Bellows Build

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AB Hammer
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re: Bellows Build

Post by AB Hammer »

smith66 / jim lindgaard / and many more names wrote.
You show this forum for the joke it is. One lone person can't be a troll but a forum can be filled with trolls. After all, trolls have to protect their family and their home and that is why you and your friends don't like me.
I actually know what I'm talking about and hopefully one day, I can get a cyber stalking law named after you.
After all, you did tell me that you want me to make you famous. You didn't mention how and that is the only way that could be supported by your conduct.
I am glad of one thing though Lady Silver rose, I'm not you. I'm glad that when I was in a severe accident, I didn't play the cripple but worked at rehabilitating myself.
By the way, your jealousy got old years ago.

@All, it does take time to build a work bench but will not post any more work. I can see and have seen where credible people do not do that in this forum if they are English speaking in America (it's my 2nd language).
Why 3 picks ? Took more than one day, and this way I get metal working experience, ab hammer has taught me that anything that involves the use of metal is metal working because it involves someone like himself.
it's not true but you guys accept it as being so.
More TROLL LIES Lindgaard

You are not worth talking to for you just spin lie after lie. NO!! credibility.
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Jim Williams
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re: Bellows Build

Post by Jim Williams »

If this was one of Bessler's wheels; everyone would own the property of it, the same as my invention, or for that matter, the air we breath.
If this was one of Bessler's wheels; everyone would own the property of it, the same as my invention, or for that matter, the air we breath.
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Re: re: Bellows Build

Post by Furcurequs »

Jim Williams wrote:Dwayne:

I'm glad the Patent Office has class 415 subclass 916 - perpetual motion as in doing so they also assume they could be wrong, Also there is IPC F03B17/04 for international searches.

I didn't realize Enya was Maire's sister. I hadn't heard of Enya, until Jim L. mention his preference for her. What a surprise he would prefer her! I enjoy Patrick Ball's Celtic harp music while I'm writing as it is unobtrusive, while not being elevator music either.

This one caught Russians' attention, for the reason of: I have no idea.

Jim W.
Hey Jim,

I believe the U.S. Patent Office's policy in regards to "perpetual motion machines" is quite sensible and pragmatic, actually. They don't want to waste their time evaluating claims and designs that based upon past experience are almost certainly unworkable, so it's basically "just show us a working device and we'll then process your patent application and grant you your patent".

Oh, the fact that Maire and Enya are sisters was news to me, also. Although I was a bit aware of their and their siblings'/family's band Clannad, I hadn't really researched them to find out how they were all related. Apparently they are from a rather large musical family with nine, I believe, siblings.

I've not heard enough of either Maire's or Enya's music to proclaim a favorite, but I know I really liked Enya's album Watermark (which had the song "Orinoco Flow") back in the day.

Since we're talking music, here's a link to my own latest musical inspiration that I posted in another thread for those who may be curious - and in case you missed it. I tend toward instrumentals mostly.

It's a bit rough and not very long here. I did the parts in a single take and it was all so new that I was a little unsure of what I was playing. So, feel free to ignore whatever sour notes there may be.

I threw in the spinning wheel animation just to have something to stare at.

I don't believe in conspiracies!
I prefer working alone.
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Jim Williams
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re: Bellows Build

Post by Jim Williams »

I have five or six of Maire's CDs, but none of Enya. Wikipedia confirms they are sisters. I'll have a listen to Enya.

Rather than ignoring your errors; I'll balance them by subjecting you to some of my errors.

So there!

Jim W.
Last edited by Jim Williams on Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Bellows Build

Post by Jim Williams »

Jim L.

You keep asking me questions. To answer the last one: I brought a "bellows" patent into this thread some time ago, pointing out while it had a patent, it still didn't work. I was hoping on a discussion on how bellows don't work; saving you time on attempting a build.

So when that conversation didn't happen, I posted a section from the Museum of Unworkable Devices that begins to explain why bellows inventions don't work. But that also gathered no response.

So to entertain myself, I brought in a patent that does work; my own, and as a result can relate it back to bellows patents that don't work, and from patents that don't work, to bellows inventions that don't work, all of which is related to the topic; a bellows build.

Pretty clever on my part; don't you think?

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re: Bellows Build

Post by smith66 »

>> Pretty clever on my part; don't you think? <<

I don't think so. it's funny that a person can be found and proven wrong when trying to replicate Bessler's work.
this would mean that Bessler himself was a fraud as all possible idea's have been proven not to work.
But I think what you miss is I know they will work as Bessler mentioned.
I would take the time to explain Bessler's engineering but that isn't what this forum is about, is it ? It's about people collecting little green dots so they can feel good about themselves while discrediting Bessler.
I think that's funny. And that is the main reason why I always get red dots, I say Bessler's work can be reproduced but even the highly esteemed rlortie posted to me, why try ? After all, it has been 300 years and people have better things to do.
But when I am successful, you can wonder what I know that everyone else has missed except for ab hammer. he knows I'm smart enough to do it. he has tried taking over my work before but one of rlorties friends (Ken the Great) said that he wouldn't be surprised if I were successful because of my willingness to work at it.
And Ken is considered credible because he is also a race care driver that is fairly successful. I think I'll go with his opinion. :-)
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re: Bellows Build

