Tommy K

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re: Tommy K

Post by TommyK »


I must disagree with you. A patent is to protect design against anyone duplicating it and selling it in mass.
Of course anyone can look at a patent and reproduce the device for their own use but would not be allowed to sell it in mass.
As far as energy companies and the such I have no fear. Several companies are currently investing BILLIONS of dollars with a (B) to find new energy sources. BP is investing 15 billion just to give you an idea.
If they want to surpress it then I'm willing to accept 5 Billion. LOL
A world patent I would not be interested in but it is obtainable to apply in each and all of the countries that provide patent protection.


I only stated that so that you don't waste your time, not to stall anyone.
Even though I said that, if one cell in your brain says that it might work then replicate it.
Georg Künstler
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re: Tommy K

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Tommy,
they don't give you 5 billions, be sure. They look at your patent and substitute the princible to a centrifugal/centripedal device. I have already talked to patent lawers, they said, no change for China...
When the princible is clear, you will be able to buildt nearly any machine with this new concept. So it is not only your device existing !!
They can't offer everyone who understands the princible 5 billions.
You can try to do the patent way, but my opinions is, that your patent fails to national interrests. If not, i will patent my devices too, I have time to wait.

Only one assumtion. When you live in xxxx, and are the patent owner, your device-type is able to pro produce all energy what is necessary, all income will come to xxxx. Do you think, that a state, pays 20 percent of it's income to a person in an other state ? Patent laws will be set out of order for every national interrest. Only my opinion.

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re: Tommy K

Post by TommyK »


You may be able to build any machine when the principle is known, but all will be rather heavy.
I cannot understand why you ask when will I publish, yet you have not published your stated devices.
After learning the principle I was able to create the effect in different manners and this is the reason I mentioned several patents.
There will be no way for them to read the patent and change the function.
I'm sure I have all bases covered.
Georg Künstler
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re: Tommy K

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Tommy,

I think you missunderstand me, i must not see your devices, you also must not show until you are ready to do so, it is your free decision. I have the princible also. But I also know, that you can't cover the bases.
The princible can be used not only in the Besslerwheel, you know it. You can extend it to centrifugal/cetripedal cold/warm etc.... it is a GENERAL princible.
It is like Schauberger said 1/1=N. So if you are clever, then patent the most powerfull way. The machines must not be heavy as you said. Only Besslerdevices are heavy, because this was a technic from 1700. They even can be buildt as an electronic device, with exact the same princible. If you don't agree, than you have only a part of the solution, the mechanic part. Study Clem's engine, Don Martin's machine, study Schaubergers repulsine and you will see that Besslerwheel is an old technic. Others are more powerfull with less weight.

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re: Tommy K

Post by TommyK »

Hi again Georg,

The devices you speak of, Clems engine, Martins machine are not proven.

Martin's machine requires an electric motor and all tests point to non- overunity. Even my own personal test. Clems engine no one ever saw it work. I believe it was based on an idea with an oil pump or such.

On the other hand the G-POM gravity powered overunity machine does not require input power other then that which gravity gives, which will in turn power Martin's machine.

I've never heard of Schauberger so I will not comment on him/her.

re: Tommy K

Post by grimme »

If patents were so great, there'd only be Ford V-8's or Chevy V-8's, and not both.

How is this so? Just enough change not to infinge, such as #1 cylinder on the opposite side as the competitor's, distributor driven off the back of the cam instead of the front.

A big company will build a version, and when you sue for damages they will not only send a team of salaried corporate attorneys for you to face, but will most likely dig up enough prior arts that belong to them to sue YOU for infringement.

Go thru the back issues of Forbes magazine, there's a huge article on the PTO and the history of a small innovative COMPANY (not individual) who sued for infringement , and ended up paying the big corporation at the end of a countersuit.

A patent is a right to LITIGATE. You still have to prove your case.

And as you said, Georg, a technology-hungry nation , "Bufu" in this example, has court systems that don't CARE who you are or what US/UK
or whatever paper you have. So you take your money, go to "Bufu", present a losing case, and be lucky if you don't become a permanent resident.

You might be better off to public-domain all this, and pull the rug out from under the business world. If everyone knows, your personal safety is assured, and companies will come to YOU just to see what ELSE you can figure out.


