Own up please.

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Re: re: Own up please.

Post by murilo »

Tarsier79 wrote:Murilo, Im surprised you didnt give up long ago, at least on this design. Stubborness will not make the avalanche perpetuate. The design is not bad, but only to demonstrate leverage without horizontal distance.
oh... you look to be worry about me...
So cute but there is nothing that would disturb yours so as and mine person.
Every single day, before breakfast I use to take my 'stubbornantil', ok? It works and give me necessary energy to deal a class of stuffs!
'Stubbornantil' has a side effect that makes me not simpatico, sorry!
BTW 1, if you had shown in this forum a real positive technical credit, your opinion would make me preoccupied and upset.
BTW 2, you don't understand about leverage.
Take care.
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Re: re: Own up please.

Post by murilo »

Trevor Lyn Whatford wrote:Murilo,
Hi my brother, all be it adopted! I did a quick test build on the same principle as yours to see if I could fix it, I could not! The gearing ratios needed to make it work is what will keep it in equilibrium.
As a friend I tell you this, you have a very inventive mind and the only thing that is holding you back is sticking with the avalanche design.
With much respect from someone who is equally stubborn your brother Trevor
Edit, I will PM you with a suggestion!
Edit, I sent you another PM, the avalanche problem may also be its solution!
Great little brother Trevor,
thanks so much for your words!
You are very much welcome!
As I said in pvt, you still need some little effort and 'mind vision' to understand avalanchedrive! Sorry and keep walking!
Muliro - 'The Stubbornator Sword'. =8[
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re: Own up please.

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi brother Murilo,
Thank you for letting me know how the Avalanche Drive works, it was not as I thought, Good luck with the Avalanche project and be lucky!!
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re: Own up please.

Post by murilo »

Thanx, bro! Thanx!

I'm glad with your understanding.

Many things could be much faster with simulations.

Actually at a few days I got a new laser cut wheel with 22 hooks.

There are some other pcs I need, but I'm happy because the hooks show to have now enough stable condition to hold links.

After get the pcs, I'll maybe make a simple fast try.

Let's see... not hands-on, but still now discovering and guessing news... 8(

For the other side:
Who is the guy that gave me that 4th green dot? A Republican?
Which is his intention? Screw my curriculum?
A guy like me, with my qualities, should never show 4 green dots! 8(
Be sure, who you are, I'm not going to be transformed in a mute and tender Madre Thereza of Calcutta, ok?
I just don't care to keep my green score, as some kind top BW Bishops! 8(
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re: Own up please.

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi murilo,

Did you say green? it was not me then! Maybe you did it your self with all your posts my brother Bishop of the green order. look on the bright side it will now take them longer to throw you out!

Edit, Just joking, and good luck with the new parts Regards B T
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re: Own up please.

Post by murilo »

I'm 3 dots again!!! Back my previous and proper status! 8)))
( at least, better comfort! )
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re: Own up please.

Post by Tarsier79 »

BTW 1, if you had shown in this forum a real positive technical credit, your opinion would make me preoccupied and upset.
BTW 2, you don't understand about leverage.

M. You are right, it is I who misunderstand leverage. Perhaps your design might have more chance of working if it were bigger, with a larger pile ratio and made from gold, and only if you position it facing North on mount Olympus.

On a serious note, it is sad for me to see you stuck for so long on a design that has no chance of working, even when people like Jim have tried to patiently explain why it won't work. Then it angers me to see you praise anyone who makes a positive comment on your design, then turn nasty on them when they realise its futility.
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re: Own up please.

Post by murilo »

be sure, there is a lot of stuffs that you'll swallow ONLY after cooking.
In the while, you can go to
which is the place where your great guru resides...
There you can swim and submerge in the technical lights...
Be his guest!
Be the guest of this actor that chooses to don't understand avalanchedrive and pretended to explain it with out of logic arguments!
Take care!
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re: Own up please.

Post by Tarsier79 »

Simanek's Silly Slinky Device


From the above site:
Back in the 1950s when I was an undergraduate student, some of us would relax from the rigors of homework by inventing mechanical devices as challenges to each other to figure out why they can't work. I found this one in my classical mechanics notes from those creative times.
Also from the above site is the diagram below (hopefully animated)

1950's...Hmmm. Does that preceed your device Murillo?

Also, it seems someone has solved your mechanical problems here:
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re: Own up please.

