Smith66 should be banned.

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Should smith66, aka Jim Lindgaard, be banned (again)

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Smith66 should be banned.

Post by jim_mich »

Jim Lindgaard reaches 'should be banned' status' once again after 3 months of his most recent re-incarnation as the sock-puppet 'smith66', which is explicitly against the 'terms of use' of this forum. We shall see how long until Scott bans him again.

The forum as a group only votes people off the forum when their behavior becomes so obnoxious that enough members push the red button of the obnoxious individual.
smith66 wrote:Mr Vibrating,
A link to my thread and in it, I even agree with Jim_Mich but got no green dot.
Go figure.
Green reputation buttons are usually pushed when people like Fletcher (and others) try to help fellow members. The red and green buttons work only once. You can't give a bunch of green dots to a favorite member. So Jim Lindgaard, aka smith66, simply agreeing with me does not negate all the crap he posts. Any one single posting will not magically cause me to punch someone's reputation button. Reputations are earned or lost over a period of time and a number of postings.

The reputations mostly reflect how people treat other forum members. If a member acts continually in a vile and obnoxious manner towards other members, then that obnoxious member deserves his red dots and bad reputation status.

It is the vile and obnoxious off topic postings that derail threads and turn them into train wrecks.

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Post by smith66 »

This constitutes defamation of character.
I will need to consult with an attorney to see what legal action I can take against this forum and it's members.
After all, I can show where I supported your claim of Bessler having used centrifugal force even if it was not in the fashion you intended.

edited to add;
Scott, the reason Jim_Mich started this thread is because mrvibrator posted a thread on centrifugal force and gravity. What I did was post a link to my thread where I discussed that is something Bessler used in his 60 rpm wheel.
Unfortunately, nobody wants to give aBessler credit for having known anything for proof of this, read his statement before his maschinen tractate. Then search ab hammer and jim_mich with the keyword lottery. Those 2 claim that a person is just as likely to win the lottery as to find something in Bessler's drawings.
And that's why they don't like me, I say Bessler was smart and they talk about themselves just as mrvibrator did to start his thread.
Also, this weekend I will be starting a build of Mt 127 with pulleys which I expect will work. It agrees with one of Bessler's quotes and some in here are unhappy because if I am successful, they will l0ose their credibility they earned while discrediting Bessler and his work. And that's what the rating system in here encourages.
Last edited by smith66 on Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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cloud camper
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re: Smith66 should be banned.

Post by cloud camper »

This is just JM going back to his happy place of suppressing debate.

JM and his cronies have similarly accused me of being the reincarnated JL, Techstuff and others.

This is just more abuse of the rating systems, with JM wanting to ban anyone who does not agree with his ideas. Neither does JM approve of anyone using the creative process as JL does.

I was looking forward to simulating JL's innovative idea incorporating MT26 and reporting to the group but now that is threatened as JM is not interested in new ideas.

JM would happily ban me as well, and now that we have totally deconstructed JM's ideas on a totally scientific basis, I'm the next one on his list since I can tell truth from BS and will keep jamming the truth in his face every chance I get.

JM personally has done more damage to the forum by driving away Stewart making unqualified biased translations than all of Jim's favorite trolls combined.

Stop the suppression!
Last edited by cloud camper on Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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re: Smith66 should be banned.

Post by smith66 »

@cloud camper,
>> I was looking forward to simulating JL's innovative idea incorporating MT26 <<

If you look at Mt 26, the slot E has a rolling weight in it. If you look at Mt 27, E is in the rim and the lever has a heart shaped weight. And as we know, the heart is a pump.
But this would be a more advanced understanding of Bessler's work.
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Re: re: Smith66 should be banned.

Post by AB Hammer »

cloud camper wrote:This is just JM going back to his happy place of suppressing debate.

JM and his cronies have similarly accused me of being the reincarnated JL, Techstuff and others.

This is just more abuse of the rating systems, with JM wanting to ban anyone who does not agree with his ideas. Neither does JM approve of anyone using the creative process as JL does.

I was looking forward to simulating JL's innovative idea incorporating MT26 and reporting to the group but now that is threatened as JM is not interested in new ideas.

JM would happily ban me as well, and now that we have totally deconstructed JM's ideas on a totally scientific basis, I'm the next one on his list since I can tell truth from BS and will keep jamming the truth in his face every chance I get.

JM personally has done more damage to the forum by driving away Stewart making unqualified biased translations than all of Jim's favorite trolls combined.

Stop the suppression!
cloud camper

Your strong support for Jim Lindgaard and the overdone smooshing makes us think you are also someone who has been banned before as well or even an alter ego of Lindgaard. I hope this isn't true.


You forgot, smith66 should be banned again along with the other banned names of his before but he most likely has several active accounts as he has had before unused as well. We have dealt with James Lindgaard's ways, many times before. Enough is enough.
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Post by jim_mich »

These are the known Jim Lindgaard reincarnations:

All except smith66 are currently banned.

The terms of service link at the bottom of every forum page states:

... you shall not:
Create more than one account.
This rule is only excepted on a case by case basis for users who have a legitimate need for two accounts and have demonstrated their trustworthiness to the administrators. No more than two usernames are ever allowed. The two usernames must be identical except for a numeric suffix;

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re: Smith66 should be banned.

Post by AB Hammer »


Here is another for Lindgaard, but it is not listed as banned. ( ........ )
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

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re: Smith66 should be banned.

