Another claim to a working device...
Moderator: scott
re: Another claim to a working device...
They are making revisions to the design which would indicate something isn't working as planned.
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"June 10th 2013 - Starting the construction in Gilman - Illinois - USA (official picture nº01):"
Re: re: Another claim to a working device...
I agree with you!zoelra wrote:They are making revisions to the design which would indicate something isn't working as planned.
Revisions are much proper and elegant!
- eccentrically1
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re: Another claim to a working device...
It's easier and cheaper to use Google Maps.
Gilman IL is about 278 miles from me, or about 4-1/2 hour drive.
Link to Google map
Incobrasa Industries process soybeans into oil.

Gilman IL is about 278 miles from me, or about 4-1/2 hour drive.
Link to Google map
Incobrasa Industries process soybeans into oil.

The above picture labeled "Official Picture No.01" was taken at the Incobrasa Industries soybean processing plant outside of Gilman IL. Google maps shows the buildings and oil vat tanks that can be seen in the background. In my picture posted above, I drew the viewing angle of the camera as it took the picture. Some of the buildings have distinctive shapes that can be seen in both pictures.
Incobrasa Industries would not be building any assembly line machines. They would most likely be building some sort of soybean processing equipment, or some machine that supports the rest of their facility. Maybe they are going to press soybean meal into compressed cubes? The perpetual motion label might be one of their engineer's idea of playing a joke.
Incobrasa Industries would not be building any assembly line machines. They would most likely be building some sort of soybean processing equipment, or some machine that supports the rest of their facility. Maybe they are going to press soybean meal into compressed cubes? The perpetual motion label might be one of their engineer's idea of playing a joke.
Local release of information regarding the Gilman generator. ... 5637.shtml ... 5637.shtml
re: Another claim to a working device...
If this is being built in Gilman IL then I would expect it to be published in English:
"ENGINE fed exclusively by the gravity with power generator,"
This does not make sense to me! Why the word "the" gravity? Is there more than one type and this is specific? If it is with power from a generator and gravity, why not say so?
"With power generator"; A generator produces electrical power, but it needs a working force to turn it, is this the power they speak of.
If it is PM, why not say: An engine fed exclusively by gravity turning a generator producing power?
"ENGINE fed exclusively by the gravity with power generator,"
This does not make sense to me! Why the word "the" gravity? Is there more than one type and this is specific? If it is with power from a generator and gravity, why not say so?
"With power generator"; A generator produces electrical power, but it needs a working force to turn it, is this the power they speak of.
If it is PM, why not say: An engine fed exclusively by gravity turning a generator producing power?
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Re: re: Another claim to a working device...
Yep, there's two types interestingly enough.rlortie wrote:...
"ENGINE fed exclusively by the gravity with power generator,"
This does not make sense to me! Why the word "the" gravity? Is there more than one type ...
Newtonian Gravity and Ersatz (replacement) Gravity.
If the machine works it will be using both types of gravity as does Uncle's toy.
Both NG and EG generated going down and the EG used to get it back up again.
Free energy is achieved when EG>NG so I suppose one can say that Jim's
idée fixe about CF is almost justified - except of course that one needs both.
Compare to Carnot where one needs both pressure and temperature
independent variables.
Of course, as Furcurequs points out, the use of "the" above comes from an inadequate command of
English, not any deep understanding of the variables involved.
Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata?
re: Another claim to a working device...
Are the angled plates guides to correct for any lateral sway in the long levers? If so, this could indicate the motor turns counter clockwise.