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re: Tommy K

Post by TommyK »

I have already made patent on two inventions and if it were the case that you claim then I would never have been able to sell them as I did.
One to Black and Decker Corp. and the other to Weller Corp.
I will not disclose info on any of the patents as they still remain in my name and would disclose sensitive public information about me.
I also have a third that was recently penned as design and is currently in review with a major toy manufacturer. Now if what you said were true then all of these companies could have simple taken my idea and used flat head screws instead of hex or the color blue instead of orange without infringement but they didn't because of patent protection.
In the case of the G-POM enough trusted people in my circle are well aware of the device and the length of time it has been in making as well as bound notebooks with drawings with every single drawing notarized by a patent attorney.

re: Tommy K

Post by ibgrimme »

Personal experience. A LARGE maker of fans, etc., and their "disclosure" non-disclosure agreements. And a company that wanted me to bring a device to Shanghai, "all expenses paid", while they planted a trojan in one of their e-mails.

You're right, I don't know of what speak, business or otherwise. Good luck to you.


re: Tommy K

Post by ebolamonkeyman »

I will not disclose info on any of the patents as they still remain in my name and would disclose sensitive public information about me.
Tommyk is a close friend of mine and I can vouch for him. In fact he's almost telling the truth. Here's a photo of us together after a night of good partying. ... riend.html

re: Tommy K

Post by Tommyk. »

You can laugh now,
but I'll be laughing all the way to fame & fortune someday....maybe.......sniff.
Johann Bessler Japan

re: Tommy K

Post by Johann Bessler Japan »


jealousy is rear it's head hold you head high as you have something that everyone wants. dont let any people tell you any thing that you know because it is waste of time.
you can easily sell you idea to many companies because this is solution to a long sought idea of 300 year. every body wants you to tell them so they can be rich famous with it. if you really has this solution i think you do then you are to be so famous. even if you not sell to make products you have prove its science wrong and maybe all mechaniucs and you still famous for movie and books
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re: Tommy K

Post by TommyK »

LOL Thanks

I am aware that there are people who are disappointed, because they have spent many hours, days, etc. on this project. What can I say?
I know that they will say negative things and try to scare me with a conspiracy theory or patent refusals but all is well, I have the bases covered. And why the negative reactions? Why the hurry for me to tell everyone. It's been 290+ years, will a month or two longer matter when I have promised the answer?
I am not a scientist or a major of mechanics but I took Count Karl's statement and made it work for me. It really is simple. Maybe why Bessler did not want to disclose it without the 100,00 thalers, because it really is so simple that people will not think it's worth the money. How many times have you said, why didn'tI think of that? If at the least, I will sell the knowledge to the highest bidder and let them deal with it. And as Bessler stated. If it does not work then you can have your money back and chop off my head. LOL. I think even the fact of proving the 290+ years of wrong physics may well be worth a Noble Prize. Anyone know what they go for on eBay these days?
Listen, I am not the run of the mill inventor. I have been at this kind of stuff for years. I can give you ideas to patent by the book full. For example. A smoke/carbon monoxide detector that plugs into a wall outlet and is the size of a nightlight and can detect if there is a short in your entire electric system. And this cost less then $1 to build per unit.

How about a solder iron that is self feeding? Like a glue gun. This is similar to an item I have licensed to Weller Corp.

The list goes on and on. So! Let's see the bottom feeder's rearing.

Ahh! Forgot to again mention. I do not want fame. No need for it. I'll take the fortune though.

And Jimmy,

You almost exploit the monkey as much as MJ.
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re: Tommy K

Post by sek »

Hi all, this post has been rather interesting. Once again it highlight's the need to be cautious of claims of gravity driven wheels etc.... by anybody. Call it any name you like. If there's no genuine offer of proof or promises of wait and see, there's usually no pudding. However, there appears to be proof that this board has become some people's own amusement parlour.

re: Tommy K

Post by SE AND TOMMY K »

speaking of amusement and tommy k are getting their mileage lately. The "K" brothers......are you siamese physically or is it just an episodic thing?
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re: Tommy K

Post by Jonathan »

Well this thread moves fast yet nothing of any consequence has occurred. TommyK, if you have you bases covered, tell us how it works. As I said, one day does matter. I see the Georg also thinks he has a working device, he has been hinting at such things forever, but never comes through, that is one reason why he drives me crazy.
So am I to take it that Newtonian mechanics is indeed wrong and you device can prove it? Then tell us, as the Nobel will be awarded to you and I think it comes with a million bucks.
As to my comment about maybe you lying, I was just saying, if I seriously start doubting you I must just go all the way and assume you are just sick and yanking our chains for fun.
Disclaimer: I reserve the right not to know what I'm talking about and not to mention this possibility in my posts. This disclaimer also applies to sentences I claim are quotes from anybody, including me.
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