My Bessler Facebook Page.

A Bessler, gravity, free-energy free-for-all. Registered users can upload files, conduct polls, and more...

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My Bessler Facebook Page.

Post by JohnF »

My Bessler Facebook Page.
Am asking Scott to delete this but he can post a link to the facebook page and the build I am doing.
Bessler did realize a unique principle. It only takes 1 kg of force to suspend 1 kg of mass. And with a liquid, if the force moves at a 90 degree angle, the distance the liquid travel does not matter.
I think some people in here will find my work interesting and for those that don't, that's okay, don't click on the link. ... 046?ref=hl

p.s., I also posted some of my previous builds and explained a little of the engineering.
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re: My Bessler Facebook Page.

Post by justsomeone »

Jim Lindguard puppet! Again.
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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Re: My Bessler Facebook Page.

Post by JohnF »

JohnF wrote:My Bessler Facebook Page.
Am asking Scott to delete this but he can post a link to the facebook page and the build I am doing.
Bessler did realize a unique principle. It only takes 1 kg of force to suspend 1 kg of mass. And with a liquid, if the force moves at a 90 degree angle, the distance the liquid travel does not matter.
I think some people in here will find my work interesting and for those that don't, that's okay, don't click on the link. ... 046?ref=hl

p.s., I also posted some of my previous builds and explained a little of the engineering.
I have let Scott know the "secret" of Bessler's wheel. In Mt 89 he shows a piston type pump that is moving water upwards without using the piston.
Nature abhors a vacuum and when a bellow opens 2 inches, then it will draw water into that vacuum. And since the top bellow would be below atmospheric air pressure, this means that the bottom bellow is as well and then the air around it can cause it to pump.
After all, the weight is pulling on the top bellow, right ?
Kind of why he left the lower chamber of Mt 89 lower when nothing is pushing the water down nor pulling it up.
Still, I did mention to Scott that it seems any more that people are more concerned about protecting their credibility even if it is at Bessler's expense.
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Joined: Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:37 pm

re: My Bessler Facebook Page.

Post by JohnF »

It's no secret that the environment has 14.2 psi or 1.03 kgf/cm^3 of pressure.
In a bellow, as it opens, the compression effect the atmosphere has on it becomes less and less the more it opens. This creates a pressure differential between the atmosphere and the inside of the bellows.
And since the top bellow is what is creating the low pressure effect, that is the direction that water would flow as a result of the pressure differential created by a line pulling on the top bellow.
Of course, with math like this, opening a 3 1/2 inch wide (8.75 cm's), 24 inches long (60 cm's) and opens to 1 1/2 inches (3.75 cm's), would shift about 4 lbs. (1.8 kg's) of water 30 inches (75 cm's) with a weight dropping 3 inches (7.5 cm's) using a 2:1 hoist/pulley ratio and same weight as the water.
This agrees with Bessler's 1 lb. lifting 4 lbs. 4 times higher and doing so quickly. Basically looking at about 32 times the force. And something dropping 3 inches (7.5 cm's) to SHIFT a weight 30 inches (75 cm's) is a nice 10:1 ratio I will take any day.
Oh, I almost forgot, if the weight pulling on the bellow were on a lever, it could drop less while doing more work. what I described is a weight hanging freely from the line on the pulley.
So it does seem that Bessler's words can be proven true.
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