My last wheel idea.

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My last wheel idea.

Post by martin »

Hi guys,

long time I was here last time. Hope you are doing well and are still optimistic in your research. Am not active anymore here and I left all my researches under the desk, just recently while working I found this project which was my last one and I decided to share it with you. Its very simple idea and well too simple to be true :) ... hopefully you could find some use of it. Maybe this idea was already posted here but am not checking the web so I don't know. I made an explanation video while I had this stuff already in 3d. ITS NOT A SIMULATION it is just video for explanation.

About the idea:
This idea is proposing overunity and its not any gravity mill, sorry :). I know its not gona work as all others. To clarify more this is only a primemover idea and not the whole wheel. For the case of simplicity I used the heavy pendulum "M" and gravity but it should "work" also with another preloaded spring etc.Working principle is described in video but in short here is the principle. Heavy pendulum "M" falls freely and gives initial rotational push to smaller weights "m". Heavy pendulum stops when it reaches speed=0 the other two smaller weights continue to rotate. After while those weights "m" are unlocked and now they can move freely out of the center. Doing so they pull the contractions springs. When reaching their maximum distance from the center they are locked back. By this out of center motion they expanded the springs but didnt loosed any energy. Later they hit the large pendulum "M" and push it to the same height as it was at the start (am asuming here an ideal system without any loss just for simplicity of the idea) giving back that initial push energy to the pendulum. Whole system is now stopped. While system is standing still springs which are now preloaded (expanded) are used to give another push to pendulum and it is raised even higher. I thought that even considering losses there will be still enough energy.

While am not fan of overunity, am sure I am wrong somewhere.... Thanks for stopping by.
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re: My last wheel idea.

Post by Ed »

Hi Martin. Nice animation. I assume you have a ratchet attached to heavy pendulum "M"?
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Post by eccentrically1 »

I don't think the springs would behave that way. the mass on top would have to lift it's own weight while also extending the contraction spring. The bottom spring is being asked to lift the small mass and the pendulum, in the last step.
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re: My last wheel idea.

Post by Tarsier79 »

Ecc. The two small weights are linked on the storks bill. They are gravitationally irrelevant. ( scooz my spelling). He is relying on the increased inertia for the momentum to do extra work.

Nice vid, but not convinced of the speed of the smaller weights once they expand.
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re: My last wheel idea.

Post by martin »

To Ed: Yes it should be some kind of ratchet device to hold that heavy pendelum after it reaches speed=0

To Ecentricaly: Am sorry but you missed the whoel principle, i tried to describe it asmuch as possible. Pls take another look at the viedo and read my post again hopefully you will get there.

Tarsier thanks for furtther explanation ;). I see you got it. To your speed issue, pls take in mind this is just explanation video not an actual SIMULATION soo that speed is for sure off.

Thanks for checkin.
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Post by eccentrically1 »

So the pendulum spins the small masses fast enough to stretch the springs, I see. Then the question of leverage, do the springs have enough force to return the masses and also lift the pendulum higher each cycle from the same leverage advantage in the last step. It looks possible in a video.
good luck!
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