Why bother posting?

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cloud camper
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Re: re: Why bother posting?

Post by cloud camper »

rlortie wrote:cloud camper,

Visited your photobucket site for the first time!

You have quite a display of non-working ideas and I am sure you have quite some time invested in them.

I believe I got more enjoyment out of seeing your RC planes and quad copters!

I have been an aviation nut since WWII when I was five years old.

Thanks Ralph.

I fly a lot of RC and a full size Europa experimental. It has a modified Subaru EA81 engine with 128 hp.

The 3/4 scale Cub is my current project. It was designed for a 4 cyl VW engine but I am putting a 50 hp Rotax 503 on it. Pic is someone elses.
Hope mine will look as good!
Last edited by cloud camper on Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Why bother posting?

Post by ovyyus »

preoccupied wrote:I just gave you Bessler's Wheel. Literally that is Bessler's Wheel.
You're definitely in the right forum thread :D
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re: Why bother posting?

Post by rlortie »

cloud camper,

Thanks for N203--

I would be willing to bet that Fletcher is the only other member that would know what this is about!
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Post by cloud camper »

jim_mich wrote:Cloud camper has posted a concept, which he claims is the same as mine, which it is definitely not. Cloud camper went so far as to begin his post with, "Jim Mich NON Self Pumping Wheel". Then he compounds his errors by calling his WW2D monstrosity the "jimmichselfpump81914bal.wm2d" and "jimmichselfpump81914unbal.wm2d"

In all cases these are NOT my designs. They are not my concepts. Cloud camper has labeled his ideas as being my ideas. I find this very deeply offensive.

Cloud camper should immediately edit his post so as to remove my forum name from his concepts and ideas. Anything less is dishonorable behavior. And cloud camper should acknowledge his error of using my forum name on his work.

Once again Jim shows absolutely no interest in the physics portrayed in these two sims, much preferring to agonize over his hurt feelings and put
on a temper tantrum that a 2 yr old would be proud of.

Jim maintains that an inner weight set up to provide a greater CF value than an outer weight will cause a balanced wheel to "hunt" equilibrium and somehow cause the wheel to accelerate.

The whole point is to demonstrate that there is no combination of parameters that will cause a wheel to self pump. Jim claims that a wheel which is 100% statically balanced can be made to vary inertia.

But the demo shows that a wheel that is 100% statically balanced is also 100% dynamically balanced. This is shown by the angular velocity graph
displaying a very smooth slope showing no variation in rpm except for friction.

This is due to symmetry. Symmetry will always force an equalization in forces. There is then no configuration of higher and lower CF that will cause a gain in energy.

There is "hunting" of equilibrium occurring in the unbalanced configuration but for each gain in rpm there is a matching loss. Any gain is immediately countered by a corresponding reduction.

Issac Newton actually described the problem well in that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (again due to nature enforcing symmetry).

There are no self-pumping actions in nature that do not require outside energy.

Jim of course claims that CF causes tornadoes but the truth is that the energy comes from the collision of different pressure systems which then cause tornadic rotation as the pressures try to equalize. CF is always the last result of rotation, never the cause.

Time to hit the physics books Jim.
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re: Why bother posting?

Post by Fletcher »

cloud camper wrote:

... snip ... This is due to symmetry. Symmetry will always force an equalization in forces. There is then no configuration of higher and lower CF that will cause a gain in energy.


There is "hunting" of equilibrium occurring in the unbalanced configuration but for each gain in rpm there is a matching loss. Any gain is immediately countered by a corresponding reduction.

Issac Newton actually described the problem well in that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (again due to nature enforcing symmetry).


There are no self-pumping actions in nature that do not require outside energy.

CC .. Noether's Theorem is built around explaining away natures symmetries - it is still a Theorem & not a Law, yet no one has shown a break in symmetry to elevate it from a Theorem - but of course a self pumping action could conceivably require such a break & throw Newton's action & reaction out the door.

Perhaps jim_mich has found that symmetry break & defined the energy source - time will tell.
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Post by jim_mich »

cloud camper wrote:There are no self-pumping actions in nature that do not require outside energy. Jim of course claims that CF causes tornadoes
Again cloud camper post absolute lies, I absolutely never claimed that CF CAUSED tornadoes. The discussion was whether or or not Bessler's principle of PM was ever observable in nature. And I suggested that yes, it was observable in hurricanes and tornadoes. But a liar like cloud camper ignores the details and jumps to the erroneous thought that I said CF caused tornadoes. It never bothers cloud camper to post outright lies about me. Do we need to go back and review what was actually posted, rather that the fiction in cloud camper's feeble brain?

