Forget it

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Re: re: Forget it

Post by Furcurequs »

Oystein wrote:About Finsrud machine. Please investigate before making those claims, would you? Have you been there?
If one is to discover secrets hidden in nature that others have overlooked, he would have to almost certainly be a very observant individual and probably even more so than your typical run-of-the mill scientist, even, and certainly more so than many of the ignorant lame assed "true believers" in the "free energy" community who apparently so want to have something to believe in that they will accept as fact totally unsubstantiated claims from others and then go on to waste their time and that of others defending mere fantasies.

If Uri Geller and James Randi were sitting in front of you, they both could seemingly demonstrate the same amazing ability to bend keys and spoons by merely stroking them with their fingers. James Randi, however, as a magician would readily admit that it is a simple slight of hand and a cunning deception that he is employing to impress us. Uri Geller, however, would seemingly claim that his ability is due to some sort of supernatural power that he possesses or at least can tap in to and that he uses no deception at all.

Do you go on to believe, then, the claims of both, and that one is bending the metal with his truly supernatural powers and that, sadly, the less gifted (though still "Amazing") Randi has to resort to mere trickery?

...or do you suspect that maybe both are using the same or similar mere trickery and yet Geller is lying about it?

How gullible are you? How gullible are we?

Some truly do believe Uri Geller. Some don't - and actually take true offence that he would perpetuate a fraud and make money off of the gullible.

I'm probably not so critical, myself, of someone who simply promotes a fantasy for others to believe if they really wish to do that, even though I personally wouldn't believe such a fantasy myself and am even a bit disturbed that there seem to be so many gullible people who do.

Where do we draw the line, though? Do we imprison someone for simply perpetuating an entertaining hoax? What about if it is instead a money thieving fraud of the truly naive and near retarded? Paying a magician to knowingly deceive us is surely okay, though, right?

Anyway, more directly to your comment...

I've done a little online investigation of Finrud's device and then realized there were parts of the mechanism that I had not earlier known were even there. (...and as I've discussed before here...) There are apparently parts that extend down within a hollow column and pedestal and hidden from view. I read that Finsrud even claims there are magnets down in that pedestal, too.

One would have to be extraordinarily ignorant and naive and gullible, then, to accept that Finsrud actually has a working perpetual motion machine when there is quite obviously so much room for deception. Due to that hollow column and pedestal, part of the working mechanism almost certainly is - and is even admittedly - hidden from view.

Without knowing, then, exactly what secret bits are hidden down within that column and pedestal, and by being able to actually see and examine them in detail, of course, I honestly can't imagine how any educated, sane and rational human being could possibly just accept, then, on apparently faith alone the extraordinary claim that the Finsrud device is a truly working perpetual motion machine.

Finsrud is an artist and sculptor and this kinetic sculpture and his presentation of it is almost certainly just a thought provoking art form and an entertaining deception.

An actual working device would quickly turn into a sensational worldwide news story, of course. ...and this "sculpture" obviously is not that.

Oh, at one point I even saw a video in which a supposed scientist was discussing the Finsrud device and he was going on and on about how "efficient" it was and that it could even be 99% efficient!

...and all I could think at the time was something along the lines of "My God, you're a scientist?! You're talking about how "efficient" this thing is?! Efficiency compared to what?! You don't even know what sort of machine it is you are examining! You're a stupid idiot!"

Eh, of course, though, maybe I should give the poor fellow the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was just in on the hoax! ...oops, I mean the artistic presentation.

If to believe, one must ignore the hidden bits rather than to have first fully explored the hidden bits, then such a one just might not be too smart or wise.

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re: Forget it

Post by Oystein »

All I "demand" from people is that they use their open mind and see things from many perspectives and make smart conclusions from available information.

It so very easy to say, oh, trickery is possible. So what then? What can you learn then? Nothing in the physics books are, exiting, innovative or groundbreaking. It is easy to read, to learn standard formulas and remember quotes etc. But it is not so easy to try to explain or explore an unknown phenomena. Then your mind must work "outside the box" and you must remember that "nothing is holy". Your teacher was no smarter than you etc.

About Finsruds machine, you can draw quick conclusions if you want to. Or you can debate until nothing good appears.

