Georg Künstler's Ideas...

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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by coylo »

I think you'll find I was merely stating a fact.
I don't know what to make of Oxygon. One minute he's making a "Georg sounds like Yoda" joke, the next minute he's telling us to "chill", now he takes exception to me simply correcting Michael on a man's name. It all seems a bit Flip-Flop.

Hi Jeff,
Me and Georg only have a disagreement over proof of claims, its well documented on this board and I don't want to repeat myself. I think you'll find that any un-gentlemanly behaviour was started by guess who?

I'll leave innocent Georg alone, from now on in his thread. I guess I've made my point enough times.

re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Sevich »

Jeff L wrote
I strongly urge you to dispense with the derogatory remarks and take Georg seriously
you would do well to start preparing for a toenail fiesta........................
Grow up and get serious, and stop wasting my time with sophomoric "humor"!
a little flip-flop
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Re: re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Oxygon »

coylo wrote:I don't know what to make of Oxygon. One minute he's making a "Georg sounds like Yoda" joke, the next minute he's telling us to "chill", now he takes exception to me simply correcting Michael on a man's name. It all seems a bit Flip-Flop...

Me and John Kerry...

In the end I guess it comes down to timing and degree of satire...

Georg, I apoligize if my prodding commentary has ever offended you beyond its intent, which is just a frendly intentioned jab...

Coylo, My response to you was rushed and the short content was due to your posts dry nature... It seemed out of place with a certain degree of abject humor... and obviously I wasnt the only one who found it an odd off-color comment...

I didn't even think that much about it...

Your OK Georg.
"A man with a new idea is a crank until he succeeds."~ M. Twain.
Georg Künstler
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Georg Künstler »

nevertheless, I continue my way

When I am sitting in front of the parts of my wheel, which "official" can
not run because "experts" told me that that is impossible, I can see some
parameters of the wheel which may be helpful for other developers. I first
like to remember that also the "experts" told us that we never are able to

As most of you know I am developing this self-running wheel as a backward
development of the 'Blue drum'. I will now look backwards and compare my
developed wheel with Besslers drawing from 1712. On this drawing you can
see 3 times energy output and one is invisible.

1. Lifting the "Stampen" because this is an oscillating force we must say
energy +-.
2. Swinging the hit pendulum in the middle of the drawing. This is also an
oscillation force so we must say energy +-. I am saying hit pendulum
because the pendulum in the middle of the picture is not fixed. Have a
closer look to that.
3. Lifting the weight with the rope, this is a steady force so energy +.
4. Of course friction which you will have in all running systems, energy +.
5. I will leave to Jonathan and another drawing with the Archimedes screw.
In that point we are discussing if the output is oscillating or not. My
opinion is that the output is oscillating, swapping.

I think we can agree that we had 2 kinds of energy output. Some steady
(rope + friction) some oscillating ("Stampen" + Pendulum).

But now a sentence I had read in Besslers book. The wheel is also running
without external load. This means, it is also running without the external
hit pendulum. So when the wheel is running without this external loads, why
had Bessler put this in the middle of the drawing? There is only one
reason, he liked to show us something with this. He showed us things he
must not show, why? Because he liked to show us a specific function (that
is my opinion, others can disagree if they like). And with this specific
function we are able to solve his riddle. It is a saw shape function.
Slowly up, fast down. Now, we have the function, which take place in the
wheel, because the wheel is running with a hit (impact) on the down going
side. Described by eyewitness. Have a look to the saw teeth shape.

And additional parameter we can get from the 'RUPFERER'. In German we
haven't this expression anymore because this was a word creation of Bessler
to describe his invention as best. I like to give you an expression, which
is helpful for you. In German we had the expression 'ein Huenchen rupfen'.
This translated to English is, to pluck feathers from a chicken. So
'RUPFERER' doesn't mean 'PLUCKER'. It is more like a pull out/up. A pull
upwards, in a very short of time.

I think I must not say that all this functions are included in the wheel
I offered to the group on 7.August.

Some more parameters can be obtained when reading the clues of Bessler
carefully, it is now easy to say when you will have a comparable function

The future has begun

sawshape for left and right rotating
sawshape for left and right rotating
image001.gif (2.41 KiB) Viewed 14052 times
Georg Künstler
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Georg Künstler »

From the last mail we know that we need a saw shape function. Now we like
to create such a function in the wheel. This can be accomplished with a
falling stick. From Bessler we know, that the weights are acting in pairs,
so we put a weight on each end of the stick. We are positioning the stick
with weights in the wheel. Now the stick will be able to fall either to the
left or to the right, causing an impact on the outer wheel. The impact is a
function of the weight and the fall height. To get a maximum of impact the
stick should not be to long, and not be to short. With the length of the
stick we can choose the impact point. See picture 1.

Now to argument with "Experts" view, that is a one shot, and you can not
repeat this fall. But what will happen when we use 2 sticks, 3 sticks or 4
sticks, arranged crossing? Then you will get a tumbling free forward
falling wheel. This will full fill weights act in pairs, well balanced, and
hitting on the down going side. See picture 2.

Now we take into account that the weights have cylindrical shape, pierced
in the middle. We can also put turn able cylinders as weights on the
tumbling free forward falling wheel. It will now full fill more of the

If the outer wheel is turned, you will receive a periodical impact, because
the internal mechanism is tumbling forward. The periodical impact is a
function of weight and diameter of the outer wheel.. The outer wheel limits
the fall height. As bigger the diameter of the outer wheel, as bigger will
be the impact. Energy output is increasing with the diameter. In addition
we get 8 noises per revolution.