Post by smith66 »

@ab hammer and jim_mich,
I think it is as I have mentioned, your credibility is at stake and defaming me is the only way you have left.
Neither one of you can show one build or thread attributed to Bessler's work.
And alan, what I think speaks volumes of you is when you do a partial build based on mt 125 and then claim to have found the pictures on the internet and wanted to know what I thought. When I did not fall for your ploy, then you claimed you built it.
And all the while for attacking me on my position on Mt's 125 and 127.
You come off kind of 2 faced that way. And yet here you are brown nosing jim_mich without either one of you mentioning where either one of you have any specific idea's on Bessler's work that can be demonstrated.
You 2 have a very week argument and I think this shows where my background serves me well in understanding Bessler's work.
After all, you both refute what he wrote in his Poetica Apologia when he said that his rim was not a normal rim. Well, if it had channel in it like Mt 27 suggests, then I don't think that could be considered normal.
And yet you both maintain there is nothing of value in his drawings and something Scott can see for himself.
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re: Smith66 should be banned.

Post by smith66 »

This is something ab hammer built so he could discredit someone who posted an idea based on the fact that Bessler said that he sued scissors.
And the drawings after that show how scissors might work in a perpetual wheel. Something ab hammer has proven is not possible.

@cloud camper, he can have this forum. After all, he has been well supported just as Jim_Mich has been. And with scissors, if one moves 2 inches and there are 3 sections as shown, maximum possible movement is 12 inches. And if this takes one weight moving 6 inches out of balance, the net gain is 6 inches of over balance because the opposing weight would be perpendicular to the axis of movement.
basic math.
And a snippet from a Bessler drawing.
And a snippet from a Bessler drawing.
When one scissor moves, all of the others telescope that motion/movement.
When one scissor moves, all of the others telescope that motion/movement.
What ab hammer built, but without the weighted lever in the drawing.
What ab hammer built, but without the weighted lever in the drawing.
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re: Smith66 should be banned.

Post by AB Hammer »

smith66 posted
I think it is as I have mentioned, your credibility is at stake and defaming me is the only way you have left.
No we just want to get rid of the trash.

smith66 posted
alan, what I think speaks volumes of you is when you do a partial build based on mt 125 and then claim to have found the pictures on the internet and wanted to know what I thought. When I did not fall for your ploy, then you claimed you built it.
And all the while for attacking me on my position on Mt's 125 and 127.
What a load of trash again. On the string of yours called Bellows Build. This is where Lindgaard/smith66 is LOL referring to. ... c&start=30

Here is my post with the picture.
Good start Jim-L

Here are some photos of a water pumping style wheel that I thought you might like to see.
Now the second post to follow.

Maybe I should of said restart? You did just get this location to work at didn't you? felt it was a good place to get to work. Nothing more. I just hope you like the pictures I found on the internet, and I thought it would be of good inspiration.

I know you are wondering why I seem so nice and you seem to want to reed something into it but there is nothing. Simply I can afford to be, and soon you will with the rest understand.

This is what Lindgaard/smith66 is calling attacks, harassment, ...

As you can see I never claimed I built the wheels in the pictures. Despite of the past I was trying to be nice but Lindgaard/smith66 couldn't have that.

I only gave a hint that I may have a possible working wheel under construction. This is a real possibility due to several breakthroughs I have done.

James Lindgaard is one of the biggest reasons I won't show what I am doing in detail on the internet until patent pending status. That is also why I have a private forum here getting ready for exposure of the breakthroughs. There are several here that have access already.

One last thing about Bessler's drawings of the MTs If you build the MTs as they are you are wasting your time but look at each part as an individual part and you will see a lot more possibilities.

"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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Trevor Lyn Whatford
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re: Smith66 should be banned.

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi Jim_Mich,

If you could stop being so controlling and abusive then this forum would be a better place!

Hi Jim L,
If you could stop being abusive and let sleeping dogs lie then this forum would be a better place!

Both Jim’s and AB Hammer's inputs have value when are kept in line with what this forum was set up for, but it would be better without all the abuse.

Americans a "tut" they only want free speech when there the ones doing the talking!

I do not wish to spend much time here until things get better, so you three guys stop it.

Regards Trevor
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AB Hammer
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Re: re: Smith66 should be banned.

Post by AB Hammer »

smith66 wrote:@All,
This is something ab hammer built so he could discredit someone who posted an idea based on the fact that Bessler said that he sued scissors.
And the drawings after that show how scissors might work in a perpetual wheel. Something ab hammer has proven is not possible.

@cloud camper, he can have this forum. After all, he has been well supported just as Jim_Mich has been. And with scissors, if one moves 2 inches and there are 3 sections as shown, maximum possible movement is 12 inches. And if this takes one weight moving 6 inches out of balance, the net gain is 6 inches of over balance because the opposing weight would be perpendicular to the axis of movement.
basic math.

You really need to post links to be proof of what you claim. But of course it will prove you a lier again for you have no proof. Just your twisted words.

PS. you have a lot to learn about scissor jacks. They are compound units and it takes a lot of energy to move it the way it is drawn. No gain.
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Trevor Lyn Whatford
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re: Smith66 should be banned.

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Jim L , AB Hammer, for goodness sake stop it and take a good look at what you are doing to your selves, it make me feel sick in the stomach to read all your rubbish, he said she said that he said that she said that he said. For f*** sake do you think members care “NO� they just want a end to it!

Back to Bessler’s wheel,

AB Hammer is right about the scissor jacks, it takes about three weights to drop to lift one weight up on the vertical lift, but then Jim L is right about the fluid weight shift when it is done correctly.

Regards Trevor

Edit, Last week I recommended this forum on my website, and you three guys have ruined it for anyone that takes a look in here! so I hope you three are proud of your input, because I am ashamed of what you guys are doing here!!!
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re: Smith66 should be banned.

Post by Axelf »


I think your name is "underexposed"!
In German "Volldepp"!
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re: Smith66 should be banned.

Post by Fletcher »

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