Another antigravity attempt

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Another antigravity attempt

Post by path_finder »

A new contemporary avatar of the Bessler history?
the Web site wrote:The work of Steve D. Gage and Rick R. Dobson Jr. Technology of Black OP. propulsion ... Centrifugal [centrifical] force is used in a way that loopholes around Newton's third law of motion.
Who is ready to build this engine?
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: Another antigravity attempt

Post by Tarsier79 »

The concept behind this engine is very simple. I also believe their design is flawed and extremely inefficient. Yes, it may produce a small inertial propulsion, but there are ways to improve the efficiency and power. Also the explanation of how the inertial propulsion works is very poor. If they have been working on this for 40 years, then they have very slow progress.
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re: Another antigravity attempt

Post by daanopperman »

Even in space , the impulse is to slow to propel to high velocity , and on Terra Firma it would need to be built with anti gravity materials , less the weight of the impulse generator will overcome the lifting capacity of the unit .
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re: Another antigravity attempt

Post by Tarsier79 »

Daan I don't think it is supposed to be antigravity. With an inertial motor, every cycle adds energy to the direction of movement, so power is built over time. With this technology, you could build drones or satellites with a propulsion system not requiring conventional fuel (once you got them up there). The thrusters could get their power from solar or nuclear. This is all providing it actually works.
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re: Another antigravity attempt

Post by daanopperman »

Hi Tarsier 79 ,

I do realize that it is a propulsion device , using the action - reaction . In one halve cycle all the action is put against the reaction and no propulsion , but on the opposite side of the same cycle the action and " reaction "is all in the same direction , so the " action " is delivered in the form of propulsion .
It would just take more energy to propel the device itself than to use another form of energy . If used in space , ( where it would be most efficient )the thrust would be very slow due to the slow reaction of the weights , compare to ion drives where the impulse is just below light speed , much less impulse , but much higher velocity .
Gulliver had a much better understanding of these things , he just flipped the loadstone over .
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