Basic Pm Idea

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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Ed »

No, sorry. You can't expect to bounce in here and talk that way without anyone addressing it. Until one changes neither will the other.

Your polite request for me to not address you is a start. :-)
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

kindly do not address me
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Ed »

Stop being in my face an I will not need to address you.
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Re: re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by smith66 »

Ed wrote:
smith66 wrote:dwizzle, I guess since you, ed and jim_mich have nothing, all you can do is bother me.
Are you a flippin' idiot? I complement your ideas. I thank you for your service to our country, I try to encourage you to continue your discussion and this is what I get? You are still fixated on the word "strange" and a delusion that I somehow defended Dwizzle? Whatever. Don't mention my name anymore and I'll never "bother" you again. Deal?
I have tried getting this thread on track but would need to say everything is my fault.
Instead of building, I have decided to start drinking again. I'll make more friends that way.
Besides, I have no reason any doctor will ever listen to me because they openly lied about what all they did when I had surgery.
I am hopeful I can deal with my medical issues without requiring another surgery.
If not, I'll probably lose my job.
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Ed »

Well I hope that does not happen. As I said before, I wish you a speedy recovery. I'll leave this thread now so you don't think I'm adding to your problems. Take care.
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

oh smith, now
drinking won't help yer medical condition any
unless it's drinking hemp seed oil

sorry i crushed you
if that's what i did
i didn't mean to

i like your ideas
they just won't make a wheel
in my gumball opinion
unless i'm wildly incorrect
which will cause ne deaths from shock


this part of the post being addresed to everyone who's face THIS was thrown in:
edit: note--i put him on ignore--because he refused to respect my request several times
so i can't see this thread any more (thankfully)
or else the admin has seen fit to move it to the off topic section

gratuitous provokation
Last edited by Dwylbtzle on Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dwylbtzle »

jim_mich wrote:
Ed wrote:And incoherent is not a writing style.
I'd guess Dwylbtzle to be a left-over hippie from late the '60's. It took me a little while to get used to his writing. You are right, it is somewhat incoherent, until you play beck the words in your mind and imagine this hippie dude standing in front of you with one of those verboten cigarettes in one hand and his other arm wrapped around a cute flower-child gal. Then it all comes into focus. Or slightly out of focus. :)} PEACE

thanks, bra

....i GuESS

back to diaper patrol i guess

i know a bunch of you guys put in yer drudge work dues doing it

"no! (smack) now, junior! put down that dangerous gravity alone widget flipper! I know yer young but life is still too short!"
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Re: re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by smith66 »

Ed wrote:Well I hope that does not happen. As I said before, I wish you a speedy recovery. I'll leave this thread now so you don't think I'm adding to your problems. Take care.
already has.
ever send your doctors links people have posted of their broken labrums or fracture coccyx ?
mine is so fracture they think it to bones n knot one.
y I hurry to build working pm, get medical treatment i need.
serf the net, people say six years and more to find a doc that knows what to do.
when i had surgery, they did not tell me my colon was tied in a knot. had radiation therapy, should expect my life to be ruined.
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

oh smith, brother
looks like life has been kinda mean to you
i'm so sorry for my poor little brother
i wish i could help
maybe i can
a little

try not to make it worse by imagining all negative forces focused on you

we're not all against you
i'm not against you
Adonai is not against you

yer a cool dude

if there is anything wholesome and good
think on these things

because there are

eschew that yeast urine first of all

and jimmich--no cigs for me
verbotten or otherwise
but thanks for the cute hippy chick
that was a nice touch
but, actually i'm not THAT old
when all that was going on i woulda been the cute hippy chick's little brother
in grade school and junior high
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Post by smith66 »

well dwytzble,
i think tomorrow i will buy some smokes.
just tryin to fit in in america.

edited to add; if you've noticed, I won't mention math.
Myself, I tolerated many rads of which my doctors have ignored.
Still, have lost my interest in nessler.
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

oh yer thinking of smokes?
cripes! forget what i said!
go back to the yeast urine
(just kidding)

but tobacco?
hey it's a sacred plant
but i think you have to be a native american
not sure
where did i put that handbook?......

smoke in lungs lowers immunity


but those hippy chicks sure had style, didn't they?
i'll take that LONG hair and bell bottoms and fringey golden brown deerskin jackets
(ah be still my heart)
over the green hair and safetly pins in the nose and 'illustrated man' prison artwork lookin tattooos all over every square centimeter of the body any day

what're they THINKin?

jimmich why?

make them stop
tell em to go back to the fringey deerskin
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Post by jim_mich »

I hear you.
I'd pick the long hair and bell bottoms jeans any day over the tattoos and body pins.

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Post by smith66 »

considering I am a direct descendant of Pocahontas and the fact that the British killed off tbe Powhatan people for tobacco, why not ?
The British are the conquerors.
btw, Motoaka is Pocahontas' child's name.
She took her mothers name who died giving birth to her.
Also, John Smith was not Thomas' father but most liky Thomas Drake. could be wrong but then Roert E. Lee's brother is supposed to be my grandfather.
With Pocahontas, well documented.
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Post by smith66 »

Light Horse Harry Lee wrote the Articles of Confederation.
Basically he made the mistake of believing in America.

edit to add; he is supposed to be my grandfather.
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Re: re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

triplock wrote:Tarsier wrote
'OB cannot ever drive a wheel.'

I believe no truer words were ever spoken

I have to disagree with that statement. Continuous rotation can be derived from OB arrangements, but not from the standard approach seen 1000's of times on here and elsewhere. The key is to make any mass alter its effective weight during different stages of rotation of the housing. You are, in a sense, switching gravity, in relation to a weight, off intermittently.

that is indeed possible.

but that would be adding something other than gravity
it sounds like you are augmenting gravity with--wot? --spinning?
THAT would make any mass weigh less if spun fast enough
because of quantum-level effect that produce or neutralize energies we barely know anything about
and which get overlooked by purely newtonian strivers

but spinning takes hella energy
from where?
the wheel spinning itself because it was spun?
ok--i don't even know if spinning is yer answer
just saying

in fact
don't give me details
you don't know me
or who will read it

if you do augment gravity with quantum considerations you MIGHT then be able to USE gravity

like what tony cuthbert did (see "test this" thread)

or if you freeze water in a piston
and then it lifts a piston
when the water ice melts
you could use the gravity when the piston falls again

just two examples
i have more

if you got capillary action to leak a little water out of the top of a very thin capillary (it'd have to be very very short--capillary acton DOES trump gravity at the micro level
but not macro
so it only goes a way up the tube
but it goes)
when it fell back into the cup
that would be gravity that an ant with a flywheel could tap
but only because of the icy quantum cheat

these are just examples
i wouldn't really try making an ice piston or a capillary action mighty dang dynamo
or the cuthbert ping pong ball spinner
even he decided that wasn't practically viable
so he proved the general principle with it
but he's trying to find the way to get PHAT marketable energy from some other design

my idea uses his principle
but not with a ball spinner or wheel spinner
Last edited by Dwylbtzle on Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:47 am, edited 1 time in total.