Gravity vs. Centrifugal Force

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re: Gravity vs. Centrifugal Force

Post by rlortie »

@rlortie, ewe and alan have always disliked me albeit for different reasons. besides, haven't seen any of your own work.
Well you done went and did it! Put your foot in your mouth when it was not called for! You are not the "Jim" that I was referring to. But now it is perfectly clear exactly who and what you are.

Don't blame me, You walked right into a blind shut door!

Last edited by rlortie on Sat May 25, 2013 12:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: re: Gravity vs. Centrifugal Force

Post by rlortie »

justsomeone wrote:Jim, are you going to start your whining again. Leave Ralph, Alan and anyone else you have issues with alone. Don't even speak their name in your posts.

What use is a rating system if those banned keep coming back? As soon as Scott notices a banned member returns, he should quickly ban the new puppet and erase there posts. I only say this because we have all seen bad behavior return again and again and with you Jim .......again!
I recently stated that i would give a sock-puppet the benefit of new chance every time he returns, but it obviously does no good. It is to bad there are more than one "Jim" posting in this thread!

I am not going to bother signing this!
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Post by jim_mich »


Justsomeone, for a few seconds there I thought you were talking to me. Then I realized you were speaking to the guy who has been kicked off this forum more often than anyone else ... smith66 aka to.late aka P-Motion aka john aka bobriddle aka real name Jim Lindgaard.

And I see Ralph just noticed who smith66 really is.

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re: Gravity vs. Centrifugal Force

Post by justsomeone »

Lol Jim from Michigan.

I actually like you. I have also witnessed you spending countless hours helping members over the years.

I don't always agree with you but I am beginning to think CF does play a big role in Bessler's wheel.
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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re: Gravity vs. Centrifugal Force

Post by rlortie »

Jim_mich wrote;

"And I see Ralph just noticed who smith66 really is."

Naw! I have known for some time, just trying to be Mr. nice guy and see how long it lasted before he blindsided himself. The man cannot go much over three weeks before bringing up Alan or I and how harmful we are to him.

I must give him credit, he tried real hard to stay straight this time, but all it took was for me to address you as "Jim" and he lost it!

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re: Gravity vs. Centrifugal Force

Post by rlortie »

Hey Jim_Mich,

I love your new avatar, it is the same picture that garnishes my back door welcome mat!

You want to be careful though, there is a wascully wabbit who will out-thwart you every chance he gets.
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Re: re: Gravity vs. Centrifugal Force

Post by smith66 »

rlortie wrote:Jim_mich wrote;

"And I see Ralph just noticed who smith66 really is."

Naw! I have known for some time, just trying to be Mr. nice guy and see how long it lasted before he blindsided himself. The man cannot go much over three weeks before bringing up Alan or I and how harmful we are to him.

I must give him credit, he tried real hard to stay straight this time, but all it took was for me to address you as "Jim" and he lost it!

I actually think Alan is smarter than you and Ralph.
A,nd it was justsomeone who figured out that ladysilverose (claimed to be his wife) was actually Alan being his clever self trying to win support. What was it his supposed wife said ? only she could be mean to him and everyone else had to be nice to him necause she had a marriage contract wthhim. Needless to say, women do not use the term marriage contract.
Of course, I've noticed that niether you nor ralph can discuss the difference between gravity and cf when it comes to generating force and how it would change the behavior of a wheel.
Are snide remarks all that you two have ?

edited to add; Jim_Mich, rlortie has a frienc who works with him on the buzz saw. He's a racer of some tyoe I've heard. He's posted in overunity that he wouldn't be surprised if I realize Bessler's wheel. It could be that he noticed the way I pay attention to small details the same way he does.
And Bessler did mention the need to have a discerning eye.
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