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Trevor Lyn Whatford
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re: Credibility

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Not a Damn thing! I get tired of writing people that their design will not work, and sometimes look for a little empathy for me and the recipient
Hi Ralph, you know the answer to that, and it is up to you, it may be time to reduce your work load and look out for your self and your own designs, you can still advise people here, like I do if I think they can make improvements to there design, although that does not add to your credibility here as I have found out, but the people you help are always grateful! You would not have to send out them dear John letters, leave that to Kaine he is "respectfully" doing a good job with them here!

With respect, Trevor
I have been wrong before!
I have been right before!
Hindsight will tell us!
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re: Credibility

Post by justsomeone »

Ralph, Speaking of Arrache, when are you going to update your website? ( specifically the " what is Arrache " page. This is quite misleading as to WHO is Arrache.
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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re: Credibility

Post by rlortie »

Trever Lyn wrote;
Hi Ralph, you know the answer to that, and it is up to you, it may be time to reduce your work load and look out for your self and your own designs, you can still advise people here, like I do if I think they can make improvements to there design, although that does not add to your credibility
Trevor this is my thoughts exactly, without assistance and at my age and health, I am ready to call it quits. But this pursuit is what I believe has given reason to live for the last 13 years and will never die until the day I do.

I will still be here and continue on present commitments which kindled my present design. I am not worried about adding to my credibility, I believe if I do not have it by now, I never will.

Retiring from analyzing other peoples designs means I will have more time to spend here helping for more "fivers" once earned and due.

I prefer to keep a clean separation on what is called "Integrity" and that known as "reputation", emphasize on the first and the latter will surely follow!

@ Justsomeone.

The arrache. org web-link is slated for complete removal. It will also be removed from my profile and signature.

However with an ongoing view of optimism I am hanging on to my commercial dot com sight.

Jim_Mich, although you would never guess is considered (by me) to be a close friend and supporter, it is members like him who have given me the drive and incentive to push forward with a "I will show him" attitude, I will be damn if I am going to give him the opportunity to get in the last word!

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Re: re: Credibility

Post by smith66 »

Ed wrote:I believe you are missing the point. I am not proposing a rating system. I'm not really proposing anything, other than people think before they act and be more empathetic. They can even be more selfish if they choose, it can work both ways.

I would think making sure one's credibility was in order if one was thinking about making an announcement in the future would be common sense, but I guess not.

By the way, the mortgage stuff was my attempt at a metaphor, and not meant to start a literal discussion about mortgages.

I knew what you were talking about. I used a real example as a metaphor. You see, I'm quite satisfied with how I am going about my current project.
What I don't understand is if Dwayne was trying to emberass me, show how valuable his time is or both when I told him he could have my idea so he could discuss it in this forum.
I was wrong when I made him that offer. The only reason I did so because Kirk in more than one post referred to kindred spirits and the fact that Jim_Mich in a couple of posts made statements that were wrong and yet I had kindred friends of his to deal with as a result.
And like the house I did not buy because it would have put me in a position I did not care for, I figured since I like the idea I posted, it's principal of operation (why it works) would be understood by more people who actually find the engineering behind perpetual motion interesting.
I do apologize for having made such an obvious mistake.
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re: Credibility

Post by ovyyus »

Jim Lindgaard on credibility :D
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Post by smith66 »

If my basic idea works, I think that would be a better demonstration than anything anybody else has shown.

edited to add; attaching a pic for you :-)
My abdomen is starting to get , actually has been but now the infection seems to be getting worse.
As I have often heard is that people who put their health befor building are frauds, I'm going to hold off on what might be the easiest build ever until I see my doctor. I do need to let the incision in my abdomen heal before doing work that could put me at risk for possible complications from not listening to my doctor's restriction of basically no working allowed.

p.s. ab hammer has repeatedly called me a fraud because medical problems which lead to this surgery and possibly one more I might kept me from being able to do the build I would prefer to be doing.
Maybe one day he will post some work and set the example he holds others to.
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re: Credibility

Post by daanopperman »

Hi smith66 ,
I hope that is not your nanny crack .
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Post by smith66 »

Nah, it's not, it's my stomach.
Did have a small shop set up so I could work at learning a good build technique for having a wheel with circular(?) pumps.
I think I have the best approach figured out but will need to return to work before I can resume that build.
That's where I can do a little work on the basic idea that I posted.
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re: Credibility

Post by Ed »

I think what Bill is saying is we've already had a look at your seamy underbelly!
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Post by smith66 »

sorry about that but at least now you know what I've been trying to work thru.
You do realize though that Bessler basically worked alone and kept his secret'sm right ?
I think those are a couple of gooc reason's to work openly.
Still, what Ovyyus showed a picture of something like Mt's 24 & 60. Mt 60 has the threaded screws that Mt 24 mentions.
What has been missed though is that water or fluid would be pumped around the outside of the wheel as Mt 66 suggests.
This latter part would allow the water/fluid to be where it could develop the most torque.
Anyway, that is the basis/principle of the build I've been pursuing. And since I'm don't really have any experience as a wood worker, that means I've needed to take time to become familiar with it.

edited to correct a reference :-)
p.s., there is one woman that I know who I would not wish to disappoint, and that is if we were only the friends that we've been.
And that is where I might as well enjoy my hobby for what it is and not what it isn't.
Last edited by smith66 on Sun May 19, 2013 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Credibility

Post by justsomeone »

You crack me up Ed. Still laughing.
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Post by jim_mich »

Good one Ed.

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Post by smith66 »

Well Ed, you've helped to show what Kirk meant when he posted about kindred spirits.
What I think is an even better one is how ab hammer became credible by knowing nothing more than his armoring.
Of course, jim_mich is considered knowledgeable even though he doesn't know how mechanical brakes or gyro-scopes work. I actually find that impressive.

edited; @Jim_Mich,
I noticed this thread was started AFTER I started the thread, basic pm idea.
If I didn't know better, I'd say this thread was started for 2 reasons. The first is to determine who should be given posession of any idea that has actual merit and the other reason would be to redefine what credibility is so those that find something important while being critical of a solution or any such person who realizes one would still be able to claim a status they would be undeserving of.
After all, it does take some intelligence to recognize potential in others ;-)
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Post by jim_mich »

Smith66 wrote:Of course, jim_mich is considered knowledgeable even though he doesn't know how mechanical brakes or gyro-scopes work. I actually find that impressive.
Now you are insulting me. I know perfectly well how mechanical brakes work and how gyroscopes work. Where did I ever say anything to make you think I don't know such things. I did a search for gyroscope (I never hyphenate it as gyro-scope) and found six matches, which I wrote between 2005 and 2007. And it has been over a year since I used the word brake. Don't insult me, or I will get really pissed. And you definitely don't want me pissed at you. So back off.

And you bringing up AB hammer makes me think you are that sock-puppet, Jim Lindgaard, from the past.


Edited: Correct minor spelling error.
Last edited by jim_mich on Sun May 19, 2013 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Credibility

Post by justsomeone »

That is exactly who it is Jim.

Here we go again.

Let the whining begin.
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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