Spiral track acceleration...

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iacob alex
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Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

.....can be an useful "theoretical key" ,so to "unlock" this "beating the air",moving on the same spot of our forum.

Why ?

Because , there is an interesting difference between a circle track and a "natural" spiral track .

Some details about this subject ,you can find at :


Again,we must go back to nature...(spiral motion )...for information...!?

All the best ! / Alex
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

.....at : http://www.slingatron.com/acceleration.htm

As we know,the spiral path,reflects the gradual increase of energy.

If we control the change of acceleration,with respect to time (the third derivative ...),we can control a much stronger action-reaction interplay with inertia.

All the best ! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

..... is a manner to obtain a better throw of a mass :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bFa7adg ... ure=fvwrel

Remind Watt's Governor,also...a rotating mass with a progressive increasing radius.

A trebuchet acts alike,on a spiral trajectory !

You can feel it , on a Merry-go- round relaxation...

All the best ! / Alex
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

.....is an "old" method to throw a mass as far as possible...at:

http://gadizmo.com/retro-cubicle-warfar ... buchet.php

As I proposed,so many times,it can be a manner to solve the "classic" and single "difficulty" of a gravity powered device : the switching process of the arm (so to "tumble" the unbalance/torque difference on the same side of the fulcrum) in the top position.

If so,we can hope for a continuous rotation due to gravity fall and inertia.

All the best! / Alex
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f nepure
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by f nepure »

The many spiral shaped growths/forms in nature are interesting in themselves.

Although you can manipulate inertial forces and increase rpm by decreasing the radius (as an ice-dancer demonstrates so nicely) the given velocity of a body itself remains the same
...his name is Frank
iacob alex
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

.....at: http://youtube.com/watch?v=K5pfXdsrtI4&feature=related

If we can consider,the shape and movement of a galaxy ,as a basic model for the natural mechanical motion (this is my exact statement regarding the meaning of our perpetuum mobile device/simple machine...) , must we include "something" in our designs !?

All the best ! /Alex
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by pequaide »

No nepure: the velocity does not remain the same, nor does the energy. It has been experimentally proven that the momentum remains the same. If you transfer the motion to a smaller portion of the mass then the velocity goes up with the energy.

It has also been proven that Force * time produces a certain momentum, but not a uniform quantity of energy.

You are on the right trail alex; keep it up.
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

.....can be considered a common natural link between linear and non-linear processes.

If we can controll the spiral motion of a mass ,we have a chance to have access to a nonlinear inequality (action<reaction) , where the so-called primary natural motion ("the chaotic motion") plays as a "prime mover",as you like to call it.

Maybe,a comet plays this game...

In my opinion a counterweighted trebuchet takes advantage of a controlled spiral trajectory.

A possible gravity motor ,as a "modified trebuchet" plays this "touching path/trajectory" with the real free natural motion :the chaotic one.

All the best! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

.....can be considered a common natural link between linear and non-linear processes.

If we can controll the spiral motion of a mass ,we have a chance to have access to a nonlinear inequality (action<reaction) , where the so-called primary natural motion ("the chaotic motion") plays as a "prime mover",as you like to call it.

Maybe,a comet plays this game...

In my opinion a counterweighted trebuchet takes advantage of a controlled spiral trajectory.

A possible gravity motor ,as a "modified trebuchet" plays this "touching path/trajectory" with the real free natural motion :the chaotic one.

All the best! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

.....was an old,medieval method to throw a mass ,at:


It depends why you throw a mass...

You can throw it outside ,as a projectile...or "inside" ,to play the "classic" short arm-long arm unsolved puzzle (yet!) of a possible gravity powered device.

An increasing spiral trajectory is alike a gravity fall on the vertical line...but on a rotating line (centrifugal fall).

All the best! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

.....is a very old method to throw a mass,if you take a look at :

http://melitainsula.blogspot.ro/2010/09 ... eapon.html

The prehistoric man,who lived in caves ,used his dexterity,skill in the use of the hands as a stone spiral launcher...this seems to be the first "scintillation" of an "over-unity effect " the mankind applied ever...

All the best ! / Alex
Last edited by iacob alex on Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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iacob alex
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

.....as an "universal " game , at :
http://challenge.cgsociety.org/dreamsca ... image/5387

A game is a kind of knowledge you can get as for "free"...

All the best ! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

.....ls a very new method,also to throw a mass, and gain momentum , at :


If you pay a "linear"momentum,as a "gravity input",you can gain a greater "nonlinear" momentum as an "inertial output"...

For a gravity motor,the first requirement is a "constantly input energy into system"...and we have it:the gravity fall.

The second step is to play this input in your "black box",as a slingshot effect,gain a greater momentum,and...take the difference.

Between the proposed concept of an "Elliptical Orbit Gravitational Engine" and a real modified trebuchet (as a gravity motor) , there are some ideatic resemblances,in my opinion .

All the best ! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

.....needs a specific tool,sometimes so old,at :

www.lessing-photo.com/dispimg.asp?i=080 ... cr=10&cl=1

.... but sometimes so up-to date ,at :

www.ohgizmo.com/2010/10/18/i-wonder-wha ... -snowball/

Between them you can "discover" the trebuchet...

All the best! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Spiral track acceleration...

Post by iacob alex »

.....due to the gravity fall (the only "motor"...in this theme park )you can enjoy at :


...and who knows?...maybe you take into consideration in your design.

All the best ! / Alex
Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
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