Post by Tarsier79 »

The reason you get red dots is your attitude, no other reason.
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re: Bellows Build

Post by smith66 »

>> The reason you get red dots is your attitude, no other reason. <<

Nah, it's because I won't tolerate ab hammer's harassment. No reason why I should work with someone who is openly abusive towards me.
And yet that doesn't bother people.
How I know I am in the wrong place :-)
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AB Hammer
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re: Bellows Build

Post by AB Hammer »

smith66 / James Lindgaard /... wrote
>> The reason you get red dots is your attitude, no other reason. <<

Nah, it's because I won't tolerate ab hammer's harassment. No reason why I should work with someone who is openly abusive towards me.
And yet that doesn't bother people.
How I know I am in the wrong place :-)
Nah lindgaard you have it twisted around again as for your agenda.

You won't tolerate myself/AB Hammer defending myself from all your harassment and defamation of character. IMO you are one sick puppy.
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Post by smith66 »

jim_mich wrote:Hey guys. smith66, aka Jim Lindgaard, is simply a troll trying to yank your chains. Give him a red dot. Put him on ignore. Don't respond to his posts. And hopefully he will soon be kicked off. Of course he will simply acquire a new email and user name and rejoin. It seems Scott leaves him here for entertainment purposes. Does that make Jim Lindgaard the the Court Jester?

And since I mentioned his name, thus breaking my own advice, he will spew all sorts of venom at me. I only see his posts in the topic review section when I make a post.

If you notice, this is a thread that I started to discuss a project that I am in the process of building.
Yet you post that I am trolling for what ?
>> is simply a troll trying to yank your chains <<

this is what you say is about ? Making statements like that about somebody who is actually building ? And you have ab hammer and a handful of people supporting you.
This is why I will find no reason to post any of my work in here. I have seen your album and have to wonder, what is it you say you are working on ? And like you, ab hammer also says nothing yet the 2 of you want me banned.
You two are the true trolls, just trolling trying to start something so nobody will notice that neither of you are working on anything. And that is what you jim_mich have said is about and what you and ab hammer want to take it back to.

And like I said, after I build Mt 127 and demonstrate it as Bessler's working principle, ab hammer can Bessler's wheel that is described in his Poetica Apologia.
You see, I think that gal that likes me has much more to offer me than the 2 of you ever could. I'm just not turned on by either of your penis' for some reason, lmfaowrotf ( laughing my fucking ass off while rolling on thefloor).

Hope your friends enjoy your company and ab hammer's jim_mich ;-)
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Re: re: Bellows Build

Post by smith66 »

Furcurequs wrote:
Jim Williams wrote:Dwayne:

I'm glad the Patent Office has class 415 subclass 916 - perpetual motion as in doing so they also assume they could be wrong, Also there is IPC F03B17/04 for international searches.

I didn't realize Enya was Maire's sister. I hadn't heard of Enya, until Jim L. mention his preference for her. What a surprise he would prefer her! I enjoy Patrick Ball's Celtic harp music while I'm writing as it is unobtrusive, while not being elevator music either.

This one caught Russians' attention, for the reason of: I have no idea.

Jim W.
Hey Jim,

I believe the U.S. Patent Office's policy in regards to "perpetual motion machines" is quite sensible and pragmatic, actually. They don't want to waste their time evaluating claims and designs that based upon past experience are almost certainly unworkable, so it's basically "just show us a working device and we'll then process your patent application and grant you your patent".

Oh, the fact that Maire and Enya are sisters was news to me, also. Although I was a bit aware of their and their siblings'/family's band Clannad, I hadn't really researched them to find out how they were all related. Apparently they are from a rather large musical family with nine, I believe, siblings.

I've not heard enough of either Maire's or Enya's music to proclaim a favorite, but I know I really liked Enya's album Watermark (which had the song "Orinoco Flow") back in the day.

Since we're talking music, here's a link to my own latest musical inspiration that I posted in another thread for those who may be curious - and in case you missed it. I tend toward instrumentals mostly.

It's a bit rough and not very long here. I did the parts in a single take and it was all so new that I was a little unsure of what I was playing. So, feel free to ignore whatever sour notes there may be.

I threw in the spinning wheel animation just to have something to stare at.