Cloud camper is obviously seeking input as to how my concept works. He is obviously clueless.

Now for the third time cloud camper, I'm demanding you remove my forum name from your unworkable garbage concept. Your concept is not my concept. Your mechanism is not my mechanism.

So take my forum name off from your concept. I don't ever want your monstrosity associated with my forum name. You are committing fraud when you leave my name on your concept.

And cloud camper, you are right, I have no interest in your two sims. One quick look at there image and I knew exactly what to expect. After all, I've been at this for over ten years. You may need a sim to see what will happen, but with the simple arrangement that you present, I don't need any sims to tell me the results.

Once again, stop committing fraud by associating my forum name with your crappy simulation. You are totally clueless as to how to use CF to cause weight oscillation. And because you are totally clueless, you think you're right and that I'm the one that's wrong. Wake up troll. There are things in this universe about which you don't have a clue.

Now apologize for falsely claiming that I ever said CF CAUSED tornadoes. Go back HERE and read what I actually wrote, rather than what your feeble brain thinks I wrote. Or I can re-post it...
jim_mich wrote:
cloud camper wrote:There are no examples in nature of CF causing increasing energy.
Have you never seen a tornado or hurricane?
Note that CF was never said to be the CAUSE of tornadoes or hurricanes. Only that I could seen where CF would INCREASE the energy of a tornado or hurricane.

Once again cloud camper owes me an apology for wrongly accusing me. Which apology never comes.

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Post by jim_mich »

Fletcher wrote:Perhaps jim_mich has found that symmetry break & defined the energy source - time will tell.
A couple years ago Bill asked, "Where's the energy source?" And it took me quite a while to understand the energy source. First you must understand the concept of a Maxwell's Demon. Then you must understand the concept of ectropy, which is a part of Maxwell’s Demon, though it’s seldom discussed as such.

Suppose you have two weights riding a wheel. Now you observe these two weight from the perspective of the rotating wheel. Both weights are moving with the wheel. And thus they are stationary from the wheel's perspective.

The two weights have no useable energy relative the wheel. The weights have no harnessable energy relative the wheel. They can be compared to the two sides of a vessel of Maxwell's Demon. Both weights are at a same KE level, just as both sides of the vessel are at a same temperature level, that is, all are at a same KE level.

But within the rotating environment of the wheel is potential energy in the form of CF. Obviously if this energy is tapped then it changes the environment inside the wheel. There exists a simple way of causing weight motion within the wheel by the use of CF. This is not hard to understand. It's seen every day in all sorts of situation where CF cause weight motion.

Newton's Laws demand that the total momentum of the weights inside the wheel remain conserved. Just as with Maxwell's Demon the total heat is conserved. But when the weights move within the wheel, then the wheel's ectropy increases, just as Maxwell's Demon cause increased ectropy. Where previously there was no available energy relative to the wheel because the weights were riding stationary on the wheel, once the weights are moving within the wheel, then usable harnessable energy comes into existence. This usable energy is called an increase of ectropy. Note that the total energy of the rotating wheel environment is still the same as before. But because the weights are now moving inside the wheel, and are moving relative to the wheel, there is energy available to be extracted within the wheel from the motions of the weights.

This usable, extractable, ectropy energy is then used, extracted, harnessed, so as to rotate the wheel. Much like after Maxwell’s Demon sorts gas molecules into hot and cold vessels, and then uses the temperature difference to run a heat engine. The wheel uses the speed difference to inertially push the wheel.

I could explain all this in very great detail, but I'd lose all my intellectual property rights, and would never be able to patent it.

I can explain how the symmetry is broken. I can explain how the weights gain their motions. I can explain how the weights keep their motions so that they don't get pinned outward by CF.

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re: Why bother posting?

Post by Fletcher »

As always, looking forward to that day Jim.
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Post by preoccupied »

jim_mich wrote:I could explain all this in very great detail, but I'd lose all my intellectual property rights, and would never be able to patent it.Image
Do I lose my intellectual property rights by posting my idea here? Oh my? When a weight changes direction with more force some of force that pushes in the new direction actually pushes towards where it was going. I guess I will always be penniless loser.

If I am right and the weights do this, is it the ectropy concept you speak of? Tell me!!

I'm 99% confident that the wheel that I posted in reference to this topic not only works as intended but that it is the wheel that Johann Bessler made. It's also got me flustered because when I was a young lad I could have swore that I had a working perpetual motion concept that was a swastika.
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re: Why bother posting?

