanism would not do work when it holds a weight still, such as a ratchet mech ..

I think nobody understand magnets well, how can it stay there, with no physical lock, without spending energy to stay connected!? ..

There is a movement somewhere, because time goes by and gravity would force that magnet down .

Unless, force is not the unit needed to calculate magnet pull-push ..

Electroncs must be moving to provide a magnetic field..

Did you ever put iron fillings on the ground wire of a soldering machine?! .. The iron fillings will show empty spot and concentric line spot on the wire in the iron filling . Why!? .. Why not a constant line..

I'm confused.
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re: Increase efficiency of rotating shaft.

Post by rlortie »


Iron filings on a ground wire would show such characteristics if the current is AC 50 or 60 cycles per second depending on where you are getting your electricity.

The iron filings gather due to Lenz law shifting the polarity (inductance)

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re: Increase efficiency of rotating shaft.

Post by ken_behrendt »

When a weight is rested on a surface, it DOES do work...but only momentarily.

What happens is that the weight does drop a bit in the Earth's gravity field as contact is being made, it then loses a minute amount of the rest masses of its component subatomic particles, and this mass is converted into kinetic energy that accelerates the weight.

As the weight makes contact with the surface upon which it will rest, the atoms in that surface undergo a microscopic amount of compression. This forces the electrons within the atoms there to move closer together. These electrons are all negatively electrically charged and pushing them together is like compressioning a huge number of microscopic springs. The electrostatic potential energy of the interactions between the electrons rises as does their repulsive force that is applied to the weight being rested upon the surface. At some point equilibrium is reached as the force due to gravity pressing downward is exactly cancelled out by the electrostatic force of repulsion between the object and surface that is pressing upward. When this happens, all motion ceases and we say that the object is "at rest".

What happens to the mass lost by the subatomic particles in the object? Surprisingly, it is becomes an increase in mass of the electrons of the atoms in the surface upon which the object rests! Thus, the total mass of the object / surface system is the same before and after the object makes contact with the surface.

Such are the relevations of early 20th century relativity theory.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Increase efficiency of rotating shaft.

Post by graham »

Ken, what is the source of this theory? Is it your theory or something you have read??

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re: Increase efficiency of rotating shaft.

Post by LustInBlack »


The ground wire of a MIG isn't DC?! ..

I thought it was DC current! .
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re: Increase efficiency of rotating shaft.

Post by rlortie »


A MIG is not exactly what I would call a soldering machine, It is a welder

The average non-commercial home use MIG is wired for 120 volt AC, With a minimum 20 amp slow blow protected power source.

From there you can pay for as many bells and whistles as you desire.
220 volt with choice of AC-DC, output with +or - polarity, pulstating for stich welding. Use of flux core wire or inert gas, Power source can run up to 440 volt 3 phase.

I would consider a "TIG" as a better term for soldering as it works by fusion welding, with or without additional material.
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re: Increase efficiency of rotating shaft.

Post by LustInBlack »

Sorry ralph, I meant welder! I speak french, so I make some translation mistakes!

However, a MIG is DC, somehting like 15 volts + many amps..

I should try this experiment with a big wire between battery poles (Making sure I don't short it, I'll put some resistance) .
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