Basic Pm Idea
Moderator: scott
re: Basic Pm Idea
You continue to take one thing I say and apply it to everything else you do. I do not think it is strange to post a diagram or idea.
May I ask what your first language is? Please do not get upset by me asking. I do have respect for people who can speak multiple languages. That is a skill I lack. Maybe if I knew how to better write my posts I could avoid confusion?
May I ask what your first language is? Please do not get upset by me asking. I do have respect for people who can speak multiple languages. That is a skill I lack. Maybe if I knew how to better write my posts I could avoid confusion?
Jim Lindgaard, aka smith66 has always made a habit or not understanding what people write and of twisting the meanings their word. This is one of the primary reasons he gets kicked off. It really pisses people off when Jim writes things that are not true. He says that they said such and such, when that is not the case. In other words, Jim Lindgaard assumes that people are saying things that they are not really saying. Then he argues about it.
Jim Lindgaard, aka smith66 has always made a habit or not understanding what people write and of twisting the meanings their word. This is one of the primary reasons he gets kicked off. It really pisses people off when Jim writes things that are not true. He says that they said such and such, when that is not the case. In other words, Jim Lindgaard assumes that people are saying things that they are not really saying. Then he argues about it.
re: Basic Pm Idea
PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:56 pm Post subject:
Yes, Ed, I agree. It may not be done purposely, but it happens just the same. The results are the same whether done purposely or not.
The sun is shining. I've got yard work to do.
You are so FUCKING right Jim_Mich. I'm an investment banker but am also
an expert on engineering.
Dwizzle, can I do crack like you so I willo be okay withED and Jim ?
I never saw you once post something worth reading, only posting, it can't reset itself, that's impossible.
Yet yuou have both Jim.Mich and Ed defending you because I was not doing things scientifically as you require in your forum. You haven't said what that is because it sure as hell not posting any work., Jim_Mich has never posted a bui;ld from what I've seen and he's the most credible person here with no schooling in engineering. Tha is amazing :-)
Tells me school is a waste of time just as AB Hammer another well respected person always said.
Yes, Ed, I agree. It may not be done purposely, but it happens just the same. The results are the same whether done purposely or not.
The sun is shining. I've got yard work to do.
You are so FUCKING right Jim_Mich. I'm an investment banker but am also
an expert on engineering.
Dwizzle, can I do crack like you so I willo be okay withED and Jim ?
I never saw you once post something worth reading, only posting, it can't reset itself, that's impossible.
Yet yuou have both Jim.Mich and Ed defending you because I was not doing things scientifically as you require in your forum. You haven't said what that is because it sure as hell not posting any work., Jim_Mich has never posted a bui;ld from what I've seen and he's the most credible person here with no schooling in engineering. Tha is amazing :-)
Tells me school is a waste of time just as AB Hammer another well respected person always said.
re: Basic Pm Idea
This is why I got kicked off of here, AB Hammer's friends, the Arrrache build group, rlotie and Jim_Mich consider AB Hammer to be credible and one of their own and his thread stating I am a fraud for having cancer.
It never hurt his credibility not one DAMNED bit.
Why ? he has something called friends. When you have those, you don't need to know anything. Just ask dwizzle.
edited to add, what Alan is talking about is missing 6 months of work for treatment for cancer and 6 surgeries in 7 years. And ask Jim_Mich how Alan kept his credibility while openly slandering somebody while posting no work.
As Jim says, even his own work is to good to post in this forum. It seems that is what all credible people have in common, their work is too good to let it become known. That is very laughable.
edited to add; since AB Hammer is a well respected builder in this forum, hew does come in at Number one on rlortie's list of builders, why did he quit posting his work (he never posted any, it's a joke like going to church wearing a swastika). He always said that people who use a medical problem as an excuse are merely frauds. A statement nobody ever denounced.
So Jim_Mich, post your work on centrifugal wheels. If not, you have nothing worth listening to. After all, your opinion would be based on someone like Ed accepting cf can work and some how it magically fluctuates.
and you are right as is Ed and dwizzle and I'm wrong.
It is funny though, I am the only one who went to school for any type of engineering. Even ab hammer refuses to acknowledge serving in the USCG and learning something while he served his country. Such Patriotism !
And he is your friend Jim_Mich. at least I am will to say that I served in the U.S. Military and did learn something from my experience.
