Dear jacob alex,
'short/long' arms are equivalent to 'mobile fulcrum along the seesaw rod'.
You have just to keep the weights equal, and install the fulcrum on a pin rotating around an axle.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
Sounds good Iacob - just design so anything going down counterbalanced by something going up. Vertical com of the overall system must never change. Overbalancing without commutation gives you a balanced wheel or keeling followed by balance.
We can think of this like a battery. As long as the poles (+,-) are separated, we have PE. Shorting our poles together is like our wheel keeling followed by balance.
Commutating our wheel is just like keeping our battery poles separated (binary system).
Keep in mind when we have binary separation, we are dealing with four separate PE fields; vertical lift, vertical descent, rotational lift, rotational descent. All we do is build inertia in one field then trap it in another with a "quick jump".
You said: "...short/long arms are equivalent to mobile fulcrum along the see-saw rod."
I say:
-we have two fixed bearings(one for the lever,one for the variable arm)
-we can play Milkovic's arrangement ,if we replace his swinging pendulum,with a rotating variable counterweighted pendulum ("leveraged" pendulum ).
So ,we can play as "swinging sticks" or as a "modified" Milkovic...
This is great Iacob, I’m glad you’re still thinking about commutation and variable leverage. If we watch enough WOD clips we can figure this out!
OK so looking at MT138, we can get a big hint. We need to keep something big parallel to something else. He shows if we do that we can get four power impulses for every turn of the wheel. How can we organize the weight paths so that we can bypass the law of levers and at the same time never change the vertical com of the system?
What simple systems can we use from side to side that will provide us with different torque values at the hub? How can we use variable leverage to build inertia in the descent system and then trap it before the system keels?
How can we transfer the weights from the lifting mechanism to the descent mechanism smoothly so a weight is always attached to one side or the other but never both at once?
Why is a binary system necessary? What does having a binary system actually mean for us?
Why does commutation of the weights result in a binary system?
What simple mechanisms might a clockmaker use to commutate and latch the weights to the short and long arms?
Do you think the prime movers operated around the axle were they would have the least affect on the balance of the wheel and the reason the wheels were so big is because the shifter weights had to be as far away from them to have the most affect.