Basic Pm Idea
Moderator: scott
re: Basic Pm Idea
...and mutherin mother of harpieeeeeeeeees
ringo starr:
first they paint ya all red
and then they cutyer bleedin' heart out!
it's not LIKE our religion it?
GET sacrificed. WE don't subscribe to yer religion!
ringo starr:
first they paint ya all red
and then they cutyer bleedin' heart out!
it's not LIKE our religion it?
GET sacrificed. WE don't subscribe to yer religion!

wot the...smith66 wrote:@dwizzle,
ab hammer believes it is his right to own people.
Nobody associated with besslerwheel dot com has disagreed with him.
my love don't give me peasants
although she is unpleasant
she's a bessler wheel understand
she's the monkey (on my back) who loves her apeMAAAAAAAn
mah luuuv don't GIIIVE
me peasants
that she' no pheasant!
(don't fly)
right--everyone here at besslers wheel brought the children of israel back to be slaves again in the land of egypt, too
i suppose
oh wait--that's why those chillin like us CAN'T OWN SLAVES
explicitly ordered not to
must just be because that's just the kind of guys and gals we are, right?
can't see enough slaves
so we came here
if you are going to promulgate this heathen bitch pizzle religion (which thing is surely as much a biological abomination unto The LORD as an easter bunny laying eggs)
i woad advise you to study up on yer magic dogs:
Whilst all the tow was sleepy
Crept a little boy from bed
To fained the wondrous peoble
Wot lived when they were dead.
He packed a little voucher
For his dinner 'neath a tree.
'Perhumps a tiny dwarf or two
Would share abite with me?
'Perchamp I'll see the Wumberlog
The highly feathered crow,
The larfing leaping Harristweed
And good old Uncle Joe.'
He packed he very trunkase,
Clean sockers for a week,
His book and denzil for his notes,
Then out the windy creep.
He met him friendly magic dog,
All black and curlew too,
Wot flew him fast in second class
To do wot he must do.
'I'll leave you now sir,' said the dog,
'But just before I go
I must advise you,' said his friend
'This boat to careflee row.'
'I thank you kindly friendly pal,
I will,' and so he did,
And floated down towards the land
Where all the secrets hid.
What larfs aplenty did he larf,
It seeming so absurd;
Whilst losing all his oars,
On his head he found a bird.
'Hello,' the bird said, larfing too,
'I hope you don't mind me,
I've come to guide you here on in,
In case you're lost at sea.'
Well fancy that, the boy thought,
I never knew till now
That birds could speak so plainly.
He wondered - wonder how?
'What kind of bird are you sir?'
He said with due respect,
'I hope I'm not too nosey
But I didn't not expect.'
'I am a wumberlog you see,'
The bird replied - all coy,
'The highly feathered species lad,
You oughrt to jump for joy.'
'I would I would, if only, but
You see - well - yes, oh dear,
The thing is dear old Wumberlog
I'm petrified with fear! '
'Now don't be silly' said the bird,
'I friendly - always - and
I'm not like Thorpy Grumphlap,
I'll show you when we land.'
And soon the land came interview,
A 'tastic sight for sure,
An island with an eye to see
To guide you into shore.
'Hard to starboard' said a tree,
'Yer focsle mainsle blast
Shivver timbers wayard wind
At last yer've come at last.'
'You weren't expecting me, I hope'
The boy said, puzzled now.
'Of course we are' a thing said,
Looking slightly like a cow.
'We've got the kettle going lad,'
A cheerful apple say,
'I'll bring a bag of friends along
Wot you can have for tay.'
A teawell ate, with dog and tree
Is not a common sight,
Especially when the dog himself
Had started off the flight.
'How did you get here curlew friend?'
The boy said all a maze.
'The same way you did, in a boat,'
The dog yelled through the haze.
'Where are all the peoble, please,
Wot live when they are dead?
I'd like to see them if I may
Before I'm back in bed.'
'You'll see them son,' a carrot said,
"Don't hurry us; you know
You've got to eat a plate of me
Before we let you go!'
Then off to see the peoble whom
The lad had come to see
And in the distance there he saw
A group of tweilve or three.
