Big brother is watching...

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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by rasselasss »

Dwy,its not one of his i ever heard,but then i don't listen to music much,i read it poetry-like but remembering "the times they are a-changing"i should have recognised his unique style of putting into words the mood/reality /disillusionment that ordinary folks are feeling ,i remember in mid 60's/early 70's,civil rights, anti vietnam war,C.N.D. all hi-jacked his songs as their own,he captured the mood which people could relate to and that is no mean feat,and during an era when folks started to question decisions made by the hierarcy ....i only heard him performing live once and he is one of the few that sound just as good live as recorded in a studio....Good Luck.
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle » ... lan+parody

you should be able to appreciate this

hit the one that says "dewey cox is dylan in walk hard"

"none of my lyrics really meant ANYTHING till i became a christian"
-bob dylan
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by rasselasss »

I had thought with the subject of this thread some-one would have mentioned CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden he's been on the run since the end of May now allegedly holed up in Moscow Airport.....the repercussions of his revelations affect Europe/U.K. and many other Countries,if he returns home to U.S. he'll be tried for treason ,such is the power of the U.S. ,21 countries have refused him asylum are we men/mice or sheepies...i for one admire his courage to reveal these "dirty tricks"carried out by a Govt. democratically elected.....(off now to my bunker)
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

see? ...the silly punk shoulda come to me
straight off
and i woulda bought him the presidency

but first i woulda planted my own really nice buggy aps in ALL the freepin govt computers
then i'd have all the dirt on EVERYONE
nand i'd always know which way the stock market was going
and who killed kennedy
and where the space alien bodies are buried
etc--you get the picture
and they'd HAVE to submit

every knee would bow
every tongue confess

i could RIG all the elections with the right group of hackers
hell with elections
i'll just run a program that says i have a trillion dollars in my bank of america account--and be done with it--or blackmail some dept or somethin--hell TWELVE trillion!
it's ALL just numbers in computers anyway

emperor of america and protector of mexico

how does that sound?--i like that
nice ring to it: emperor dwylbtzle the great (incorporated, of course)
see? that's how you gotta think:
you gotta fight back
are we not men?
someone oughta go to that airport and kidnap him and scurry him out in a submarine, or something
then let me look at all the stuff he's got
and i will make a decision as to what to do next


hey--the guy said he coulda read the PRESIDENT'S email if he wanted to
if i couldn't figure a way to create an industry from that
i'd be ashamed to call myself an american
but, no--thinking like a weak sheeple--instead of a wurfle--he runs to china
and then russia--and now he's sitting there in an airport sucking his thumb
i should kick his ass when i see him--just for that--just for red china alone--the jerk
both those two countries were NOT afraid of america: enough to have scanned all that stuff before they cut him loose--bank on it
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by rasselasss »

Apologies posted in wrong thread ....
Last edited by rasselasss on Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

all i ask of my build is that it runs forever with free, science fiction-bat shit crazy-eternal energy
and it has to work hard and heavy

ORRRRR it has to have secret formulas hidden in it that tells me how to make lead into gold
or something
and aren't those two things both exactly the same thing?--think about it

does that diagram do that, or not?

speak rassly one
but if it does and if you do
it better be encrypted

big brother has always been watching
that's why we're here, looking at bessler's codes and clues, now
and as soon as I figure it all out: in that very instant
i'm not gonna post it here
think newton
--he was an alchemist, too
and they woulda hung his arse, if they knew
yet you never saw HIM selling his secrets to red china
(well, bessler mighta tried to sell his to russia)
good thing newton knew how to avoid big brother for a while
long enough
you only have to go till you die

have patience
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by getterdone »

I have to say , I've always been a huge fan of Dylan, and those lyrics seem to fit the situation quite well. I agree that Big Brother's always been watching , but with todays technology the job got a lot easier. Myself I think Edward Snowden is a hero. I don't know all the facts, but from what I've read and heard he worked for a private contractor that worked for the CIA, I doubt that there are any terrorist in places like Hong Kong. The no good possible reason for collecting this kind of information. What Snowden was doing while working for this contractor is illegal.

He should be protected under the whistle blower laws.

Unfortunately, the media has already thrown him under the bus
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

the red chinese and the russians, too

my mom and dad taught me that "all guns are loaded--ALWAYS!"
and i added to that: all phones are tapped
and that's stood me in good stead

now i gotta add to that "email and EVERYTHING
and them's the rules
live it
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by getterdone »

Edward Snowden has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize ... eace-prize
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Post by jim_mich »

Snowden deserves the Nobel Peace Price much more than Obama ever did.

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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by daxwc »

Snowden knew he was going to be a traitor before ever being employed by the private contractor, naive to think otherwise. All governments are listening; it was and is common knowledge between countries and governments.
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Post by jim_mich »

There is a vast difference between listening in of Embassies or foreign government communications, and sweeping up all emails and keeping track of everyone's phone calls. Snowden came to understand the overreach of what was being done and how unconstitutional it is. Snowden has a conscience.

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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by daxwc »

It has been rumoured for decades that governments were listening inside and generally acknowledged. There was no way they couldn’t have been considering the number people they had hired. He is no hero; he is just another treasonous traitor, otherwise he would have done things differently. Every major country is doing this, amazed you didn't know Jim.
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Post by jim_mich »

daxwc wrote: amazed you didn't know Jim.
Why do you assume that I didn't know? I've know about this for about ten years. The problem is that most of the US population did not know. The problem is that even congress did not know the extent of the surveillance program.

The problem is that the President goes on TV and tells a whopper, "There is no domestic spying on American, we don't have a domestic spying program." Then the following day Obama made it clear he has no intention of stopping the daily collection of Americans' phone records. And while he offered "appropriate reforms," he blamed government leaks for creating distrust of his domestic spying program.

Snowden is a hero to true freedom loving American patriots.

I don't see any other way to tell Americans that their government is snooping in on their communication, other than showing them the extent of the snooping.

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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by daxwc »

Well then true freedom loving American patriots set their hero standards pretty low.
What goes around, comes around.
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