Post by Fletcher »

http://pesn.com/2012/01/05/9602001_Free ... _Launched/


So, how did the open source project work out for you Murilo ?

Seems you made some startling claims of it working when interviewed by skype with Hank Mills at Peswiki.com ? - though denied it was you initially IIRC - good self promotion stunt though.

Why can't you show some photo's of your avalanche chain drive completed because the article/interview says 300 kg produces much excess energy ?

Stop beating up on Tarsier or jim_mich nor anyone else who questions the validity of your avalanche drive which seems to have regressed to a pluri-potent stemcell "a would work if completed design but I don't have the means etc etc etc" status again - also stop polluting multiple threads with your avalanche drive when its not even remotely connected to the thread topic - shameless self promotion has a short shelf life.

So, I ask again, how did the Peswiki open source project replications with people with the means & motivation pan out for you & your avalanche drive theory ????

After these many years Murilo you need to get real, learn something, produce a simple POP experiment to show potential in increase of energy, OR produce the working results to back up your claims !

In short you need help with your attitude or with your avalanche drive.

These are my opinions so don't bother replying unless you have a real avalanche drive completed & working, or a good POP experiment, to show the world, & I'll offer a retraction & apology.
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Re: re: Own up please.

Post by murilo »

Tarsier79 wrote:Simanek's Silly Slinky Device


From the above site:
Back in the 1950s when I was an undergraduate student, some of us would relax from the rigors of homework by inventing mechanical devices as challenges to each other to figure out why they can't work. I found this one in my classical mechanics notes from those creative times.
Also from the above site is the diagram below (hopefully animated)

1950's...Hmmm. Does that preceed your device Murillo?

Also, it seems someone has solved your mechanical problems here:
you are getting pathetic.
No comments this time.
Take care!
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Re: re: Own up please.

Post by murilo »

Fletcher wrote:http://pesn.com/2012/01/05/9602001_Free ... _Launched/


So, how did the open source project work out for you Murilo ?

Seems you made some startling claims of it working when interviewed by skype with Hank Mills at Peswiki.com ? - though denied it was you initially IIRC - good self promotion stunt though.

Why can't you show some photo's of your avalanche chain drive completed because the article/interview says 300 kg produces much excess energy ?

Stop beating up on Tarsier or jim_mich nor anyone else who questions the validity of your avalanche drive which seems to have regressed to a pluri-potent stemcell "a would work if completed design but I don't have the means etc etc etc" status again - also stop polluting multiple threads with your avalanche drive when its not even remotely connected to the thread topic - shameless self promotion has a short shelf life.

So, I ask again, how did the Peswiki open source project replications with people with the means & motivation pan out for you & your avalanche drive theory ????

After these many years Murilo you need to get real, learn something, produce a simple POP experiment to show potential in increase of energy, OR produce the working results to back up your claims !

In short you need help with your attitude or with your avalanche drive.

These are my opinions so don't bother replying unless you have a real avalanche drive completed & working, or a good POP experiment, to show the world, & I'll offer a retraction & apology.
there are some points that force me bother in replying.

That 'equipment' noticed at Peswisky, 300kg 100HP, as result of 'secret calls from a secret inventor from secret somewhere', in my opinion, is a complete scam from their 'reporter'. The secret inventor didn't come back and I would be very happy if he really have had it working with my conception, that is really open!

There is on Peswiskey another gentleman, in January/2012, that also presented a design. This design with a belt was first part of a correspondence with me, when I told him that THAT KIND design, for sure, will be very good in the future, specially in cases where the relation between speeds will increase.

For the other side, you Fletcher and others, must to have some stuffs in your mind:
- 2 main things I'm telling here on BW, since the start in 2003: that my avalanchedrive will speed and that I need help.

- I'm not here to disturb and to be aggressive, but I'm still not dead!

- in my mind, I'm here to do a JOB and I see BW as a very good, democratic, clear and honest platform - not very sure about Peskvodca...

- you, Fletcher and others, are not the only exclusive members in this OPEN forum and many people are coming from everywhere, also as invited by me!

- you should let me do my JOB and really ignore me SINCE you can't help... and in the while - easy to see - when possible, I try to help others.

- PLEASE, by all means, try to respect my intelligence and my two digits IQ. It's not so hard!

Take care!
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re: Own up please.

Post by Fletcher »

My pleasure to do so Murilo - it's long overdue.

You have proved yourself dim witted on at least two fronts.