Post by daxwc »

jim_mich wrote:
Obviously Bill is not to be trusted with private info.
It is true that liars and/or parastites should not trust me with private info.
Do you ever feel shame Jim or you to busy trying to be victimized? “Most of the time, when the manipulator casts themselves as a victim, they don’t really see themselves as victimized, they just really want the other party to see them as wounded, injured, or suffering in some way in order to elicit sympathy, cloud the picture about just who is the victimizer and who is the victim, and otherwise impression-manage the real victim.� That is what most of the forum see you as a manipulator.
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Post by jim_mich »

Daxwc, would you like to be harassed endlessly every time you post to the forum? Would you like to have a lie repeated endlessly about you?

Shall I start harassing you and see how YOU like it?

I'm AM NOT TRYING TO GET SYMPATHY. I just want the f'ing harassment to stop. I want cloud camper to stop repeating his lie that I said centrifugal force CAUSES tornadoes. That is a pure lie by cloud camper that he has repeated so many time that it seems he now believes is.

Then cloud camper post a monstrosity of a wheel concept and he lies by claiming it to be mine. Once again, I'm AM NOT TRYING TO GET SYMPATHY. I want cloud camper to remove the name Jim Mich from HIS CONCEPT. Cloud camper is committing fraud by putting my name on HIS concept. It is insulting and offensive.

I AM NOT TRYING TO GET SYMPATHY. I simply want cloud camper to grow up and act like an adult, rather than all his childish rantings.

I AM NOT TRYING TO GET SYMPATHY. I want cloud camper to STOP making ALL of his derogatory rants directed towards me.

I AM NOT TRYING TO GET SYMPATHY. I want other forum member to treat all members with respect, and to NOT gang up against other members so as to bully them.

So Daxwc, shall I start bullying you, and harassing you every time you post? Then when you get sick of it and you try to make it stop, I'll just say you are TRYING TO GET SYMPATHY.

SYMPATHY does not make the harassing and bullying go away. But maybe if I make enough noise, then other members will see it for what it is, outright harassment and bullying. And maybe the shame will cause cloud camper, and others, to STOP their harassing and bullying.

I don't know what else to do. My posting "So who is the bully?" each time has reduce the harassing and bullying significantly. It opened people’s eyes to the problem. It seems bullies usually don't understand that they are being a bully. From their end, they are just having a little fun.

So, Daxwc, would you like to be bullied and harassed every time you post? I think not. And if you try to make it stop, would you be doing it just to get sympathy? I think not.

Last edited by jim_mich on Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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re: Why bother posting?

Post by preoccupied »

I'm sorry Jim_Mich, I started the bullying vs you. To stop it you must talk about the design that I posted here. *wink* *wink*
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Post by jim_mich »

cloud camper wrote:Jim of course claims that CF causes tornadoes
Cloud camper is a Liar
cloud camper wrote:There are no examples in nature of CF causing increasing energy.
Jim_Mich wrote:Have you never seen a tornado or hurricane?
Cloud camper keeps lying about what I wrote many moons ago.
Cloud camper is too ignorant to understand the difference between causing a tornado verses increasing the energy of a tornado. What an idiot.

Cloud camper is like a puppy dog that keeps following me around from thread to thread, and keeps peeing on my leg.

How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
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re: Why bother posting?

Post by preoccupied »

*wink wink* You know what I'm saying? *wink wink*

I bet $1 that Jim_Mich has the same design as me but that I'm explaining the hypothetical physical relationships that make it happen better. Weight changes direction and does so with more force then produces lift in the direction it was going.

Jim_Mich has his plan for his Bessler Wheel idea, and for possibly the same design as I've shared here because my design is the right one. I have shared Bessler's wheel guys.

My plan for my design:

#1 rant and rave

#2 be found to be right

#3 beg to congress and world governments for special prosecution powers on patents exclusively for my specific invention/discovery

#4 put a loan for local Michigan funding issues such as water shut off in Detroit to be paid by part of the royalties on the patents

#5 be awesome rich guy who gets all of the ladies
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
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re: Why bother posting?

Post by daxwc »

You can harass me all you want Jim. So what was the real purpose of starting this thread? Why give us your endless slanted interpretations of translation of old German when you have no intention of backing any of it up with details of a wheel because you are so worried about your patent. Why do you care what the forum thinks on the principle of operation if you have no agenda and are not trying to manipulate the people of the forum? I don’t know about everybody else, but I am tired of you hiding behind that patent excuse just about as much as the victim drama queen routine.
What goes around, comes around.
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