A little further on at last
There were a lot or more,
All digging in the ground and that,
All digging in the floor.
'What are you digging all the time?'
He asked them like a brother.
Before they answered he could see
They really dug each other,
In fact they took it turns apiece
To lay down in the ground
And shove the soil upon the heads
Of all their friends around.
Well, what a sight! I ask you now.
He had to larf out loud.
Before he knew what happened
He'd gathered quite a crowed.
Without a word, and spades on high,
They all dug deep and low,
And placed the boy into a hole
Next to his Uncle Joe.
'I told you not to come out here,'
His uncle said, all sad.
'I had to Uncle,' said the boy.
'You're all the friend I had.'
With just their heads above the ground
They bade a fond goodbye,
With all the people shouting out
"Here's mud into your eye! '
(And there certainly was.)
-john lennon
Last edited by Dwylbtzle on Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

the V.A. says that my hearing loss is not a ratable disability.
Their problem if you call it one is that I was denied the opportunity of having a career in the U.S. Navy or advancing in rank because of my hearing loss.
In short, I am out to change Americans belief as well as their government when it comes to hearing loss and learning disabilities.
Things like that don't come easy and don't come with friends.
the V.A. says that my hearing loss is not a ratable disability.
Their problem if you call it one is that I was denied the opportunity of having a career in the U.S. Navy or advancing in rank because of my hearing loss.
In short, I am out to change Americans belief as well as their government when it comes to hearing loss and learning disabilities.
Things like that don't come easy and don't come with friends.
re: Basic Pm Idea
you'll have to speak up
according to the consensus on the friendly little note thread i am pretty damn methuselahn
a regular yoda lookalike moterscooter so to speak
ancient of days
he who manifests from ever unto ever
almost, apparently
pretty long in the monkey tooth
they say the knees are the first thing to go
and if yer a bitch the pizzle goes WAY young, of course
hearing yeah
god i'm on twenty eight down the frikkin list
bright sled fred?
oh i bet you say that to all yer friends
according to the consensus on the friendly little note thread i am pretty damn methuselahn
a regular yoda lookalike moterscooter so to speak
ancient of days
he who manifests from ever unto ever
almost, apparently
pretty long in the monkey tooth
they say the knees are the first thing to go
and if yer a bitch the pizzle goes WAY young, of course
hearing yeah
god i'm on twenty eight down the frikkin list
bright sled fred?
oh i bet you say that to all yer friends
Last edited by Dwylbtzle on Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: re: Basic Pm Idea
Do you know what is really funny ? One of us is in the wrong place and it is me.Dwylbtzle wrote:if what i had wanted to say was your opinion i woulda given it to you
Engineering really has no place in this forum.
re: Basic Pm Idea
yeah that one was pretty funny
but mine was ok, too, wasn't it?
didn't work blue or ANYthing
fear not
yea verily this place is the haunt of every foul fowl the bittern and the tern and the scratchy screech owl but surely in vain the net is lain in the sight of any bird
especially a starving wumberlog i see things but they're pretty obvious, usually, so i'm not expecting any medal or anything
look ma! i got ideas!
well, don't play with it... it'll probably go away on it's own soon enough if you don't pester it to death
no you can't keep it
probably has fleas
now go play on the freeway a while-yer lucky you were born--yer father and i are polish--we were always waiting for the swelling to go down
the highly feathered kind y'all you were ort t' jump fer joy
but no
but wait--who am i actually dealing with here?
no let me talk to an adult
wait--whoever i'm dealing with really:
who did you think you were dealing with here?
do you even KNOW just who the flock yer dealing with here?
you think you already met all the BAD space cadets?
well, you can just call me alan shepherd if thou ever do dare wherefore asketh after my name--the third american human in space
the first two were chimpanzees--and THOSE two bastards beat the russians--as was meet
A. to you
ye churlish snarling vicious ether eels
(not talking to ye inter-dimensionally challenged (barely sentient) humans in here
therefore unto no humans
you poor sweet things can barely bring your hands to your mouths
or discern left from right-don't stand too close for a minute)
where was i?
ye seething hissing whispering snakes
i'm TIRED of these MAMAJAMMIN snakes
on this MOTAHSCOOTIN plane!
