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seen on PPRuNe

Post by Grimer »

"Have you ever tried to organise and take control of a bunch of free-will volunteers? It's impossible, everyone just does their own thing. "

Sounds just like these forums.
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re: seen on PPRuNe

Post by murilo »

D I T T O !!!
Any intelligent comparison with 'avalanchedrive' will show that all PM turning wheels are only baby's toys!
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Re: seen on PPRuNe

Post by TGM »

Grimer wrote:"Have you ever tried to organise and take control of a bunch of free-will volunteers? It's impossible, everyone just does their own thing. "

Sounds just like these forums.
There is nothing wrong with this forum being this way. As I've said before:

"This is just an information website; there is no joint unity in building anything. People come here for different reasons; some to antagonize, some to help. Some just for curiosity.

The truth is every single person here wants to build their own working version of a Bessler Wheel."
"Orffyreus commented that when the secret is revealed, he is afraid that people will complain that the idea is so simple it is not worth the asking price."
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