And that is why I should be kicked out of here, I'm a disabled Vet with 2 service connected disabilities and most of you guys most likely had better things to do than to serve your country. I think that is pretty much the way things are here :-)
This is why I got kicked off of here, AB Hammer's friends, the Arrrache build group, rlotie and Jim_Mich consider AB Hammer to be credible and one of their own and his thread stating I am a fraud for having cancer.
It never hurt his credibility not one DAMNED bit.
Why ? he has something called friends. When you have those, you don't need to know anything. Just ask dwizzle.
edited to add, what Alan is talking about is missing 6 months of work for treatment for cancer and 6 surgeries in 7 years. And ask Jim_Mich how Alan kept his credibility while openly slandering somebody while posting no work.
As Jim says, even his own work is to good to post in this forum. It seems that is what all credible people have in common, their work is too good to let it become known. That is very laughable.
edited to add; since AB Hammer is a well respected builder in this forum, hew does come in at Number one on rlortie's list of builders, why did he quit posting his work (he never posted any, it's a joke like going to church wearing a swastika). He always said that people who use a medical problem as an excuse are merely frauds. A statement nobody ever denounced.
So Jim_Mich, post your work on centrifugal wheels. If not, you have nothing worth listening to. After all, your opinion would be based on someone like Ed accepting cf can work and some how it magically fluctuates.
and you are right as is Ed and dwizzle and I'm wrong.
It is funny though, I am the only one who went to school for any type of engineering. Even ab hammer refuses to acknowledge serving in the USCG and learning something while he served his country. Such Patriotism !
And he is your friend Jim_Mich. at least I am will to say that I served in the U.S. Military and did learn something from my experience.
And that is why I should be kicked out of here, I'm a disabled Vet with 2 service connected disabilities and most of you guys most likely had better things to do than to serve your country. I think that is pretty much the way things are here :-)
re: Basic Pm Idea
Since I stated that Jim_Mich's centrifugal force idea is impossible, and since Ed was willing to do some math to show it's plausibility without no build being done, it seems that what is in their best interest is to discredit me since I do build what I post. And as Ed stated, that is a strange way of doing things.
The reality is, hardly anybody does that because of the flame jobs by a select few who want recognition without doing the work to be deserving of any.
And as for the water wheel, if I did not honestly believe that it will work, then there would be no need for me to spend a $1,000.00 or so dollars to build it.
Jim_Mich has that kind of money but he will not do any builds and yet he claims to have a woodshop yet is doing gardening instead.
And that is why as I mentioned earlier, posting on going work in here invites nothing but a headache from a few jealous people.
edited to add;
Maybe Jim_Mich or Ed can explain how a weight could move in towards center on this rotating bicycle wheel while it is in it's horizontal position.
after all, it is fairly obvious that when it is in it's vertical position that gravity reduces the centrifugal force as that part of the wheel moves above the level of the axle.
Your thoughts Jim_Mich and Ed. After all, if the 2 of you wish to insult me, why not do so by attacking my work if you can ? Instead, it's only slanderous comments that the 2 of you can make towards me.
Prove me wrong, everyone can see the same video.
Since I stated that Jim_Mich's centrifugal force idea is impossible, and since Ed was willing to do some math to show it's plausibility without no build being done, it seems that what is in their best interest is to discredit me since I do build what I post. And as Ed stated, that is a strange way of doing things.
The reality is, hardly anybody does that because of the flame jobs by a select few who want recognition without doing the work to be deserving of any.
And as for the water wheel, if I did not honestly believe that it will work, then there would be no need for me to spend a $1,000.00 or so dollars to build it.
Jim_Mich has that kind of money but he will not do any builds and yet he claims to have a woodshop yet is doing gardening instead.
And that is why as I mentioned earlier, posting on going work in here invites nothing but a headache from a few jealous people.
edited to add;
Maybe Jim_Mich or Ed can explain how a weight could move in towards center on this rotating bicycle wheel while it is in it's horizontal position.
after all, it is fairly obvious that when it is in it's vertical position that gravity reduces the centrifugal force as that part of the wheel moves above the level of the axle.
Your thoughts Jim_Mich and Ed. After all, if the 2 of you wish to insult me, why not do so by attacking my work if you can ? Instead, it's only slanderous comments that the 2 of you can make towards me.
Prove me wrong, everyone can see the same video.
re: Basic Pm Idea
James, when you said English is not your first language, I assumed you lived in another country other than USA. I do appreciate your service. So thank you. I mean that sincerely.
Now, I was trying to complement your ideas, but instead you fixated on my use of the word "strange".
All I can think to say now is...
