If you plan to solve and present PM (or whatever you believe it to be or want to call it) then you are going to need and want some credibility.tr.v. mort·gaged, mort·gag·ing, mort·gag·es
2. To make subject to a claim or risk; pledge against a doubtful outcome: mortgaged their political careers by taking an unpopular stand.
If you don't care about anything or anyone, then fine make claims... but don't be surprised when your credibility is eroded and you wish you had some.
On the other hand, if you want someone else to build your idea, or replicate it as a final stage, you will need credibility. If you want to present your findings to a journalist and want them to take the time to focus on you, that will need credibility (unless they are doing a story on crackpots of the century or something).
Everyone has their own ideas of what the solution is and it's tricky to get them to stop what they are doing and take a look at another idea. People like Ralph, who when his own ideas are exhausted will investigate other people's ideas and attempt to build them, still have limited time and resources, so you will need to convince him to take that risk. That takes credibility.
I had some other points I wanted to make, but now I don't know how to finish my thoughts on this without sounding like a broken record, and it's probably too late for that anyway. Hopefully others will be able to help better articulate the point.
Remember, it also affects you when others make claims, so everyone here should care about this. If you don't believe it matters, then just wait until YOU want to make a claim and see how people respond. I'm not saying to stop being excited or enthusiastic, stop giving status updates, or give up when failing... I'm saying not to MAKE CLAIMS until having PHYSICAL proof. Proof on paper or in your head or in a simulation is NOT proof. So keep working, don't give up and good luck!
Let me just finish with this thought.
Banks won't give you a mortgage without collateral. If you decide to make a claim of having the solution, think about what you are trying to get now and what you will be using for collateral...