Gravity Perpetual Machine TV Show

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re: Gravity Perpetual Machine TV Show

Post by Furcurequs »

Satellite measurements of daily (light line) and monthly average (dark line) total solar irradiance since 1979 have not detected a clear long-term trend. (NASA graph by Robert Simmon, based on data from the ACRIM Science Team.)
Satellite measurements show warming in the troposphere (lower atmosphere, green line) but cooling in the stratosphere (upper atmosphere, red line). This vertical pattern is consistent with global warming due to increasing greenhouse gases, but inconsistent with warming from natural causes. (Graph by Robert Simmon, based on data from Remote Sensing Systems, sponsored by the NOAA Climate and Global Change Program.)
Changes in the brightness of the Sun can influence the climate from decade to decade, but an increase in solar output falls short as an explanation for recent warming. NASA satellites have been measuring the Sun’s output since 1978. The total energy the Sun radiates varies over an 11-year cycle. During solar maxima, solar energy is approximately 0.1 percent higher on average than it is during solar minima.

Each cycle exhibits subtle differences in intensity and duration. As of early 2010, the solar brightness since 2005 has been slightly lower, not higher, than it was during the previous 11-year minimum in solar activity, which occurred in the late 1990s. This implies that the Sun’s impact between 2005 and 2010 might have been to slightly decrease the warming that greenhouse emissions alone would have caused. ... /page4.php

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Post by jim_mich »

Actual temperature records going back 150 years show a cycle of 30 years of cooling followed by 30 years of warming. We have just ended 30 years of warming, which is the data used by people pushing the global warming concept. Assuming the pattern continues, we are now entering 30 years of cooling. Recent data shows slight cooling since 2002. There is no long term correlation between carbon emissions and global temperature rise.

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Post by eccentrically1 »

I agree with nasa and the scientists that observe and track the climate changes every day.
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re: Gravity Perpetual Machine TV Show

Post by justsomeone »

But there is a long term correlation between man made global warming alarmest and funding.
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

jim_mich wrote:I just chucked another wood log into my furnace. I heat with about 95% wood.

Hi Jim, and 5% nails lol.
I have to agree with you mostly here, with the exception of smog!

regards Trevor
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Post by preoccupied »

jim_mich wrote:Actual temperature records going back 150 years show a cycle of 30 years of cooling followed by 30 years of warming. We have just ended 30 years of warming, which is the data used by people pushing the global warming concept. Assuming the pattern continues, we are now entering 30 years of cooling. Recent data shows slight cooling since 2002. There is no long term correlation between carbon emissions and global temperature rise.

LOL; You and people who think like you, the global warming scientists, and all available public knowledge fails to take into account actual applied science towards climate change. There are two factors, not radiation heat such as from the sun but instead thermal conductivity and heat shields. The reason heat and cold are at extremes is because of thermal conductivity and +/- variable heat shields, such as clouds. Basically, matter underground and underwater have a strong heat shield and effect temperatures in our ecosystem very little. But because of human activity more gases or chemicals from underground are air born, increasing the total heat storage capacity, making it less likely to get cooler in the summer once it is already hot, and less likely to get warmer during the winder once it is already cold, creating higher than average colder winters and warmer summers. The ice caps will melt and we will all suffocate to death, but not necessarily due to carbon dioxide but all extra matter above the surface of the earth and in the air. I recommend using refrigeration units on the ice to maintain a healthy water cycle so that we are not forced to evaporate oxygen from the oceans.

Now let me render your gravity energy speculations utterly pointless by releasing a design for a gravity wheel that will actually work in the near future. Sweet...
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re: Gravity Perpetual Machine TV Show

Post by jim_mich »

preoccupied wrote:LOL; You and people who think like you, the global warming scientists, and all available public knowledge fails to take into account actual applied science towards climate change. There are two factors, not radiation heat such as from the sun but instead thermal conductivity and heat shields. The reason heat and cold are at extremes is because of thermal conductivity and +/- variable heat shields, such as clouds. Basically, matter underground and underwater have a strong heat shield and effect temperatures in our ecosystem very little. But because of human activity more gases or chemicals from underground are air born, increasing the total heat storage capacity, making it less likely to get cooler in the summer once it is already hot, and less likely to get warmer during the winder once it is already cold, creating higher than average colder winters and warmer summers. The ice caps will melt and we will all suffocate to death, but not necessarily due to carbon dioxide but all extra matter above the surface of the earth and in the air. I recommend using refrigeration units on the ice to maintain a healthy water cycle so that we are not forced to evaporate oxygen from the oceans.

Now let me render your gravity energy speculations utterly pointless by releasing a design for a gravity wheel that will actually work in the near future. Sweet...
Do you realize how really ignorant and stupid your above statements are on many different levels?

You are basically saying everyone is wrong except you. Then you babel about heat and cold being at extremes. Mother Earth keeps heat and cold within a very narrow range. If temperatures were at extremes, we would all freeze of fry.

