How Difficult can it be?

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re: How Difficult can it be?

Post by rasselasss »

"Abandon all hope ye that enter here",i saw this on a battered sign at the side of the road on the way to the "Big Hole"at "The Blue Ground"at Kimberley just before the last mine closed in 2005......
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re: How Difficult can it be?

Post by daanopperman »

Hi rasselasss ,

Pendulums , yes , but only in 360 deg , changing the pivot point constantly as the wheel revolves , and the pendulum should not be able to move or swing on the pivot , the pivot should give momentum to the pendulum ? .

By the way , did you know that Kimberly was the first town in the world with electric street lamps .
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Post by Mark »

daanopperman wrote:Kimberly was the first town in the world with electric street lamps.
Please check your 'facts'.
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re: How Difficult can it be?

Post by rasselasss »

Thats an idea worthy of thought Daan,probably over the years trying a mechanism of some type has been tried before.. working through a slot in the axle,then there is always the "old"problem ,how to retrieve a moving weight from 6-12 o'clock to the 12-6 position and keep the device turning ,i really believe it can be done and with the "minimum"of moving parts.....if this has been tried before it would be helpfull so as not to repeat or cover old ground if any have experience......i will post a sketch of an idea soon,possibly Daan if you have the time you could post a sketch of your Pendulum showing the movement................Mark,Wilki states "in the southern hemisphere"an easy enough mistake to make.....possibly you may have some ideas you can post and help turn this into a plausible device....Good Luck..
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re: How Difficult can it be?

Post by rasselasss »

Daan,this is a very rough General Arrangement sketch (not to scale)just to show principal.....A and B are pivots for the slotted swivel weighted arms fixed to the backplate allow the arms to swing in or out,as you can see i tried to show the swivel weights at both extreme positions ....possibly moving A and B position angles to allow the swivel weights to go over the axis centre would be more beneficial...i'm not sure....the problems are obvious but with a bit of work,i believe i can arrive at a mechanical solution.with the minimum number of moving parts....any imput is welcome...
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re: How Difficult can it be?

Post by rlortie »


Sorry, but your design although showing possible potential has been tried, more than one member as well a the 'Arrache' team worked this design and similarities to death.

You can get a possible rotation of around 260-270 degrees, but it will never make it over the top.

I wish you luck and hope you can prove me wrong.

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re: How Difficult can it be?

Post by rasselasss »

Thanks for that Riortie,i had a browse at past posts here on B.W. could'nt find anything,i have a few ideas to play out which i will post here ,i worked for 2 years in Design(many,many years ago)for Howden-Sirocco,they built ,all manner of rotating equipment,extraction,ventilation, turbines etc..for industrial /mines/powerstations etc.applications... but as you know this a completley different ballpark.....i appreciate your imput ...Good Luck..
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re: How Difficult can it be?

Post by rasselasss »

So,still on this theme,as Riortie rightly states we need 360 turn of this static design,the effect of c/f we'll leave until later,i tried to find a "quick action " design of bell crank with offset fulcrum to illustrate.. this link should give a view of what i'm at but it has too many linkages.....i still favour bringing,as per sketch the opposing swinging weight over centre to assist the turning movement.....its a bit of fun....
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Post by rasselasss »

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Post by rasselasss »

As we all know too well C/F can be the "death"of many designs here....this link is the best i could find of how it can be used to our advantage affixed to the surplus unused shaft in any design to give a partial assistance when it occurs......
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Post by rasselasss »

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re: How Difficult can it be?

Post by daanopperman »

Hi rasselasss ,

The idea to move the mass over the wheel axel is what will kill your motion ,
if you turn your wheel 90 deg cw you will have a weight on the rim , and one just shy past the axel , the axel weight cannot lift the rim weight .

JB said 1" fast moving weight's " ( that is not a fact ) , 2 " how fast the weights move up " , 3 " they come closer to the CG " , 4 " when the weights come together " .

1 , the weights must have moved fast , but he did not say it is a linier movement ,
2 , the weights could have moved up faster or slower on the up and down sides .
3 , if you look at the drawing , the pend. pivot will come closer to the wheel axel , but he did not say the weight is fixed to the wheel itself .
4 , " when a plan comes together " to work well , so the weights could have "come together " to do work .

Yes Mark , I have made a mistake , in the day's I was told this , there was no friggin Wikki to look it up , if it was a older person to convay the info it was taken as fact , especially if he was from Kimberly .
360deg pend..jpeg
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Post by Mark »

My apologies if my comment came across as finger-pointing, it was meant to be nothing more than a polite request.
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re: How Difficult can it be?

Post by rasselasss »

Folklore,Legend and Myths,no need to apologise Mark,when i was a boy ,older supposedly wiser folk would state the highest buildings,longest rivers,tallest mountains etc.,to verify, a journey of 25 miles to the nearest library, so ,being young you took it as gospel and repeated the same even in later life.....Now we have this truly wonderful internet with all the answers just a click away(apart from Bessler's solution) lets put his solution on the "web"with a joint effort,possibly not this design,this Forum has been up for how many years and still we go round in circles(pun intended),...Good Luck...
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Post by eccentrically1 »

wabash, indiana was first according to the modern library.
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