Basic Pm Idea

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Post by jim_mich »

Investment banker was a shock to me. Anyone with the slightest intelligence can click my profile and quickly learn a lot about me. Follow the links to my web-site. Or click the Jim_Mich icon that I place in most of my posts. Image then follow the link to my personal info. All on one page is a very condensed listing of my life history. I'm an open book. Never been a banker, a lawyer, or a candlestick maker. I did sell all my shares of stock in my Daughter's company to my daughter as a very cheap price, so I'm no longer the Chief Financial Officer of her company. Does financially helping your children qualify as an investment banker? Isn't that what families do?
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

well, they may have been wrong about you
whatever names they've called you here
but, i confess
i AM an animal penis
he sussed me out
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Post by smith66 »

not in this forum , I get attacked for posting my work. Why ?
I can only believe that those who attack me do not believe that Bessler ever built a working wheel.
btw, personal info can always be changed.
Why not post what schooling in engineering that you have ?
Could be you don't have any. If not, then I would think that's why you don't consider my work credible, you simply do not understand basic concepts that anyone who has gone to school for it should know.
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Post by eccentrically1 »

Dwylbtzle wrote:
eccentrically1 wrote:Dwylbtzle,
what is the command or whatever to post an animation like the one on the last page of the man morphing into the dog?
you go to one of the websites for a morphing program like Phantamorph
or maybe it's spelled fantamorph
and there's a bunch of them--one's called morphman...etc...etc

then you can use it in free trial mode--and not have to buy it until you learn it and test it--or a bunch of them
then you can buy the program and they don't print their watermark across the finished morph
or their name
but, meanwhile, the test morphs they let you make during the trial period--you still get to keep
even if you don't buy the program, eventually--

then--you can choose what kinda file you want it to end up being--i chose .gif i think
and then you have to put it on photobucket, or whatever--but that limits the size it can be (very small as you see)
and then paste in here and highlight it and hit IMG

that's actually me, in the morph--but, of course, i had to find another target photo to be the human that it starts with
Thanks, i was just wondering about the animation part , not the morphing.

There is a size limit on certain things, so i guess the animation for C of AM exceeds it, if gif files have a limit.
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by smith66 »

This is something for your benefit as well as Ec's and Jim_Mich's because I am quite sure that everybody else in this forum already understands what I am about to post and that is why they are not defending you.
The simple fact of reality that you and your 2 friends missed is that when a lever is below the level of the axle, it will want to swing down causing the pump to close.
And when that same lever is on it's way up and is above the axle, it will want to fall towards the center opening (resetting) the pump.
Of course, we will have to ignore Bessler having said that his weights fell towards center or that they worked together.
After all, I think that if you and your 2 friends ask anyone in here, they will be willing to say that they understand this but wondered about how it might actually be incorporated into a working wbeel.
After all, when the ever on top is resetting itself (falling down or dropping), pulleys can allow it to work with a lever that is causing a pump to move water.
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

ece--the morph you get can be huge
but it's the pic you end up with on photobucket that ends up small due to their data limitations that they allow any pic to end up having when posted there

lots of data in those morphs

one may be able to display one in here full size without posting it on photobucket first

but i never thought about how to do that
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Re: re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by smith66 »

Dwylbtzle wrote:well, they may have been wrong about you
whatever names they've called you here
but, i confess
i AM an animal penis
he sussed me out
dwizzle, I guess since you, ed and jim_mich have nothing, all you can do is bother me.
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by eccentrically1 »

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Post by eccentrically1 »

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Re: re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Ed »

smith66 wrote:dwizzle, I guess since you, ed and jim_mich have nothing, all you can do is bother me.
Are you a flippin' idiot? I complement your ideas. I thank you for your service to our country, I try to encourage you to continue your discussion and this is what I get? You are still fixated on the word "strange" and a delusion that I somehow defended Dwizzle? Whatever. Don't mention my name anymore and I'll never "bother" you again. Deal?
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Post by jim_mich »

Ed wrote:Are you a flippin' idiot?
I agree.
Lindgaard, don't mention my name anymore and I'll never "bother" you again either. Deal?

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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

i would like to request the same courtesy from you ed
i guess it was smart to choose a two letter name
maybe i'd go with DE?

what choice do i have?

and don't post any more threads about me in this section
i've posted probably less than ten, in here, in three years
about energy topics

you have forfeited any right you have to criticize my writing style
or imply yer superior respect for this forum over mine

thank you

now kindly respect my request please
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Ed »

I'm not trying to be disrespectful by changing your name each time, but common man, how are we supposed to remember that name? :-)

Fine. Stay out of my way when you are playing hide and post, and don't be gratuitously swearing in the same thread I'm posting in, and I won't mention or criticize you. Fair enough?

And incoherent is not a writing style.
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

kindly do not address me
at all

thank you
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Post by jim_mich »

Ed wrote:And incoherent is not a writing style.
I'd guess Dwylbtzle to be a left-over hippie from late the '60's. It took me a little while to get used to his writing. You are right, it is somewhat incoherent, until you play beck the words in your mind and imagine this hippie dude standing in front of you with one of those verboten cigarettes in one hand and his other arm wrapped around a cute flower-child gal. Then it all comes into focus. Or slightly out of focus. :)} PEACE