Still we haven't the self-running wheel. Some parameters we haven't used,
that springs are used, "rupfen" , and system gains energy from its own
swinging. Where can the springs be placed? We can place the springs at many
points in the wheel, but always we get a slowdown until the wheel comes to
a stop.

How can we use "rupfen" in our wheel? It is a pull up, and not a push!!
We are connecting a spring and an additional weight to our cylinder. When
now the cylinder falls against the wheel inside, the additional weight is
not stopped, it can swing, and load the spring. Normally the centre of
mass is travelling on an exact circle, now, the circle is not round
On the impact side is a more of energy. After the spring has been loaded,
it pulls up the weight. See picture 3.

Now we have a system where the symmetry is broken. Forces, left and right
are not equal anymore.
You do something only on one side of the wheel. Impact + lifting of
weights on one side.

Like a parasite, the additional weight makes one side heavier by swinging.
The swinging is started through the impact on the falling side. When we do
this construction, we get an uncontrolled swinging, but we like to have a
controlled swinging. That's I named parasitic oscillation, not parametric

To control the swinging, we are segmenting our cylinder in 3 parts, 105
degrees each and connecting the parts with springs. Now we have a
controlled swinging, blocking 1 segment during the impact, and pull up the

To calculate the spring strength we must know 3 parameters: 1 the falling
height, 2 the weight of one segment, and 3 the gap between the segments.

Given the segments at 105 degrees we can calculate the 3 gaps with 360
degrees - 3*105 degrees to 45 degrees. So each gap has 15 degrees.

Given the diameter of the segmented cylinder we can calculate the spring
length(S) with
Diameter * Phi /360 * 15.

Catching one falling segment with the spring we must set m*g*h = D*S*S/2
Whereby m is the mass of a segment, h is the fall height, g=9,81..
D is the spring constant and S is the spring length.
So D can be calculated with 2*m*g*h/(S*S)

With this construction, the wheel will accelerate very fast to one turn per

the future has begun

image001.gif (3.32 KiB) Viewed 13863 times
more than one stick
more than one stick
image001.gif (3.48 KiB) Viewed 13560 times
falling stick with springs
falling stick with springs
image001.gif (3.43 KiB) Viewed 13605 times
falling stick
falling stick
image001.gif (3.29 KiB) Viewed 13661 times
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by trevie »

Going back to the first page, I notice Georg was showing an idea for converting forward motion energy into height so I found some maths behind it for a pole vaulter. Simplest approach to ‘how high’ is to carry out an energy balance -Kinetic energy = potential energy(from running) (into height)1/2m v2= m g x x = (1/2v2) / gHence need to know how fast a pole vaulter runs. Assuming you can cover 100m in 10 seconds gives v = 10m/s.This predicts a height increase of 5.1 m –but your centre of mass is already about 1 m above the ground so the total height predicted is about 6.1 m (and the current men’s world record is 6.14 m).
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by trevie »

I believe it may be easier to invent the time machine, go back to 1712, take a look at Besslers wheel from the inside, make a mental note and return to the present day and re-invent the wheel.

the future is in the past.
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Re: re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Fletcher »

trevie wrote:I believe it may be easier to invent the time machine, go back to 1712, take a look at Besslers wheel from the inside, make a mental note and return to the present day and re-invent the wheel.

the future is in the past.
lol, that's what Professor Evert did. Go read his page on his team of Remote Viewers who journeyed back to Bessler world & who did just that !
Georg Künstler
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Trevie,
you havn't an email adress, sent me an email and you will get more informations. We had had a look to the past, and fetched the knowlege already to our time. So a time machine isn't necessary to solve the riddle.
Fletcher is right when he is telling that Prof. Evert made this remote viewing and got the information.

the future has begun

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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by epistemologicide »

tired of all the stagnation. front man it is.

i will return from melb on wednesday with the grants and equipment to build ALL, showing the copy right of georgs awareness.

front man it is, i am honered and will post every thing upon georgs approval to the board.
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Re: re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by trevie »

Georg Künstler wrote:Hi Trevie,
you havn't an email adress, sent me an email and you will get more informations. We had had a look to the past, and fetched the knowlege already to our time. So a time machine isn't necessary to solve the riddle.
Fletcher is right when he is telling that Prof. Evert made this remote viewing and got the information.

the future has begun

I have included www link which will give you my email addy.
Georg Künstler
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Georg Künstler »

and for the 'experts' on the board more of the not buildt wheel.

Pictures are showing segmented cylinders, details of one segmented cylinder with springs, and... my not buildt wheel.

VB's are knowing why I coosed exactly this way for demonstration, they have learned a lot, I think, what will happen if information is passed to the wrong 'experts'. Thanks to the 'experts' of the board.

the future has begun

rupferer 006.jpg
rupferer 005.jpg
rupferer 004.jpg
rupferer 003.jpg
rupferer 002.jpg
rupferer 001.jpg
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by trevie »

Looks very interesting, but what does it do..?

Re: re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by coylo »

trevie wrote:Looks very interesting, but what does it do..?

re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Sevich »

sick of

i'm out of here!
Last edited by Sevich on Mon Mar 28, 2005 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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