Sevich's Ideas...

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re: Sevich's Ideas...

Post by Sevich »

Guest ( TommyK?)
you would post these ridiculous,retarted works that clearly show a balance point in every one of your examples.
Are my designs the only ones that are balanced on this discussion board? If they are, then show me the non-equilibrium ones? Thanks for your support Jonathan!

re: Sevich's Ideas...

Post by Sevich »

Guest (TommyK) I guess time will tell?
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re: Sevich's Ideas...

Post by Jonathan »

That guest was TommyK, as he is the only one using the F-U terminology and he specifically said elsewhere that until the patent pulls through this is the only stuff he will post. Though I do have to agree, Sevich's comments elsewhere weren't nice either, because though TommyK hasn't given proof of working device, no one here has or can prove otherwise.
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re: Sevich's Ideas...

Post by Patrick »

In the interest of saving time, here is the simple fact which others will discover shortly anyway:

TommyK = Mitch (techstuff) Robinson

Here is his last announced gravity wheel: ... /Robinson/

I would not hold your breath on his 1 month patent announcement but I will leave you to draw your own conclusions.
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re: Sevich's Ideas...

Post by Jonathan »

What is your proof of this assurtion? Further, as I was a bit of a late comer, has it ever been proved that Techstuff didn't acheive anything? Or did they only prove that several people couldn't manage to recreate this device? And if they are the same, in person or mentality, why does someone pretend to make a PMM, go to the trouble of making parts and showing pictures, only to fool a few people?
If this assurtion is true I'm gonna be pissed.
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re: Sevich's Ideas...

Post by sek »

Jonathan, I do feel yours and other people's frustration.

However, I think there is no point in being "pissed" about what has transpired here recently. I mean I guess it's up to you. You see, amongst the skeptics it's sometimes called "perpetual Fool" syndrome. Likewise, the true believers of "Free energy" will often call the skeptics as suffering from the " closed mind" syndrome. I suffer from " sitting on the fence" syndrome and doesn't it give me a sore you know what! (in my mind I mean!!). LOL. I think we all need to lighten up a bit , as some of these posts and threads have become too heavy. Even I have sort of been sucked into the vortex, and now this whirlpool of inuendos should subside, and once again the focus should be placed on solving the great JB riddle.

Unfortunately I must say again, I think in future if anyone claims to have a working device publicly, AND, in the next instance they are not willing to share the technology, then one should always be cautious. It's a healthy attitude to me at least. It's called "being objective". It's not going to be easy for some, including myself as a self confessed "fence sitter". I want to believe!!! , but then my common sense and traditional physics teachings kick in and says " don't be absurd its impossible!!!." I don't have a working wheel, but I think it's tremendous to see lateral thinking and healthy skepticism alive on this website. It's cool!! I hope my thoughts are okay to everybody. Thats my opinion. Bye.
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re: Sevich's Ideas...

Post by Jonathan »

I agree with sek, and take a similar, but obviously more acitve, take. Regardless of the boundless paranoia, we will see in a month or so. If there is no patent by February, then it will be looking quite bad. Until then we just can't tell.
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re: Sevich's Ideas...

Post by Fletcher »

Unless Patrick actually supplies the goods that he alluded to .... which would be a good thing so that we can move on.

re: Sevich's Ideas...

Post by Sevich »

This idea is one I've come up with after reading the topic (two different PPMs) on this board. The two magnets are being pushed apart perpetualy, there by turning the wheel. The magnet in the center of wheel will allways stay to the left, due to the second magnet on the stand pushing it away. Since the strings are holding it in place it should not rise or descend..........Not sure if it will work?
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re: Sevich's Ideas...

Post by sek »

Good effort Sevich! I dont know if it will work, but give it a go. By the way I like your Aussie tongue in cheek wheel title! LOL. bye.
P.S doesn't F.U really mean Friends United!

re: Sevich's Ideas...

Post by Sevich »

Thank's Sek! Lol !! ... Seems I'll be taking a couple of days off to build a few models and study the results! .......Happy New Year to All !!
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