Yes your data was ignored! Why, Because I would estimate that over 90% of the members of this forum could care less about what the hell "F" stands for.I made lighter wheels and that data was ignored too; so you can ignore the data if you like but all good data collected shows F = ma.
Why do you keep prattling about experiments that consume more energy to set up and run than you will ever get in return.
Equate this: Show a sustaining apparatus that objectively shows a useful gain and you can quit your damn weak defense of answering rebuttal by repeating the same wore out explanations of your stupid useless "Atwood" machines.
If your Atwood devices prove over-unity, then connect enough together to show sustaining 360 degree revolution and then maybe someone will show interest.
To all involved: Why argue and make personal something of little value such as; "Radius of Gyration"? If it is of value then show how, otherwise get off the damn soap box. Quit devaluing your self image and wasting others time with this garbage.
Does Jim_Mich's fluid drive design based on CF and inertia require objective knowledge of gyration? If indeed it does, then please explain in what manner. If not then he should spend his time on his proto, not here defending that which would be forgotten if sleeping dogs were left undisturbed.
Debate and refute about whether Jim lied or who lied is not going to get the problem solved. This is not a forum for soap operas or tabloids. To error is to be human, but to repeatedly continue throwing it on the table is stupidity.
To murilo
I convey: As a teacher/mentor, the first thing one needs to learn is to remove the word "can't" or cannot" from ones vocabulary. This is your "Red Flag" that Bill speaks of. In schooling we are told that we must accept certain laws. To fulfill the requirements of a true researcher, we must ignore those teachings, open your mind and explore into the unknown with the premise that man has either never been there or overlooked something.
Each person is born with certain genetic aptitudes (atributes) which allow them to excel in one or more fields such as a musician, mathematician, operating engineer etc... Those who are born without these aptitudes can still learn them, it just takes longer and a lot of patience to achieve. If man has done it, man can duplicate or exceed it.
We are blessed with one member that I am aware of whose autistic aptitude shines bright, he displays it here almost daily, I for one envy his skills and know that if I were to put my heart and soul into it, I could learn these skills and methods. But patience is weak, it is easier to rely upon him to provide what he is capable of achieving.