It's not your fault. No, you don't know. It's not your fault. No. Listen to me, son. It's not your fault. It's, not your fault...or, maybe it is, I don't know. ;-)
Now, I was trying to complement your ideas, but instead you fixated on my use of the word "strange".
All I can think to say now is...
It's not your fault. No, you don't know. It's not your fault. No. Listen to me, son. It's not your fault. It's, not your fault...or, maybe it is, I don't know. ;-)
I'm still not outside doing yard work yet. Phone calls from my kids, email to read. You know, normal everyday things to do. But I'm not out doing gardening work. I said yard work. About 3 acres of grass to mow. Some each week. Some just a few times a year to keep the weeds down. Then there are dozens of trees to cut before they fall and cause damage. And house repairs to be done, to maintain the house. I quite gardening a few years ago.Jim Lindgaard wrote:Jim_Mich has that kind of money but he will not do any builds and yet he claims to have a woodshop yet is doing gardening instead.
And I have a metal shop, not a woodshop. And how much money I have is of no one's business. Like many older people I've worked and saved all my life so as to have money during my retirement. How much I have is only my business.
But this is just a small example of how Jim Lindgaard twists and changes words. I said yard work. In Jim Lindgaard's mind I said gardening. Most every other conversation follows the same path. A forum member says one thing. Jim Lindgaard's mind interprets it as something different. When truth is pointed out, then Jim Lindgaard goes ballistic, claiming everyone is against him.
Just a few pictures containing some of my builds:
Now I really do need to get outside and do work out there in my very big yard.

re: Basic Pm Idea
I've done far more builds than you have and of wheels that rotated.
Yet still got attacked for posting my work.
Kind of why AB Hammer always told me I would only be credible when he speaks for me. He knows I'm smart because he built one design I posted on youtube. That's why he attacked me for using a different name.
And as he always said, I owe it to him to support him and his family because I am smarter than him.
In reality he is smarter than me, after all, everybody in here went along with him.
Still, Bessler was unhappy for what reason ? Because he realized something and then jealousy reared it's ugly head.
And anyone can read the thread where AB Hammer states that I am a fraud and about everyone in the Arrache build group ju8mped onboard that band wagon.
But as you say Jim_Mich, you know more about engineering than I do because you were an investment banker. That makes sense.
Then again, I am in the wrong place because I don't believe in Magic Pixie Dust. Kind of why I build what I post.
I've done far more builds than you have and of wheels that rotated.
Yet still got attacked for posting my work.
Kind of why AB Hammer always told me I would only be credible when he speaks for me. He knows I'm smart because he built one design I posted on youtube. That's why he attacked me for using a different name.
And as he always said, I owe it to him to support him and his family because I am smarter than him.
In reality he is smarter than me, after all, everybody in here went along with him.
Still, Bessler was unhappy for what reason ? Because he realized something and then jealousy reared it's ugly head.
And anyone can read the thread where AB Hammer states that I am a fraud and about everyone in the Arrache build group ju8mped onboard that band wagon.
But as you say Jim_Mich, you know more about engineering than I do because you were an investment banker. That makes sense.
Then again, I am in the wrong place because I don't believe in Magic Pixie Dust. Kind of why I build what I post.
Re: re: Basic Pm Idea
You know Ed, when I tried discussing what I'm working on again, you decided to stay with the picture of my incision.Ed wrote:James, when you said English is not your first language, I assumed you lived in another country other than USA. I do appreciate your service. So thank you. I mean that sincerely.
Now, I was trying to complement your ideas, but instead you fixated on my use of the word "strange".
All I can think to say now is...
It's not your fault. No, you don't know. It's not your fault. No. Listen to me, son. It's not your fault. It's, not your fault...or, maybe it is, I don't know. ;-)
I posted that because ralph says he's quitting because of medical problems.
And yet when ever I tried discussing my work or have been willing to work with someone on it because of how severe my medical problems have been, AB Hammer would constantly attack me because thereis no medical excuse allowed and Ralph always supported.
It was so bad that at one point Alan had about a half dozen or so people in overunity dot com coming after me saying I had to work for Alan for free. And if Alan thought my work was worthy something, then he would give me what he thought it was worth but he would get ALL RIGHTS to any invention of mine.
He even discussed with another person how he did not believe I dserved to have free will because he should be the one who decides what a person is entitled to.
And not one person in here disagreed with him.
And then came dwizzle basically spouting the same stuff saying I had to prove things to him because he was taking over.
No discussing things with people but answering to someone who has authority over me.