oh generation of vipers
a pleasure to meet you
now i'm gonna kick ye buzzards' arses
ye carrion harpies
flying flux-face monkeys
talk to me like that
i got yer somethin to say RIGHT HERE ungh! yeah
you talkin to ME?
you talkin t ME?
you know who i am?....
i am the mighty dizzly pizzle
hear me
........................................................................ FEAR ME!
even the devils believe
and stand in fear and trembling
as is meet
die monsters die
ye magnificent pieces of exquisite witchcraft
and throw that broken toy bomb that's never been known to go off yet
down into the stanky bowels of gehenna with yous'all
talk t' EVER bodies in here like that
don't you know an ever body when you see some?
leave poor steve666 alone, too
he appears to have enough demons
(i say that because what gyrral would ever wanna come into this steaming
sausage fest with nerds on steroids like us
screaming little baby insults at each other?
that's when natalie wood stands up from the table and you hear click click click click as she walks outta the door
natalie wood the only wood that don't float
hate to see her go but i love to watch her leave)
i perceive we must cover our wounded brother steve under some feathered wings
i fear he is under attack
probably from himself thinking he is--but just sayin'
and perhaps he shall see fit to join us, some time, in banishing the ill favored banshee infuences from this place
oh you see that they are legion and they swarm like baelzebub's devoted host
baelzebub-"the lord of the flies" (in hebrew)
yes you've heard the wailing and gnashing of teeth in here
and grown men whimpering like little girls
for shame on us
that's well known to be from cosmic blood sucking mind spiders
trying to suck the dignity out of some anthropoids they think they can oppress
whom they assume have no claws
that's the kindergarten stuff--knowing that
that's the applesauce
careful with that ax eugene--just like a wailing lizard spirit to bring a hissy fit to a claw fight
we have the power are we not mensch?
i vote we give them leave to go into any herd of swine
or some other damn herd of swine besides us
who will let themselves be insulted enough to allow them to inhabit them
but i already know there's some things a pig won't do
unlike an investment banker
so they will drown themselves
we are beings of beautiful light my powerful brave siblings
me druthers and cistern
thoughts are things
let's doem up good
i say again we are hot magic molasses do not doubt yer druid
don't you see that that's damn skippy why they hesitate to touch us?
"ohhhh it burrrrns it burrrrrns!
make the voices stoooooop!"
mo' bettah you listen ME!
we are heart melted honey fire
blessed be
i must insist that we are
wheel?--yeah if we FEEL like it, maybe
we SPILL more than that
lord love a duck
here, i'm trying to whup open this can of BITCH B GONE
think one of you big strong grown men in here can spin this lid for me?
no no gravity now
no pm
and then let's all just be civets to each other
ok this is the part of the movie where the viewer
youtubes "the serpent song"-- from genesis' first album
studio version first album--that's what you hit
"oh infant living fire gods He made to love
hot lava babies clothed in flesh!
man is wonderful
very wonderful
look at him
beware the future"
but mine was ok, too, wasn't it?
didn't work blue or ANYthing
fear not
yea verily this place is the haunt of every foul fowl the bittern and the tern and the scratchy screech owl but surely in vain the net is lain in the sight of any bird
especially a starving wumberlog i see things but they're pretty obvious, usually, so i'm not expecting any medal or anything
look ma! i got ideas!
well, don't play with it... it'll probably go away on it's own soon enough if you don't pester it to death
no you can't keep it
probably has fleas
now go play on the freeway a while-yer lucky you were born--yer father and i are polish--we were always waiting for the swelling to go down
the highly feathered kind y'all you were ort t' jump fer joy
but no
but wait--who am i actually dealing with here?
no let me talk to an adult
wait--whoever i'm dealing with really:
who did you think you were dealing with here?
do you even KNOW just who the flock yer dealing with here?
you think you already met all the BAD space cadets?
well, you can just call me alan shepherd if thou ever do dare wherefore asketh after my name--the third american human in space
the first two were chimpanzees--and THOSE two bastards beat the russians--as was meet
A. to you
ye churlish snarling vicious ether eels
(not talking to ye inter-dimensionally challenged (barely sentient) humans in here
therefore unto no humans
you poor sweet things can barely bring your hands to your mouths
or discern left from right-don't stand too close for a minute)
where was i?