The machine stops (also in public view if that is the time it stops) So then do you think it runs on external supply? It is neither related to electricity in the house etc. that has been tested. It stopped once when scientists from Japan where there to make film. They found it was educational to watch the startup procedure. (=input energy!)

Yes he even draw the central pendulums in his sketches and explains that the 3 small magnets give impulses to the central pendulum. He also explains how he experimented to arrive at the design.

About efficiency: The standard science has no formula or have no natural thought processes related to the subject. They conclude that since the machine eventual stops (after months of running) and it transfer no measurable energy to any generator or such, it has to be under 100% efficient.

This is just scandalous of a scientist to state. Are they for real?

To work in this field we have to make the rules that we need.

When searching for OU, we need to know that any known engine is at least 100% efficient. Every energy must be counted for, including friction, heat, air drag, sound etc. This is the fundamental laws of thermodynamics applied.

Then a machine running for 1 minute can be "over unity" (if we believe OU may exist). This is because "efficiency %" is: all outputs/input x 100.

The Finsrud device must then be scrutinized further to find out if his claims is true. Indications can be seen if we compare this scenario: If you push a 2 kg steel ball with you hand and sets it of at some speed. How long do you believe it could keep rolling on aluminium tracks before coming to a halt? 2 minutes ?

We need to estimate (produced air resistance/drag + sound, ( all heat), wear and tear on the track etc for 2 months. Then divide by his initial input energy by hand x 100

That would a true scientist do when investigating the machine. Sadly, no one would dare to publish their results or dare to do the job, in fear of ridicule.

PS, his rolling track has now been changed because of wear an tear on the track.

We will all in our lifetime understand how Besslers machine worked. Then we can further discuss why Karl did what he did. I am about to make my fair share of contribution to the subject in the near future. Like you can see and read in MT yourselves, there are no mysterious substances or other magic tricks from the environment etc. involved.
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re: Forget it

Post by ovyyus »

Furcurequs wrote:...and all I could think at the time was something along the lines of "My God, you're a scientist?! You're talking about how "efficient" this thing is?! Efficiency compared to what?! You don't even know what sort of machine it is you are examining! You're a stupid idiot!"
I think the point the scientist was making was that if the machine is very efficient and if the machine operated at very low power (which it does) then it might run for weeks or even months on a tiny amount of stored energy. Perhaps not such a stupid observation.
Oystein wrote:All I "demand" from people is that they use their open mind and see things from many perspectives and make smart conclusions from available information.
The available information isn't conclusive so isn't the smart thing to make no conclusions? Conclusions might be possible with more information and an open mind.

Pondering the actions of others in an effort to understand motive is never a waste of time. Fixating on speculation usually is a waste of time. Uh-oh :D
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Post by jim_mich »

It seems Karl was not willing to pay Bessler's asking price of 100,000 Thalers, about 83,540 troy oz silver, which today would be about $1,881,332 US dollars or about €1,364,216 Euros.

Karl wanted to pump water for his cascade. Karl was not looking to invest in some new invention. Karl had to offer something to Bessler. Karl sent a message that he wanted to meet with Bessler. Karl then sent a carriage to fetch Bessler. Bessler had no working wheel to show Karl at the time. So Karl gave Bessler a reasonable offer. Bessler gets to live in the castle while he re-builds his wheel. Karl gives Bessler a government job as Counselor of Commerce so Bessler has an income of 4,000 Thalers a year, about 3,342 troy oz silver, which today would be about $75,253 US dollars or about €54,569 Euros per year. Karl gets to see how the wheel works. And if Karl decide not to buy the wheel then Karl will try to find a buyer for the wheel. By seeing the wheel mechanism Karl can determine if it is actually perpetual motion or if it's a fraud. And also Karl can decide if it can pump the volume of water needed for his cascade. Karl could buy the wheel himself if decides to. Karl was known for being honest. This sounds like a sweet deal for all involved. And if Bessler's wheel is a fraud, Bessler loses his head. You don't defraud a prince and get away with it.

It's obvious, Karl must have been satisfied the wheel was perpetual motion, else Bessler would have ended up shorter by one head. It seems Karl was a little surprised by its simplicity.

Karl must have decided either the wheel was not capable of pumping the volume of water needed for the cascade or that the price of the wheel was too high compared to a steam engine. When one figures out how many wheels and of what size would be needed to pump the water for Karl's cascade, then the answer of why Karl's did not buy it was that steam was cheaper. And if steam was cheaper for the cascade, then most likely it would also be cheaper for the local mill and for pumping water from mines. In one of my earlier posts, I said it was a matter of return on investment.

