Fletcher wrote:Perhaps jim_mich has found that symmetry break & defined the energy source - time will tell.
A couple years ago Bill asked, "Where's the energy source?" And it took me quite a while to understand the energy source. First you must understand the concept of a Maxwell's Demon. Then you must understand the concept of ectropy, which is a part of Maxwell’s Demon, though it’s seldom discussed as such.
Suppose you have two weights riding a wheel. Now you observe these two weight from the perspective of the rotating wheel. Both weights are moving with the wheel. And thus they are stationary from the wheel's perspective.
The two weights have no useable energy relative the wheel. The weights have no harnessable energy relative the wheel. They can be compared to the two sides of a vessel of Maxwell's Demon. Both weights are at a same KE level, just as both sides of the vessel are at a same temperature level, that is, all are at a same KE level.
But within the rotating environment of the wheel is potential energy in the form of CF. Obviously if this energy is tapped then it changes the environment inside the wheel. There exists a simple way of causing weight motion within the wheel by the use of CF. This is not hard to understand. It's seen every day in all sorts of situation where CF cause weight motion.
Newton's Laws demand that the total momentum of the weights inside the wheel remain conserved. Just as with Maxwell's Demon the total heat is conserved. But when the weights move within the wheel, then the wheel's ectropy increases, just as Maxwell's Demon cause increased ectropy. Where previously there was no available energy relative to the wheel because the weights were riding stationary on the wheel, once the weights are moving within the wheel, then usable harnessable energy comes into existence. This usable energy is called an increase of ectropy. Note that the total energy of the rotating wheel environment is still the same as before. But because the weights are now moving inside the wheel, and are moving relative to the wheel, there is energy available to be extracted within the wheel from the motions of the weights.
This usable, extractable, ectropy energy is then used, extracted, harnessed, so as to rotate the wheel. Much like after Maxwell’s Demon sorts gas molecules into hot and cold vessels, and then uses the temperature difference to run a heat engine. The wheel uses the speed difference to inertially push the wheel.
I could explain all this in very great detail, but I'd lose all my intellectual property rights, and would never be able to patent it.
I can explain how the symmetry is broken. I can explain how the weights gain their motions. I can explain how the weights keep their motions so that they don't get pinned outward by CF.