Gears and leverage

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Paul Bodger
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Gears and leverage

Post by Paul Bodger »

Hi All,

I have this idea in mind for the past eight years. I'm a blacksmith by trade; look up, . Thats who I am. I state I have an idea that needs no tweaking. I'm either an idiot, which I'm not, Or most probbabbly just a fantisist who can not spell.

In the new year during my spare time I plan to put my rotation, gears and leverage idea into practice. I can not see why it wont work so I plan to build it.

Now by this time reader's of this mail are dismmissing me completely so I humbly ask you to check out my website to assertain I'm not a true crank or misguided by intelect, in addition to having a reputation to protect.

My idea is not the same as any others that I have researched or seen via paper printed idea's.

I will make a working modell.

I need a clutch device, not a brake. A clutch that will know when to let go due to it's own friction. This is not my tweak in my idea. I just dont want my idea to stop itself working/ rotating.


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re: Gears and leverage

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Next thing you will see from anyone is....

So what are you waiting for? Tell us how it works.
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re: Gears and leverage

Post by VergingOnDone »

The clutch idea reminds me of that bicycle that changes it's own gears due to the rotation speed of the rear wheel, it was an infomercial, late at night, would that sort of idea be the direction you were looking for? If it was I could do a google search, I don't remember the name however.
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re: Gears and leverage

Post by Patrick »

Hello Paul;
Welcome to the discussion board, looks like you will have lots of resources at your disposal. Good luck in the new year.
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re: Gears and leverage

Post by grim »

Hi Paul

I don't know if this will help, I'll let you judge the info.

Google search for "One way bearings" yields several companies that make a one-way roller bearing set. They freewheel in one direction, but if you try to turn them backwards they lock up.

Small ones are used in model cars, etc., large ones are used for overrunning clutches in machinery.

Hope this helps.



re: Gears and leverage

Post by Freewheel »

Wheel, Wheel, Wheel...

That would be a freewheel. One way bearing is the exact same principle without the outer gear teeth. Wow!
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re: Gears and leverage

Post by Fletcher »

One-Way Clutch Bearings are used in main industry. I use one. They contain pawls as mentioned in a previous post as do push-bike hubs (the first one I stripped down was a bike hub - you know, free wheels in one direction - drives in the other). They can be purchased from any Wholesaler or Distributer of Bearings and Shafts etc. Every major city has an outlet - Look up Bearing Suppliers/Supplies etc
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re: Gears and leverage

Post by jim_mich »

Paul Bodger, sounds like you are looking for a clutch bearing.

Go to and type in 'clutch bearing' in their search box. I've ordered from McMaster many times. They usually ship same day if you order in the morning. Many times I receive my order the next day. Also the starter rope on some lawnmowers use a one way clutch bearing.
How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
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