ye seething hissing whispering snakes
i'm TIRED of these MAMAJAMMIN snakes
on this MOTAHSCOOTIN plane!
oh generation of vipers
a pleasure to meet you
now i'm gonna kick ye buzzards' arses
ye carrion harpies
flying flux-face monkeys
talk to me like that
i got yer somethin to say RIGHT HERE ungh! yeah
you talkin to ME?
you talkin t ME?
you know who i am?....
i am the mighty dizzly pizzle
hear me
........................................................................ FEAR ME!
even the devils believe
and stand in fear and trembling
as is meet
die monsters die
ye magnificent pieces of exquisite witchcraft
and throw that broken toy bomb that's never been known to go off yet
down into the stanky bowels of gehenna with yous'all
talk t' EVER bodies in here like that
don't you know an ever body when you see some?
leave poor steve666 alone, too
he appears to have enough demons
(i say that because what gyrral would ever wanna come into this steaming
sausage fest with nerds on steroids like us
screaming little baby insults at each other?
that's when natalie wood stands up from the table and you hear click click click click as she walks outta the door
natalie wood the only wood that don't float
hate to see her go but i love to watch her leave)
i perceive we must cover our wounded brother steve under some feathered wings
i fear he is under attack
probably from himself thinking he is--but just sayin'
and perhaps he shall see fit to join us, some time, in banishing the ill favored banshee infuences from this place
oh you see that they are legion and they swarm like baelzebub's devoted host
baelzebub-"the lord of the flies" (in hebrew)
yes you've heard the wailing and gnashing of teeth in here
and grown men whimpering like little girls
for shame on us
that's well known to be from cosmic blood sucking mind spiders
trying to suck the dignity out of some anthropoids they think they can oppress
whom they assume have no claws
that's the kindergarten stuff--knowing that
that's the applesauce
careful with that ax eugene--just like a wailing lizard spirit to bring a hissy fit to a claw fight
we have the power are we not mensch?
i vote we give them leave to go into any herd of swine
or some other damn herd of swine besides us
who will let themselves be insulted enough to allow them to inhabit them
but i already know there's some things a pig won't do
unlike an investment banker
so they will drown themselves
we are beings of beautiful light my powerful brave siblings
me druthers and cistern
thoughts are things
let's doem up good
i say again we are hot magic molasses do not doubt yer druid
don't you see that that's damn skippy why they hesitate to touch us?
"ohhhh it burrrrns it burrrrrns!
make the voices stoooooop!"
mo' bettah you listen ME!
we are heart melted honey fire
blessed be
i must insist that we are
wheel?--yeah if we FEEL like it, maybe
we SPILL more than that
lord love a duck
here, i'm trying to whup open this can of BITCH B GONE
think one of you big strong grown men in here can spin this lid for me?
no no gravity now
no pm
and then let's all just be civets to each other
ok this is the part of the movie where the viewer
youtubes "the serpent song"-- from genesis' first album
studio version first album--that's what you hit
"oh infant living fire gods He made to love
hot lava babies clothed in flesh!
man is wonderful
very wonderful
look at him
beware the future"

- justalabrat
- Dabbler
- Posts: 21
- Joined: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:52 am
Dwylbtzle, You are starting to sound a little i'm gonna kick ye buzzards' arses
ye carrion harpies
flying flux-face monkeys
talk to me like that
i got yer somethin to say RIGHT HERE ungh! yeah
you talkin to ME?
you talkin t ME?
you know who i am?....
i am the mighty dizzly pizzle
hear me
........................................................................ FEAR ME!
even the devils believe
and stand in fear and trembling
as is meet
die monsters die
ye magnificent pieces of exquisite witchcraft
and throw that broken toy bomb that's never been known to go off yet
down into the stanky bowels of gehenna with yous'all
talk t' EVER bodies in here like that
don't you know an ever body when you see some?