To Karl, this was just another modern scientific invention. It was not something that was contrary to some scientific law that was still being developed. and it was not something to boost Karl's reputation. It was simply another modern invention.

Edit: John Collins corrected me... The 4000 Thaler's was a one time payment. The government salary was about 300 Thalers.

Last edited by jim_mich on Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Forget it

Post by justsomeone »

Might it be possible that Karl would have built (or had built) a wheel after Bessler sold his wheel to someone else. Let someone else pay the king's ransom and still have your own wheel.
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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Post by John Collins »

Karl only promised to pay Bessler 4000 thaler to view the inside of the wheel. His salary was considerbly less, about 300 thalers I believe. There is a letter dated about two years after his arrival at Kassel from Bessler to Karl, begging him to pay the four thousand thalers he promised him...

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Post by eccentrically1 »

are bill and i the only ones who recognize the significance that a true pm wheel would have been?
a true pm wheel would have been worth trillions upon trillions of thalers.
true pm wheels are overunity machines, greater than 100% efficiency. game over for all other forms of working machines in the entire universe of karl. he would have been rich beyond belief.

it obviously wasn't pm. i can't believe i have to keep saying it to other grown men.
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re: Forget it

Post by johannesbender »

wow bessler having to write a letter to karl asking
wich he has been promised is exactly what he feared when
revealing the inside.
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Post by eccentrically1 »

John Collins wrote:Karl only promised to pay Bessler 4000 thaler to view the inside of the wheel. His salary was considerbly less, about 300 thalers I believe. There is a letter dated about two years after his arrival at Kassel from Bessler to Karl, begging him to pay the four thousand thalers he promised him...

did karl ever pay him the 4000?
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re: Forget it

Post by ovyyus »

Yes, but Bessler had to beg for it and Karl was obviously reluctant to pay.
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Post by DrWhat »


If Karl was reluctant to pay then he clearly wasn't very impressed by what was inside the wheel!
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re: Forget it

Post by daxwc »

That is speculation, maybe Karl paid all his bills late. Bessler didn’t seem to be arguing with him over the terms.
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re: Forget it

Post by ovyyus »

jim_mich wrote:Karl wanted to pump water for his cascade. Karl was not looking to invest in some new invention...
Why not? How much did Karl invest in development of the new steam engine technology in order to solve the pumping problem for his massively expensive cascades project?

Jim, according to your own speculation a 'motion wheel' can be designed for high power output. You keep telling me how potentially powerful Bessler's wheel was. Bessler kept telling everyone how potentially powerful his wheel was. How did all that power and potential escape Karl's grasp? Very odd.
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re: Forget it

Post by John Collins »

daxwc is right. All bills were always paid very late. Even John Rowley, Master of Mechanics to King George I, struggled to get his invoices paid sooner than three years after the event.

The men in charge of issuing payments were reluctant to pay for anything too quickly in case there was some kind of come-back which might threaten their position.

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Post by jim_mich »

Bill wrote:Jim, according to your own speculation a 'motion wheel' can be designed for high power output. You keep telling me how potentially powerful Bessler's wheel was.
Come on Bill, you have said Bessler's wheel produced 20 Watts, or less than 0.03 HP. I feel it produced more than 140 Watts, or almost 1/5 HP. The early steam engines being built during Bessler's era produced maybe 3 HP to 5 HP. I've been trying to track down their actual power. But from watching this video, and estimating piston size along with stroke length, and assuming it developed -10 PSI (it ran on vacuum) I calculate between 3 to 5 HP. (I reserve the right to revise this estimate as I find more accurate info.) So this makes the steam engines of that era about 20 times more powerful than my estimate of Bessler's wheel. And about 140 times more powerful than Bill's estimate.

My point here is that yes, Bessler's wheel was much more powerful than the weak 20 Watts that Bill espouses. But it was much weaker than the steam engines that were starting to be built.

If we can find how much water flowed down Karl's cascade and how high it was, we can calculate the HP needed to pump the water. Then we could estimate how big and how many Bessler's wheel it would require. And how powerful the steam engine would need to be.

Come on guys, use a little common sense when discussing these type of things.

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