If one is to discover secrets hidden in nature that others have overlooked, he would have to almost certainly be a very observant individual and probably even more so than your typical run-of-the mill scientist, even, and certainly more so than many of the ignorant lame assed "true believers" in the "free energy" community who apparently so want to have something to believe in that they will accept as fact totally unsubstantiated claims from others and then go on to waste their time and that of others defending mere fantasies.Oystein wrote:About Finsrud machine. Please investigate before making those claims, would you? Have you been there?
If Uri Geller and James Randi were sitting in front of you, they both could seemingly demonstrate the same amazing ability to bend keys and spoons by merely stroking them with their fingers. James Randi, however, as a magician would readily admit that it is a simple slight of hand and a cunning deception that he is employing to impress us. Uri Geller, however, would seemingly claim that his ability is due to some sort of supernatural power that he possesses or at least can tap in to and that he uses no deception at all.
Do you go on to believe, then, the claims of both, and that one is bending the metal with his truly supernatural powers and that, sadly, the less gifted (though still "Amazing") Randi has to resort to mere trickery?
...or do you suspect that maybe both are using the same or similar mere trickery and yet Geller is lying about it?
How gullible are you? How gullible are we?
Some truly do believe Uri Geller. Some don't - and actually take true offence that he would perpetuate a fraud and make money off of the gullible.
I'm probably not so critical, myself, of someone who simply promotes a fantasy for others to believe if they really wish to do that, even though I personally wouldn't believe such a fantasy myself and am even a bit disturbed that there seem to be so many gullible people who do.
Where do we draw the line, though? Do we imprison someone for simply perpetuating an entertaining hoax? What about if it is instead a money thieving fraud of the truly naive and near retarded? Paying a magician to knowingly deceive us is surely okay, though, right?
Anyway, more directly to your comment...
I've done a little online investigation of Finrud's device and then realized there were parts of the mechanism that I had not earlier known were even there. (...and as I've discussed before here...) There are apparently parts that extend down within a hollow column and pedestal and hidden from view. I read that Finsrud even claims there are magnets down in that pedestal, too.
One would have to be extraordinarily ignorant and naive and gullible, then, to accept that Finsrud actually has a working perpetual motion machine when there is quite obviously so much room for deception. Due to that hollow column and pedestal, part of the working mechanism almost certainly is - and is even admittedly - hidden from view.
Without knowing, then, exactly what secret bits are hidden down within that column and pedestal, and by being able to actually see and examine them in detail, of course, I honestly can't imagine how any educated, sane and rational human being could possibly just accept, then, on apparently faith alone the extraordinary claim that the Finsrud device is a truly working perpetual motion machine.
Finsrud is an artist and sculptor and this kinetic sculpture and his presentation of it is almost certainly just a thought provoking art form and an entertaining deception.
An actual working device would quickly turn into a sensational worldwide news story, of course. ...and this "sculpture" obviously is not that.
Oh, at one point I even saw a video in which a supposed scientist was discussing the Finsrud device and he was going on and on about how "efficient" it was and that it could even be 99% efficient!
...and all I could think at the time was something along the lines of "My God, you're a scientist?! You're talking about how "efficient" this thing is?! Efficiency compared to what?! You don't even know what sort of machine it is you are examining! You're a stupid idiot!"
Eh, of course, though, maybe I should give the poor fellow the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was just in on the hoax! ...oops, I mean the artistic presentation.
If to believe, one must ignore the hidden bits rather than to have first fully explored the hidden bits, then such a one just might not be too smart or wise.