Drawings by preoccupied

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Drawings by preoccupied

Post by preoccupied »

I now have a drafting table. See technical drawing topic in Community Buzz.

Here is a rough draft on a new thought by me. If my imagination is lucky then it will turn and lift the four opposing forces with the falling weight on the far right.

The weight is held by an arm. The arm adjusts to the position of the weight but has a minimum where the wheel then pulls on the arm. At the top a spring immediately pushes the weight along a shelf and then the wheel pushes the weight until it releases onto the wheel.
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by Bill_Mothershead »

...falling weight...
...weight held...
...arm adjust...
...wheel pulls...
...spring pushes...
...wheel pushes...

Reads like a lot of action verbs,
but diagram shows only unmoving lines.

I don't understand.
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by preoccupied »

I noticed my colors didn't show in my reduced image. Rough draft 2 and 3 that I share now are easier to see.

In my imagination, this is a pretty cool gravity wheel. I imagine that the weight which is being pushed on the shelf (on the right) actually flings off and hits the side of the wheel after the end of the shelf.
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by preoccupied »

A thought I had about the word AVALANCHE caused this idea. I noticed Murilo’s mechanism doesn’t move and has no reason to be called AVALANCHE. My thought for my AVALANCHE mechanism avalanches over and over again like a snowballing effect.

One side has five in one spot and the other has five in a row, in the pictures. The five in one spot opens the movement and it has more weight until the five in a row gather at which point it is balanced. The force busts through the balanced points for each set of five weights added. I think the collected force from many of these AVALANCHE effects reloads the same amount of weights as dropped. For example, same lifted and dropped but lifted 10 or so faster. One thousand dropped and lifted would be a 1% ratio that is 1000/1010 = 99%, 1010/1000 = 1%. One hundred dropped and lifted would be 10% difference 100/110 = 90%, 110/100 = 10%. My imagination views larger amounts of avalanche effects as more likely to become Over Unity.
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by AB Hammer »


From what I am looking at. There seems to be some things missing. What is controlling the springs to make the weights do as drawn? Also if they are riding the springs arms, what about the weight being mostly distributed to the spring?
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Re: re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by murilo »

preoccupied wrote:A thought I had about the word AVALANCHE caused this idea. I noticed Murilo’s mechanism doesn’t move and has no reason to be called AVALANCHE. My thought for my AVALANCHE mechanism avalanches over and over again like a snowballing effect.

One side has five in one spot and the other has five in a row, in the pictures. The five in one spot opens the movement and it has more weight until the five in a row gather at which point it is balanced. The force busts through the balanced points for each set of five weights added. I think the collected force from many of these AVALANCHE effects reloads the same amount of weights as dropped. For example, same lifted and dropped but lifted 10 or so faster. One thousand dropped and lifted would be a 1% ratio that is 1000/1010 = 99%, 1010/1000 = 1%. One hundred dropped and lifted would be 10% difference 100/110 = 90%, 110/100 = 10%. My imagination views larger amounts of avalanche effects as more likely to become Over Unity.
I'm very happy since one more intelligence understood to the core of my avalanchedrive.
This makes me really happy and details are not needed.
BTW, I'm still working on it.
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by preoccupied »

The weight on top is pushed slightly to the right by a spring so that it can be pushed along a shelf by the wheel. At the end of the shelf the weight begins to pull on the wheel but it also continues moving in its direction and slams against the side of the wheel, giving it the furthest possible position.

AB_Hammer, the spring is only pushed by the adjustable arm on the left and the spring pushes back to move the weight on the shelf on the top.
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by preoccupied »

An animation of the drawing is now available by me.

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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by triplock »

Old school stop frame animation. Love it. Well Done Preoccupied.

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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by preoccupied »

I have all of the clues listed by Bessler from the clues section of this website.


"The wheel is set in motion by weights."
"Weights acted in pairs."

On the drawing the two weights move the wheel because they have leverage far from the axle. The first weight is already on the edge of the wheel and the second weight starts pulling on the wheel half way across because the shelf ends.

"Weights gained force from their own swinging"
"Weights applied force at right angles to the axis."
"Springs were employed, but not as detractors suggest."

I think the drawing causes the weights to gain force from their own swinging because after the weight leaves the shelf it moves further away from the axle as it pulls on the wheel. I think right angles from the axle is the furthest possible position on the wheel when the lever is straight. This drawing uses a spring to move the weight onto the shelf when it is at the top.

Any questions or comments?
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by preoccupied »

This animation shows a two stage mechanical oscillator being restarted by a fly wheel. The two stage mechanical oscillator seems to be powerful enough to be Over Unity.

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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by preoccupied »

Will the leverage gained from the weight swinging outwards produce enough force to swing the weight outwards? I look at the drawing and I wonder if I need a spring board at the shelf to get the weight to swing out like that.
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi Preoccupied,

I like your frame animation! However it shows the flaw in the design, wherein there are more weights lifting than falling, and are mainly in the bottom section of the wheel which is not good.

I wish you luck with your ongoing works, you are a bright person so I think you will have many Ideas!

With much respect! Regards Trevor
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by Tarsier79 »

wherein there are more weights lifting than falling
That is not the flaw in this design, it is the flaw in all overbalanced designs. In a 360 degree cycle, the same amount of weight must fall, and be lifted back into place, otherwise there is no cycle. The smaller number of weights falling theoretically will have an increased leverage to make up for their lack in numbers. But for gravity to push a wheel around, PE must be lost. If it was just a matter of counting weights, then most models would spin nicely in reverse...

An additional problem now is how much energy it cost to compress the spring on the RHS of the device, which is the side that is supposed to provide the extra leverage. Are you extracting this spring energy efficiently?
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi Kaine,

Not all! Most yes!

Regards Trevor
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