That's alright. it was when I heard Orinoco Flow that I took a liking to Enya.
I had a room mate once tell me I couldn't play her Watermark Album unless it was late. He couldn't stay awake past the second song.
If you want, you can try modifying the wheel in the video to give the "weights" a little motion. I changed a capture a little bit to show it.
With what I am working on with the Mt 127 build I am doing, I'll be using 2 sets of cross bars or 4 weights. This means that I would be using 2 sets of coupled bellows.
And unless I'm mistaken, if 12 lbs. of force at 24 inches can lift a column of water that is 100 ft., then I would think that 2 lbs. of force at the same 2 ft. could lift water 24 inches.
And with 4 ft. lbs. of torque, engineering suggests that lifting by vacuum would allow 2 lbs. to be easily lifted. Of course, this is if we consider engineering.
With compression, we would need to consider the surface area in square inches multiplied by 14.2 to have the equal but opposing force. it's one of those little details that is quite important.
If you look at Mt 80 and then Mt 81, it shows the change from using bellows to pump by means of compression to pumping by use of vacuum.
I guess my schooling is finally starting to pay off after all these years, lol.


p.s., if you notice, the bellows in Mt 81 perform no work but do show what the pump is doing associated with that particular bellow. And Mt 81 uses the same style of pumps found in Mt 85 with the person swinging which is how Bessler's weights got their force.

Sorry for being long winded Dwayne :-)

edited to add the modified pic of Dwayne's wheel.
Notice the pumps like those in Mt 85 with the person swinging that are doing the work. The bellows merely show the work or function the pumps are engaged in.
Notice the pumps like those in Mt 85 with the person swinging that are doing the work. The bellows merely show the work or function the pumps are engaged in.
Notice the bellow under the wheel is what pumps.
Notice the bellow under the wheel is what pumps.
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Jim Williams
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re: Bellows Build

Post by Jim Williams »

Now I wish I had responded earlier as Jim L. has taken his thread back on topic pretty much.

I'll add I assume you understood I was being tongue-in-cheek with the "So there!" comment, i.e. I was saying, "brake-a-leg, you fellow performer". If not, too bad.

Did listen to "Watermark". YouTube has the whole album available. I thought I had heard Orinoco before, to find it also performed by Celtic Women.

Nothing to add to the topic. I'm out of here.

Jim W.
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re: Bellows Build

Post by smith66 »

>> Now I wish I had responded earlier as Jim L. has taken his thread back on topic pretty much. <<
It never should have been taken off topic, there is a forum for that in here;

And then >> Nothing to add to the topic. I'm out of here. <<

A person shouldn't have to wonder why this is called Bessler
And what many people since Bessler's passing in 1745 is that Mt's 81 and 127 are the same wheel.
If you notice, except for the XB on Mt 81, all letters denoting the different components of the 2 wheels are denoting the same mechanics and/or part of the wheel.
I have added red letters which some may wonder why. If you notice, the upper bellow on Mt 127 is G and not F. And in Mt 81, the bellows are G but do not seem to do any work.
The reason for this is that the bellows in Mt 81 show that the bellow on the left has discharged or emptied itself. And while the bellow on the right side shows that it is primed or has drawn water into itself and thereby causing itself to be filled.
And with the change in how the pump/bellows work, it is important to note that the mechanics of the pump seemed to be reversed in order for them to work.

As things are, I'll be going to my shop and see if I can't get a test bellows built today. Last night I cleaned up my shop and prepped what I'll be attaching the test bellows on.
And then in the next week I can build the mechanics that will operate the test bellows. And I think this helps to show where going slowly and thinking about what I'm doing will help to make things go better in the long run.


edited to add; the x could mean cross over. If you notice, Mt 80 and lowered number drawings use the bellow operating by creating pressure and with Mt 81, bellows cross over to working by drawing water into it and not pumping it out. And the B could be Bessler's signature letting us know that this is important in understanding his wheel.
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cloud camper
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re: Bellows Build

Post by cloud camper »

Really some amazing insights here Jim.

There's nobody else doing this kind of work on the forum. (Oops - sorry
Daano - you do as well!)

I really enjoy your analysis of the MT's because I have a terrible time
interpreting JB's woodcuts myself.

This type of work is the reason why you should not be banned but encouraged. I would give you a green stamp if I had one to give.

It is very common that extremely creative and innovative people like yourself typically have issues, like alcoholism, drug use, etc. (not suggesting that you do of course) but it would really please a lot of folks if you could tone down your obsession with ABH. It's just not very interesting.

If more forum members would validate your work I believe it would help you understand that most are not out to get you and actually appreciate your ideas.

Very original, creative insights Jim!
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Jim Williams
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re: Bellows Build

Post by Jim Williams »

I just reread the thread, "Bellows Build" or what of I could of it, and I've concluded that I made a move on it, not so much to vent my frustration over The Feud as a chance to promote my own patent and book.

I note at the time I did bring them up I was attempting no more than a diversion from the battle, but in retrospect, should have started my own Off Topic thread as I 've done in the past.

Still while I am glad Jim l. has brought this thread back, particularly the way he did with his analysis of the MTs. However, I don't feel I owe him an apology. But to those whom are offended by my blatant self promotion to the degree it was one, I do apologize for wasting your time I only meant for the friends I still may have here.

Jim W.
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