Another claim to a working device...

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re: Another claim to a working device...

Post by Tarsier79 »

Thanks Azimuthe

Great for a laugh!
The patent even mentions why their invention won't work. They just dont understand yet.

Funnily enough, I don't see any mention of the additions they have made....

Idiots! I feel sorry for anyone who had hope in their delusion/scam.
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Post by Furcurequs »

azimuthe wrote:The Patent !!
Thanks, azimuthe!

That will certainly be interesting to look over.

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Re: re: Another claim to a working device...

Post by Furcurequs »

Tarsier79 wrote: Funnily enough, I don't see any mention of the additions they have made....
Click on Renato Ribeiro's name next to "inventors," or this: ... Ribeiro%22

There alone appear to be links to patent applications for this one and four other variations.

Maybe even more to come, then, huh?

Last edited by Furcurequs on Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Another claim to a working device...

Post by Unbalanced »

I think you are being too quick to judge Tazier79.

The take aways I get from reading over this application for the third time are that 1) this devise doesn't create noise or heat. This seems hard to believe when those locking mechanisms must be connecting at tremendous speed. 2) that it is self starting. Take away the tension on that ever-present crane and this thing just goes. 3) if I understand his discription correctly, for every three weights falling one is being lifted. 4) that I was correct in assuming that the devise only requires eight of the sixteen articulating arms to run. 5) only the descending weights are connected directly to the crankshaft.

I for one, lend them the benefit of my doubts. I bet we will be given a video of it in action in the near future. It will be nearly impossible to ascertain whether the central winding is acting as a motor or a generator but I really like to think it is acting as a generator.

You might ask yourself why would anyone apply for four US patents for a devise that showed no propensity to run but then you may also ask yourself why would anyone build to this scale if they didn't have a smaller prototype already running. There's no justification for a prudent person to do either so he's either crazy delusional or really on to something. In that he is president of one of the largest and more successful biofuel companies, I'm leaning toward the he's really on to something scenario.

What puzzles me most is why we have all been trying to design within the confines of a wheel on a free axle when the possibilities are so greatly increased when we are freed from these constraints. Yes, solving Bessler's puzzle would be one answer but underlying this is the much greater achievement of just plain harnessing gravity.

This is worthy of a poll in a new poll thread. Does the RAR Energia Devise actually run?
Last edited by Unbalanced on Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by azimuthe »

Thanks Furcurequs
Very interesting it's the last version with all modification
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Re: re: Another claim to a working device...

Post by Unbalanced »

Sorry, double post
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Re: re: Another claim to a working device...

Post by Unbalanced »

Sorry, Triple Post... Too early,
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Post by eccentrically1 »

i guess the examiner didn't go to observe it, lol.
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Post by Furcurequs »

Do you think the examiner will eventually get an all expense paid trip to Gilman?
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Post by Furcurequs »

azimuthe wrote:Thanks Furcurequs
Very interesting it's the last version with all modification
You're welcome.

It seems that these applications are at least 7 months old. They don't publish them right away, of course, and so I don't think I see the very latest modifications that can be seen in the most recent pictures at the RAR website.

If they've been filing patents every couple of weeks or so, though, like it seems they did with these 5, we may have a bunch more to see still.

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Post by Furcurequs »

This page also has links to the international patent applications:

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re: Another claim to a working device...

Post by rlortie »

Unbalanced wrote:
What puzzles me most is why we have all been trying to design within the confines of a wheel on a free axle when the possibilities are so greatly increased when we are freed from these constraints. Yes, solving Bessler's puzzle would be one answer but underlying this is the much greater achievement of just plain harnessing gravity.
I can not recall verbatim Bessler's exact words, but as I remember, he did not refer to his machine as a "Wheel", he let the observers conclude that description because of the oilcloth drum which contained it. He also implied; was it a wheel for it had no rim such as a wheel.

He also went on to say that his axle contained compartments, You certainly cannot claim that Renato Ribeiro's machine does not meet with this statement.

I agree with Unbalanced and have already removed (freed) myself from the constraints which we assume was Bessler's design because of an oilcloth or veneered covered drum.

Note: The word "veneer" as I understand it, in German is "camouflage"...

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re: Another claim to a working device...

Post by Tarsier79 »

You might ask yourself why would anyone apply for four US patents for a devise that showed no propensity to run but then you may also ask yourself why would anyone build to this scale if they didn't have a smaller prototype already running. There's no justification for a prudent person to do either so he's either crazy delusional or really on to something. In that he is president of one of the largest and more successful biofuel companies, I'm leaning toward the he's really on to something scenario.
You might ask yourself, why would anyone build something of that scale without perfecting the design in small scale? This would be the intelligent thing to do, as it would save massive costs, they wouldn't look like they didn't know what they are doing and it would be finished faster.

Any of us who have built, calculated and understood the forces of weights on levers through rotation know their design will not work. I, and I am sure others have had designs based on the same principle in the past.

I reiterate: They are either delusional, or scammers. The thing that annoys me the most, is they make us look bad.
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re: Another claim to a working device...

Post by Unbalanced »

I reiterate: They are either delusional, or scammers. The thing that annoys me the most, is they make us look bad.
I don't believe we need any help in making ourselves look bad at times. So often we write things on this public forum that has little or no constructive value toward our objectives.

If anything, RAR Energia's efforts have done more to make all those seeking a solution to harnessing gravity look as though there may actually be something to this pursuit.

When a person or entity comes along and spends this amount of resources, conducts experiments on this scale, I believe it makes people take notice and it gives a certain validity to this whole endeavor.

In fact, I'd say they have gone further than anyone in a thousand years to demonstrate that there may be a method to this madness and that those who have devoted so much to this field, weren't just total quacks.

Another good that has come out of their work is that now we can turn to those we love, those who care for our well being, "she who must be obeyed" and say, "oh come on honey, it's only another hundred bucks for some bearings, look what Robierto spends."
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re: Another claim to a working device...

Post by honza »

You might ask yourself, why would anyone build something of that scale without perfecting the design in small scale? This would be the intelligent thing to do, as it would save massive costs, they wouldn't look like they didn't know what they are doing and it would be finished faster.
This comment comes from a virtual world.
In real world one keeps building a prototype and before is half way through gets another idea for improvement.
I have experienced many times that before I have managed to source all materials for my intended model I have come to concussion that it would be waist of time, because a better way of building an "improved model" became apparent to me.
As result I have so many unused parts that I am running out of space.

I salute these guys for executing all improvement as they kept downing on them and for not dogmatically sticking to the first concept they had.
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