Re: re: Basic Pm Idea
Tarsier,Tarsier79 wrote:Water doesn't take 16 times the force to pump. It is dependant on its hydrostatic pressure. If you calculate it properly, your build will also show that when it reaches its equilibrium: maximum height your weight/lever combination can lift the water, the waters instantaneous gain in PE will be equal to the weights loss in PE. Which leads to the conclusion: there is no advantage using a liquid compared to weight lifting another weight.Somebody once posted in here that water takes 16 times the force as it's mass to pump it and Bessler's clue is a 16 to 1 ratio.
Also, I believe Bessler stated a 4 to 1 ratio, either in mass or height. I agree with the interpretation that this particular clue is a sarcastic comment.
I am going to do a build using 4 weights. After that, I think I will be done with Bessler.
While some in here say that would kill this forum, one thing it would do is to bring respectability to Bessler's legacy. And for all that he wrote, he built many more than 4 wheels and it's something I won't mind leaving for other people interested in his engineering clues to puzzle over.
Maybe you'll understand the basic principle. Mt 89 might show it a bit clearer.
If the water around the top of the pump was not held in place by gravity, then the water would be flowing in the other direction and out at it's lowest point, not out of the pump's discharge,
That's the same way a manual/hand pump for a deep well works, close enough anyway. ... Mt_089.jpg
p.s., and if you look at the Mt's numbered in the 80's, that kid shows up in more than one drawing. What was it the one witness said, it's so simple a child could build it ? Maybe the kid swinging (how the weight's got their force) is showing the way.
Maybe you'll understand the basic principle. Mt 89 might show it a bit clearer.
If the water around the top of the pump was not held in place by gravity, then the water would be flowing in the other direction and out at it's lowest point, not out of the pump's discharge,
That's the same way a manual/hand pump for a deep well works, close enough anyway. ... Mt_089.jpg
p.s., and if you look at the Mt's numbered in the 80's, that kid shows up in more than one drawing. What was it the one witness said, it's so simple a child could build it ? Maybe the kid swinging (how the weight's got their force) is showing the way.
you mean this place?jim_mich wrote:Dwylbtzle, you need to go easy on the psychedelic inducing stuff.
smith--everything's going to be ok
no-one can help it that the gravity alone self perpetuating wheel doesn't work and PM wheels don't either
nothing to do with the efficacy of your pump or mathematical calculations
the problem is a pump or flipper or any other kind of lever inside a wheel--has to be pumped or reset itself
and anyone with any idea
no matter how great that idea is
LOSES right there
your ideas could still have many great applications
no one hates you
just the wheel
might wanna listen to me
i'm pretty good with poor wounded creatures
my baby wild horse says he's never needed a wheel ... rn_elk.jpg ... 1954/8.jpg ... 1954/3.jpg
Last edited by Dwylbtzle on Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:14 am, edited 6 times in total.

as is meet
Dwylbtzle, You are starting to sound a little scary.
fear the mighty pizzle
fear the gravalone wheel more
it doesn't work!
once again--the internals being ingenious
the math being inspired
makes no difference
it's the fact yer using a wheel
the levers and weights will always have to be reset
if it's a pump pumping itself or by gravity
half the force will push the wheel one way and half the other
bessler himself (regarding gravity alone overbalance wheels):
said you will just come up with more and more weights---and more and more complicated ways to do what can't be done
because you will be fighting everything you use
and using everything you fight
in what ever order you want, there
if HE wasn't a hoax--he was using something else
and any hints might have been to lead you away from his real secret (for all we know)

re: Basic Pm Idea
Why are you posting anonymously ?
Why not post your full name and address ?
for all I know you are nothing more than a computer virus that says can't reset, can't reset.
Are you friends with jim,mich or ab hammer ? maybe even rlortie ?
after all, it's all about you yet you don't have anything. just doing what you can to pollute any discussion that goes beyond mere opinion.
Why are you posting anonymously ?
Why not post your full name and address ?
for all I know you are nothing more than a computer virus that says can't reset, can't reset.
Are you friends with jim,mich or ab hammer ? maybe even rlortie ?
after all, it's all about you yet you don't have anything. just doing what you can to pollute any discussion that goes beyond mere opinion.