Instead of introducing your avalanche drive ad nauseum to every new member in various threads, when they are vulnerable, you have not the wits to include a web site link in your signature space beneath your posts so that these very same people could find there way there to review your theory & progress on their own or with a little polite prompting from you.

Secondly, I have witnessed scant evidence of you helping anyone - you learn in this business by analysing others designs & seeing if your method of analysis & ability to do so lines up with others, with a similar result - or you get your hands dirty - you learn from that experience & pass on some of that learning to others not confident to enter discussions at that level - that's is helping others - assuming you are not too lazy to do the maths or physics I can only assume you are too dim & not interested in educating yourself, even though you have access to the whole of the internet as a resource to self educate from.

We all want a free energy engine to materialize one day - but first we must understand why designs & theories don't or can't work & you are no exception - there is only one option to disprove the current laws of physics - that is produce a POP that disproves them empirically by demonstration - the two possible conclusions to be drawn from that are these ...

1. that the laws are correct & you are taking input energy from the environment, in which case the laws are correct.

2. that some contrivance of your machine acts in a way to 'shield' gravity or 'appearing to shield' gravity allowing positive torque & reducing back torque to allow it to self sustain - if this is the case then at some level the laws of physics will have to be re-written & gravity could be viewed as non-conservative under these conditions unless a better or more detailed explanation unfolds - you'll get a nobel for that math & physics explanation because it's a big ask overturning thousands of years of prior learning that built the technology around us today.

You are now on my ignore list along with a few other dim, delusional &/or deranged individuals.
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Re: re: Own up please.

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Trevor Lyn Whatford wrote:Murilo,
Hi my brother, all be it adopted! I did a quick test build on the same principle as yours to see if I could fix it, I could not! The gearing ratios needed to make it work is what will keep it in equilibrium.
As a friend I tell you this, you have a very inventive mind and the only thing that is holding you back is sticking with the avalanche design.
With much respect from someone who is equally stubborn your brother Trevor
Edit, I will PM you with a suggestion!
Edit, I sent you another PM, the avalanche problem may also be its solution!
Hi all,
First thing first, I have a lot of respect for Murilo, I made a post here to discorage him from the avalanche drive, which I thought was gear between the top and bottom cog and it worked from the top cog, then it became clear that it is a weight dump to make one side heavier than the over, I sent Murilo 2 suggestion the first was no good as I realised after I sent it that it also had ratio problems, then the solution came to me the problem of the ratios was the solution, you would think you need to drive the top gear twice as fast as the bottom gear but you would be wrong! The answer is to slow the bottom gear by making it twice as big as the top gear, it now takes the weights twice as long to go round the bottom gear so now the top gear and the bottom gear can be linked with seprate linked gears to connect the main weight chain gears, so now you have twice the weight pushing down on the bottom main gear which is twice as big so it has twice the torque and you only drive the top wheel at Two to one ratio, also now you can make the weight chain longer, it would also be best if you lead out the weight chain out of the bottom gear sooner that later.
This is what I would do to fix the Avalanche Drive I make it clear that I give this information free to Murilo as you all can see in this post, I ask one thing in return that he pays for my drinks to toast his success should it work.
Kaine, Fletcher take a look and see what you think, Murilo I apologise for taking liberties as it may have been aready been cover by you! it still has some problems but I think it looks better like this!
Regards Trevor
Edit, ratio mistake change to two to one
Last edited by Trevor Lyn Whatford on Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Own up please.

Post by jim_mich »

Image Image

The problem with Murilo's Avalanche drive is that there are certain mathematical ratios that exist and cannot be broken. The falling weights enter the bottom sprocket at a certain radial distance from the sprocket center. And the rising weights leave the bottom sprocket at a certain larger radial distance. This produces a lever effect. The weights are on a continuous chain, and thus for every weight that enters the bottom sprocket a weight must also leave the bottom sprocket. The weights enter at a slow speed and at a smaller radius. They leave at a faster speed and at a larger radius. This acts the same as all levers. No matter what leverage ratio one might choose, the end result is the many weights on the falling side multiplied by the short radius always exactly matches the fewer weights on the rising side multiplied by the longer radius. Mathematically the two sides always balance, no matter what dimensions one chooses to use to construct the mechanism.

I've tried many times to explain this to Murilo, but he simply refuses to listen.

Then Murilo keeps spamming other threads, telling everyone about his avalanche drive, which is starting to really irritate some long time serious forum members.

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