Chances are that dwizzle is half my age so I'm not sure where I should listen to anything he says. And as for you defending him, maybe one day you might think I am a grown adult and got out of grade school a long time ago.
But as Alan always told me, my daddy is gonna be mad at me for not being nice to him, even when he wanted to talk about my penis and his penis.
Stefan Hartmann who owns overunity dot com told me I could not call Alan a pedophile for posting like that. I tell you what, when someone wants me to come to their home and posts like that when they think I have to do what my daddy says is going to make me wonder.
just wish I knew who I could've called to have someone look into his activities.
re: Basic Pm Idea
Bessler said this, right ?
>> “He will be called a great craftsman,
who can easily/lightly throw a heavy thing high,
if one pound falls a quarter,
it shoots four pounds, four quarters high.� << ... reted.html
And what was it dwizzle told me ? Anyone who can do that hasn't proven anything !!!
So if demonstrating ways that quotes of Bessler's can be shown proves nothing, then please tell me how someone could learn to build Bessler's wheel if it is not worked at slowly over time while realizing what Bessler was talking about ?
I mean really, I have been told I should get along with someone who changes what they say from one post to the next and discounts any of Bessler's quotes as meaning anything if they are demonstrated.
Kind of makes it seem like I am in the wrong place and should be kicked out of here.
Bessler said this, right ?
>> “He will be called a great craftsman,
who can easily/lightly throw a heavy thing high,
if one pound falls a quarter,
it shoots four pounds, four quarters high.� << ... reted.html
And what was it dwizzle told me ? Anyone who can do that hasn't proven anything !!!
So if demonstrating ways that quotes of Bessler's can be shown proves nothing, then please tell me how someone could learn to build Bessler's wheel if it is not worked at slowly over time while realizing what Bessler was talking about ?
I mean really, I have been told I should get along with someone who changes what they say from one post to the next and discounts any of Bessler's quotes as meaning anything if they are demonstrated.
Kind of makes it seem like I am in the wrong place and should be kicked out of here.
re: Basic Pm Idea
smith66 wrote;
Changing pseudonyms and coming back does not seem to improve your demeanor or personality traits. Now that I have offered my 2 cents worth, you can now start blaming it all on me again. I gave you the opportunity to start over, providing you played the game by the rules. Admit you lasted for a while before falling back into your same old routine.
What happens between you and AB Hammer has nothing to do with 'Arrache' group, nor are we aware or care of the happenings.
Suggest you work alone or with someone of your own mentality, everything you read you twist to fit your defense, you now have Jim_Mich labeled as an "Investment Banker". Sorry but I am to dumb to understand how you arrived at such a conclusion, my IQ is to low to attempt communicating with such a person as smart as you are.
And how many times has that already happened?"Kind of makes it seem like I am in the wrong place and should be kicked out of here."
Changing pseudonyms and coming back does not seem to improve your demeanor or personality traits. Now that I have offered my 2 cents worth, you can now start blaming it all on me again. I gave you the opportunity to start over, providing you played the game by the rules. Admit you lasted for a while before falling back into your same old routine.
What happens between you and AB Hammer has nothing to do with 'Arrache' group, nor are we aware or care of the happenings.
Suggest you work alone or with someone of your own mentality, everything you read you twist to fit your defense, you now have Jim_Mich labeled as an "Investment Banker". Sorry but I am to dumb to understand how you arrived at such a conclusion, my IQ is to low to attempt communicating with such a person as smart as you are.
you go to one of the websites for a morphing program like Phantamorpheccentrically1 wrote:Dwylbtzle,
what is the command or whatever to post an animation like the one on the last page of the man morphing into the dog?
or maybe it's spelled fantamorph
and there's a bunch of them--one's called morphman...etc...etc
then you can use it in free trial mode--and not have to buy it until you learn it and test it--or a bunch of them
then you can buy the program and they don't print their watermark across the finished morph
or their name
but, meanwhile, the test morphs they let you make during the trial period--you still get to keep
even if you don't buy the program, eventually--
then--you can choose what kinda file you want it to end up being--i chose .gif i think
and then you have to put it on photobucket, or whatever--but that limits the size it can be (very small as you see)
and then paste in here and highlight it and hit IMG
that's actually me, in the morph--but, of course, i had to find another target photo to be the human that it starts with

re: Basic Pm Idea
hey--at least i didn't fare so bad, i guess--i was just labeled an animal penisyou now have Jim_Mich labeled as an "Investment Banker"
not a dang investment banker