Persistent Motor aka Avalanchedrive aka Gravity Turbine

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re: Persistent Motor aka Avalanchedrive aka Gravity Turbine

Post by murilo »

I don't like to use the word 'perpetual'!!!
Let's call it 'persistent anchor', ok?
Any intelligent comparison with 'avalanchedrive' will show that all PM turning wheels are only baby's toys!
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re: Persistent Motor aka Avalanchedrive aka Gravity Turbine

Post by rasselasss »

"Ballast" in this state....Murilo,your ambition like a fuse "tripped" in 2001,..13 years ago..."locking" yourself and your clint eastwood said in "heartbreak ridge"....adapt and improvise ...try a different approach to the problem which you and everyone else here is aware of....i say this "without malice"...put your "build"out of view,re-motivate yourself ,with your determination you deserve a better outcome but recognise, "not in this build or this state of design"and start again...Good Luck.
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re: Persistent Motor aka Avalanchedrive aka Gravity Turbine

Post by AB Hammer »

It is just one of those things you cant let go of for you feel you are just missing that one thing that make it all possible. I do understand murilo's conviction on this design for it has not been fully explored. I play with the basic idea from time to time but it needs the other device to control it which should allow it to work. Also other approaches. What other device or approaches you may ask? ________________

1888 is a good place to start rethinking.
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Re: re: Persistent Motor aka Avalanchedrive aka Gravity Turb

Post by murilo »

rasselasss wrote:"Ballast" in this state....Murilo,your ambition like a fuse "tripped" in 2001,..13 years ago..."locking" yourself and your clint eastwood said in "heartbreak ridge"....adapt and improvise ...try a different approach to the problem which you and everyone else here is aware of....i say this "without malice"...put your "build"out of view,re-motivate yourself ,with your determination you deserve a better outcome but recognise, "not in this build or this state of design"and start again...Good Luck.
something tells me that you, as JM, have indeed skills to gain and collect enemies...
Any intelligent comparison with 'avalanchedrive' will show that all PM turning wheels are only baby's toys!
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Re: re: Persistent Motor aka Avalanchedrive aka Gravity Turb

Post by murilo »

AB Hammer wrote:It is just one of those things you cant let go of for you feel you are just missing that one thing that make it all possible. I do understand murilo's conviction on this design for it has not been fully explored. I play with the basic idea from time to time but it needs the other device to control it which should allow it to work. Also other approaches. What other device or approaches you may ask? ________________

1888 is a good place to start rethinking.
I can say that at least you understand to my person and what is going on the hard clue I'm in.
Any intelligent comparison with 'avalanchedrive' will show that all PM turning wheels are only baby's toys!
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re: Persistent Motor aka Avalanchedrive aka Gravity Turbine

Post by murilo »

( I had stuffs to say, but forgot them all... )
Any intelligent comparison with 'avalanchedrive' will show that all PM turning wheels are only baby's toys!
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re: Persistent Motor aka Avalanchedrive aka Gravity Turbine

Post by iacob alex »

.....adding the "flexible concept" , at :
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re: Persistent Motor aka Avalanchedrive aka Gravity Turbine

Post by Blitzbrain »

Like any conception... the build is the proof.

I deeply respect path finder, who at the end of the day probably built more models than anyone else here in the forum (Except maynbe John... but I don'T really know). But he as any ¨builder¨ knows... his best presented and defended ideas did not work so far. The same is with the avalanche concept...

I personally think, that all models, that try to bring up weights on the opposite side of where they dropped before are not working. Even, if you bring them as close to the axis as you can... it alwys will find its balance. The only idea I would give a chance would be one with a cranced shaft, where the wheights could swing past the axis point... this would give them some koind of a zero wight for a moment...

This design here comes close to my imagination.... but it would need to swing its wheights past the axis (and the guy seems to be disappeared... I tried to contact better be careful with working models):

Bessler did not have any motors to use... but he said in his poem, that the dog became serious slaps on his paws...

Just imagine a pendulum mechanism, that hit the weight at the bottom of the spin to let it turn back into its position...

This example shows a secomnd thing: If something spins, the Physics inside start completely to change any static view of gravity. I once built a model that came close to MT 143, but it had only one of the 2 mechanisms at the outside of the wheel diameter and not the third one on the top... Unfortunately I did not record the build, but during the spin of the wheel, very strange things happened. The mechanisms each just did the opposite to its adversary on the other side. Once one side was 'closed' (Both wheights outside like in MT143) the other wheights on the other side were 'open' (=90° to the radius). This movement oscillated during the spin. I did not expect that to happen... But it was the spin, that brought this 'reaction' of the wheights up...

So if anything is to be planned or built: The Spin does give an extra portion of surprise or non-considered properties to the machine...
Kind regards form Germany

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