You babel about putting refrigeration units on ice caps to keep them from melting? You are totally loony!

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f nepure
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re: Gravity Perpetual Machine TV Show

Post by f nepure »

I don't want to interrupt a good argument...

But has anyone ever wondered how the earth's weather systems convert the sun's energy into work? - moving thousands of tons of water up in the air and halfway around the globe, powerful pressure differences we can tap into with wind turbines & wave machines, etc... i find that quite awesome.

The bit the puzzles me is apart from some radiation the earth is insulated by the vacuum of space, so i often wonder how weather systems generate energy from a single heat source.

TV show idea is interesting but once a production company gets hold of it they will eliminate any in-depth science and focus on the drama of people arguing with each other!!
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Post by jim_mich »

f nepure wrote:The bit the puzzles me is apart from some radiation the earth is insulated by the vacuum of space, so i often wonder how weather systems generate energy from a single heat source.
The Earth is like a heat engine. The sun radiates warmth to one side and the Earth radiates warmth out into empty space cooling the other side. As the air and moisture get heated they become lighter and as they are cooled they become heavier. The heavier moist air falls pushing the lighter warmer air upward where it cools and falls again. Then add in the Coriolis force. So you get wind, rain, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. all caused by heating and cooling as the Earth rotates.

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re: Gravity Perpetual Machine TV Show

Post by rasselasss »

I read somewhere,if we did'nt have global man made warming ,we'd return to the ice age...i think theres a happy medium for earth between the both arguments....not my area of knowledge ,just a thought.
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re: Gravity Perpetual Machine TV Show

Post by Andyb »

The sea is filling with mercury our ozone is in a bad way weather systems are changing all over the world,but its not human made ,please think again.
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Re: re: Gravity Perpetual Machine TV Show

Post by preoccupied »

jim_mich wrote:
preoccupied wrote:LOL; You and people who think like you, the global warming scientists, and all available public knowledge fails to take into account actual applied science towards climate change. There are two factors, not radiation heat such as from the sun but instead thermal conductivity and heat shields. The reason heat and cold are at extremes is because of thermal conductivity and +/- variable heat shields, such as clouds. Basically, matter underground and underwater have a strong heat shield and effect temperatures in our ecosystem very little. But because of human activity more gases or chemicals from underground are air born, increasing the total heat storage capacity, making it less likely to get cooler in the summer once it is already hot, and less likely to get warmer during the winder once it is already cold, creating higher than average colder winters and warmer summers. The ice caps will melt and we will all suffocate to death, but not necessarily due to carbon dioxide but all extra matter above the surface of the earth and in the air. I recommend using refrigeration units on the ice to maintain a healthy water cycle so that we are not forced to evaporate oxygen from the oceans.

Now let me render your gravity energy speculations utterly pointless by releasing a design for a gravity wheel that will actually work in the near future. Sweet...
Do you realize how really ignorant and stupid your above statements are on many different levels?

You are basically saying everyone is wrong except you. Then you babel about heat and cold being at extremes. Mother Earth keeps heat and cold within a very narrow range. If temperatures were at extremes, we would all freeze of fry.

You babel about putting refrigeration units on ice caps to keep them from melting? You are totally loony!


I believe what you said that temperature is managed by Planet Earth to a narrow range, but that means it requires a tremendous amount of energy to change the temperature around the entire globe. That required amount of energy to change the globes temperature becomes less the more matter that is in the air, because the energy the sun gives is being stored in the air. If there is an issue with a warmer summers and cooler winters, we should acknowledge that we do influence it with human activity and we shouldn’t have to wait to know that‘s right.

Sorry if what I said doesn’t seem plausible.
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re: Gravity Perpetual Machine TV Show

Post by Clarkie »

The arrogance of man, I agree with Jim. Pete.
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re: Gravity Perpetual Machine TV Show

Post by murilo »

this is a really complex question and up to now we couldn't make straight measures of what is and will be going on environmental issues!
For the other side there are 'groups' that will avoid by all means any possible cut in their business!
FTOS 2, there are those naturalists and tender borers that will try to disturb to every one and get visibility...
FTOS 3, here we are, serious guys, trying to do some stuff for real... well, at least some of us.
Some thing must be done!!!
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cloud camper
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re: Gravity Perpetual Machine TV Show

Post by cloud camper »

Latest Met Office report quietly released with no press announcement admits Global Warming stopped in 1997, making the 16 yr plateau period about equal to the previous 16 yr warming cycle.

Phil Jones of Climatic Research Unit East Anglia UK who fabricated "hockey stick" CO2 analysis from manipulated data now says he and his colleagues really do not understand the impact of ‘natural variability’ – factors such as long-term ocean temperature cycles and changes in the output of the sun. However, he said he was still convinced that the current decade would end up significantly warmer than the previous two. ... ve-it.html
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