A Workable Perpetual Heron's Fountain Design

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A Workable Perpetual Heron's Fountain Design

Post by bobriddle »

Reposted from overunity.com
This idea is something that could work by applying what Heron realized 2,000 years ago. It is possible people have been to busy watching the fountain to consider the engineering of why the pressure in the vessels increase. simply put, the inlet static head has more mass/volume than the discharge tube.

Have realized what it might take to make Heron's Fountain perpetual based on the modification I realized.
But since others have claimed this is their idea, I will not make known the last detail necessary to understand
what it would take to allow it to work perpetually.
The reason for my decision is that people have asked for charity when they do not believe in it themselves.
By this I mean donating the patent rights to charity. I think it is something that would be cool but am preparing
to start work on Bessler's wheel and that is plenty for one person to do.

workable perpetual Heron's Fountain.jpg
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re: A Workable Perpetual Heron's Fountain Design

Post by bobriddle »

This link is to a video that explains how a Heron's fountain works and can be built.
If you notice, the mass/volume of water in the inlet tube is more (PiR^2H) because it is taller.
The way something like this could work perpetually is by having the water
being supplied by the inlet tube to over flow a barrier into the discharge side.
By having the same surface area around the inlet tube as the discharge tube, the internal air pressure would effect both equally. This would mean that the pressure heads should react depending on their own mass/volume relative to the other pressure head. Since a shorter smaller diameter tube can hold more water than a tall, smaller diameter tube, the shorter tube would have a greater mass and could possibly pump the water perpetually just as a normal Heron's Fountain does.
This means that only one divided chamber would be needed. Am kind of surprised that over the last 2,000 years that no one has thought of this.
But as I mentioned, if someone other than AB Hammer does this, the patent rights go to charity. It is supposed to be the season of giving and if somehting likes this works, I am sure it could raise some money for some of those who would need a helping hand.



edited to add pirate88719 and tinselkoal to the list. Do believe tinselkoala is ab hammer.
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re: A Workable Perpetual Heron's Fountain Design

Post by bobriddle »

I retain all rights that I can legally posses as to any invention which I can recieve credit for. This includes Design Patents and any patent I am entitled to if any for my work on Bessler's Wheel.

James A. Lindgaard (to be accepted as my electrinic signature for legal purposes)

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Post by jim_mich »

So, the person going by the handle of "bobriddle" legally admits to being one and the same "James A. Lindgaard". This is legal admission to the breaking of the Terms of Use of this forum:
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Please go immediately to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. You hung yourself with your own words.

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re: A Workable Perpetual Heron's Fountain Design

Post by daxwc »

But as I mentioned, if someone other than AB Hammer does this, the patent rights go to charity. It is supposed to be the season of giving and if somehting likes this works, I am sure it could raise some money for some of those who would need a helping hand.

edited to add pirate88719 and tinselkoal to the list. Do believe tinselkoala is ab hammer.
You are giving your patent rights to AB Hammer, otherwise they go to charity. Well, that is downright neighborly of you.
What goes around, comes around.
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