jim_mich wrote:Today I was working on some thoughts about Bessler's writings. And I wrote down some of my thoughts. And I was about to post them to a new thread.
Then I thought, "Why bother." As soon as I post anything that contains my own thoughts about Bessler's wheel, the idiot trolls will just bash me again.
Why should I bother posting my translations of Bessler's words? Regardless of how accurate or correct the translation, the gravity-wheel crowd will claim I'm the one twisting Bessler's words. They will make that claim blindly, without ever taking the time to research and look at Bessler's actual original words for themselves.
Why should I bother posting anything about my wheel progress? The only people that build PM wheels are the ones that think their wheels might work. Then the forum trolls bash the enthusiastic forum members. Why?
Why should I bother posting? Most forum members are of the gravity-wheel persuasion. My motion-wheel thoughts run counter to their gravity-wheel thoughts. So why bother?
The bottom line is:
Why should I bother posting anything at all?
Since you "bothered" to start yet another thread in which you are again pretending you are being persecuted in some way rather than just getting on with things and, if you want, posting your ideas so that others can discuss them - and, yes, maybe even criticize them too - I thought I'd go ahead and bother to respond.
You need to suck it up and quit acting like a retarded child! Really!
This whiny attention seeking behavior of yours is more like trolling than anything I've done here at all or that others are doing here now.
When people challenge you on your translations, you know, it may actually be due more to the fact that you are not "bothering" to use old German dictionaries and learn the old German language like some others are actually trying to do so as to at least try to get unbiased translations.
...and when I challenge you on your truly mistaken notions when it comes to basic physics, it's because I once "bothered" to actually learn some basic physics myself where quite obviously you did not. (To be honest, though, I didn't really have to bother too much. That kind of stuff always sort of came easy to me. It was kind of a bother to try to stay awake in class, though, I guess.)
Maybe sadly, though, I didn't bother to continue challenging you on some of the last garbage you spouted in this forum. Maybe I was wrong to have backed off. You did resort to outright lying about me, you know, rather than just being man enough to admit you were truly mistaken when YOU LOST MY WAGER WITH YOU FOR ALL THE FORUM TO SEE. ...lol
...and you actually spouted more nonsense recently while pretending you knew what you were talking about and that I didn't, and look, you are still whining because you apparently didn't feel you were getting enough attention with your own ignorant assertions.
You are certainly not one who should now be calling other forum members "idiot trolls." If you want to see one of those, you now just need to look into the mirror.
When it comes to our speculative ideas, some of us are actually trying to test and validate them rather than just try to get everyone to "believe" us before we ourselves know anything for sure.
With your motion/no gravity ideas, you may indeed be the odd man out here, though, and so you just have to go it alone, I guess. That's what independent inventors have to do, right? If you actually had a clue, you would even be in the driver's seat, wouldn't you?! ...wooohooo!
So, what is it that you really want here, then, huh?
If you don't offer up some sort of rational, coherent explanation as to where the energy might come from with your ideas and you continue to show that you don't really have a grasp on some of the experimentally verified (and verifiable) fundamentals of physics, then your ideas most likely will be challenged.
So, if you don't want them challenged, then, maybe you should do what pequaide has done and start your very own thread where you can discuss your own ideas to your own heart's content and try to keep all dissenters out. Maybe Scott will even "sticky" it for you. It certainly doesn't seem to bother you to start yet another thread in which you are the focus of attention. I have a feeling, though, that that alone is just not enough for you, now, is it?
You also want to LEAD everyone, too, don't you? ...but you don't really know where the heck you are going, and you've now shown us that you would actually even mislead the entire forum just to get your way and to defend what you merely want to believe. ...and, again, having even stooped as low as to have OUTRIGHT LIED about other forum members so as to try to discredit them when, of course, you were the one just plain in the wrong.
Your behavior would have gotten YOU banned from some internet forums. ...and with your ignorance of basic physics, it would have certainly been more than just a few alleged "idiot trolls" challenging you with your truly idiotic assertions had you had made them in a physics forum.
If you want a bunch of blind followers, maybe you need to start looking elsewhere. There are plenty of gullible people in other parts of the so-called free energy community. Of course, though, maybe you still have a few here.
Hey, this thread is all about jim_mich getting the attention he wants, though. So, there you go, bud. It's truly pathetic that you seek attention in this way, however. ...but, again, there you go. You just aren't content when you don't have a bunch of truly ignorant people hanging on your every word.
Of course, maybe I shouldnt have posted, but it's kind of hard not to be irritated with the out of control, ignorant and dishonest child who just doesn't know when to shut up, no matter how some of us might try to ignore him.
Btw, the dynamic start and stop tests of Bessler's wheels that we have some eyewitness discriptions of do tell us a great deal about how much energy could have been stored in the rotation. ...and so by those accounts, for wheels that large they certainly weren't much in the way of flywheels. The rim had to have been relatively light - despite your truly ignorant and contradictory arguments in the other thread. To calculate such things is truly just basic physics, which again you apparently don't know.
I meant to get back to that, but well, we all don't have that much functional time. Maybe I'll eventually get to it still. ;)
Also, in yet another thread you spoke as if the energy output of Bessler's wheels would scale in proportion to the volume, essentially. Those of us who might think in terms of a gravity solution might have reason to suspect it would scale somewhat differently. ...but that, of course, is at this point truly more speculative (and on everyone's part) than the other stuff.
So, jim_mich, when you don't get the kind of attention you want in other threads, how many more whiny poor victim threads are you going to "bother" to start, huh?
You've shown me that you don't know your stuff and that you are also quite dishonest. Again, I think you missed your true calling as a politician. You do know how to stir the... ...well, stir things up.
The people you are calling "idiot trolls" are more honest, intelligent and capable than yourself!
Now, are you going to "bother" to try to prove otherwise? ...because you certainly haven't come anywhere close to doing that yet.
...and I have something to say to you too! You best not underestimate some of us with our paper plates and Popsicle sticks! ;) ...lol