Hole in the Antarctica

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Post by jim_mich »

Ed wrote:I guess when the world is your stomping ground, like many in the USA think (not me of course), then things like borders and the word nought don't have any meaning? ;-)
Hey, I said nothing about borders. I said boundaries between land and sea. You know, that line where the water meets the land. And nought is a rare and almost obsolete word that is naught used very often today. :)}

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re: Hole in the Antarctica

Post by Ed »

I hear ya Jim, and I love your bearded smiley!
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re: Hole in the Antarctica

Post by jim_mich »

Next we must stop all fermentation so as to keep from being drowned by the ocean. No more beer, wine, ale, vodka, bread, beef, or milk, since they all require fermentation that turns carbon compounds into CO2. And we need to cut down old trees before they die and seal them is air-tight containers, because when they die and decay, they release CO2. And we need to mow and gather up all vegetation because when it decays it will release even more of that bad CO2. Hopefully we can reduce the level of CO2 down so that we get no more global warming and and we can revert back to the ice-age and Michigan can be again covered by a glacier. I'll freeze to death because there will no longer be any trees for my furnace and burning wood will be outlawed because it releases CO2 that the trees captured a few years earlier. But rest assured, we will all be dead by then because breathing will be against the law because it produces CO2 that might cause a slight increase of temperature that might cause polar ice caps to melt that might cause the oceans to rise a foot or two, which might destroy someones nice beach property.

You get my point?

I wouldn't mind a slightly warmer climate. Everyone dreams of a tropical island. Why should Fletcher be the only one so lucky?

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re: Hole in the Antarctica

Post by Ed »

Jim, sometimes it's a mystery, this boundary between brain and beard.

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Post by Stewart »

Jim wrote:And nought is a rare and almost obsolete word that is naught used very often today.
Hey! It's used every day in English speaking countries and is far from being obsolete! ;-)

I also love the bearded smiley :)}

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Post by jim_mich »

The word is naught used in America. Instead, we say not used and we begin counting from zero.

Of course you say car bonnet and we say car hood, you keep your spare tyre in your boot and we keep our spare tire in the trunk. You put nappies on your kids while we diaper our kids.


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Post by eccentrically1 »

You get my point?

Is it that we can't stop the acceleration of climate change that we have caused? Take it like a man, you wimp?
It's not my problem, even if it is real, because I'll be dead before Michigan freezes or breathing is outlawed?
My energy use is so small, what difference does it make if I burn a tree?
Crawl into a hole and pull a rock over my head?
Who cares about anyone's future?
It's a political conspiracy to waste our tax dollars saving "beach property"?
All of the above?
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re: Hole in the Antarctica

Post by rlortie »

jim_Mich wrote:

"Of course you say car bonnet and we say car hood, you keep your spare tyre in your boot and we keep our spare tire in the trunk. You put nappies on your kids while we diaper our kids."

Jim you forgot my favorite; What we call a "baby carriage' is a Perambulator, and you park it in the centre not center.

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Post by eccentrically1 »

http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/20/us/oklaho ... index.html

http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/20/us/oklaho ... index.html

1999 tornado was the most powerful tornado ever recorded, winds up to 320 mph.
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Post by jim_mich »

I feel for the people effected.

I think the April 11, 1965 Palm Sunday tornadoes probably did more damage than most any other. It killed 271 people and injured about 3400. They were a group of twisters that started south of Gary Indiana and traveled across Indiana and southern Michigan all the way to Detroit, along with a second bunch that same time that traveled across central Michigan. Every square foot of my Dad's farm had debris, including pieces of cows and other unknown animal parts, shredded paper, smashed boards, pieces of drywall, and part of a wall of a building dropped on our neighbor's farm about 8 by 10 feet in size. The tornadoes passed through wooded land about 15 miles south of us, in Lenawee County and afterward it looked like someone took a giant lawnmower to the trees and mowed a path about a 1/4 mile wide..

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Post by eccentrically1 »

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re: Hole in the Antarctica

Post by daxwc »

Why does the scientific method apply to every scientist but climatologists?

Why is any denier seen as a scourger of mother earth and subject to public humiliation, but isn’t putting the science to test part of the scientific method?

What if the effects aren’t seen when CO2 goes up; then you would think they would soften their stance, not bolster it.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... s-now.html

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... along.html

http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/wher ... 1913929001
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re: Hole in the Antarctica

Post by Ed »

The DailyMail is a supporter of the Conservative party and Sun News is "Fox News North".

If some people think there is a media liberal bias, and other people think that some media should not have the word "news" in their title....then perhaps we should be getting our information from better sources? But where? One good place to start is to not believe stuff that you read on a "news" site that has one-sided political ads all over it.
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re: Hole in the Antarctica

Post by ovyyus »

Dax, both articles were written by David Rose. He doesn't believe in scientific method.

http://liberalconspiracy.org/2013/03/23 ... te-change/
It seems no Sunday is now complete without another pile of nonsense about climate change from David Rose in the Mail on Sunday (see my previous post here for example) and last week was no exception...
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re: Hole in the Antarctica

Post by daxwc »

If some people think there is a media liberal bias, and other people think that some media should not have the word "news" in their title....then perhaps we should be getting our information from better sources? But where? One good place to start is to not believe stuff that you read on a "news" site that has one-sided political ads all over it.
I agree Ed, but all news is media biased; there are not that many media outlets because they are mostly controlled by the same sources. Is there any big paper that doesn’t take a political side in elections?

My main point isn’t whether the studies was true or not, (one has to look at all the evidence and decide on a personal level) it was that if you are a moderate global warming skeptic that your viewed as almost unpatriotic. The truth is the issues are complex and the extremists on both sides of the spectrum have done the world an injustice as it has just tempered melancholy. There is much lying and deceit on both sides, not just the global warming deniers.

Bill’s quote:
Dax, both articles were written by David Rose. He doesn't believe in scientific method.
Fair enough Bill, but according to predictions we are nowhere near the warming their models say there would be. According to that chart it is .5 of a degree over 60 years. When Gore came out in the 1990’s he had us dead last year. That is why I was asking why climatologists think they are above the scientific method and not held to it.

It just feels like so much money has been wasted (100 billion a year) on this environmental issue that could have been better spent on other environmental issues that could have made a huge difference such as pollution, energy and feeding the world.

What goes around, comes around.
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