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re: Mystery

Post by ken_behrendt »

It is quite true that the pursuit of PM can become an "all consuming" effort...IF one lets it. I try to keep balance in my life whenever possible and avoid "extreme" viewpoints and pursuits. My illness (i.e., chronic mercury poisoning) was not caused by the pursuit of PM...actually it was, paradoxically, caused by the pursuit of HEALTH. I had gotten into the habit of eating the same "health" foods every day, including albacore tuna for its beneficial omega-3 oils.

Since my health crisis, I have done much research on the topic and realize that one does NOT have to eat fish to get a LOT of heart healthy omega 3 oils in the diet. Seeds, nuts, and eggs are loaded with them and your own body can convert them to things like the EPA and DHA found in fish. Remember, the smallest fish in the food chain made those after they ate various sea vegetables. For example, there was an interesting study done some years ago in an effort to find out why Seventh Day Adventists had such low rates of cardiovascular disease. After analyzing their diets, the cause was discovered. The reason for their healthy hearts was that, on average, each Seventh Day Adventist consume an average of 5 ounces of shelled WALNUTS per week! Needless to say, I now eat some shelled walnuts every day...

I look at the pursuit of PM as just another intriguing challenge. It's verifiable achievement in OUR times would be big news in the scientific world and would send all of the physicists scurrying to their blackboards and notebooks with a nice new phenomenon to analyze...they would be in physics heaven!

Should a "Christian" be involved in PM research? Well, I guess that depends on how the particular Christian interprets the ultimate symbolism of PM. Some fundamentalist type Christians might perceive the search for PM as diabolical in nature...trying to obtain a device which violates the LAWS that God establish for the maintainance and order of the Universe. Others might see PM as proof of the eternal nature of God or the Universe. Some might even perceive its achievement as yet another "sign" that the "last days" are upon us.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Mystery

Post by Techstuf »

Thanks for sharing your observations and beliefs. As iron sharpens iron....


As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
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re: Mystery

Post by rlortie »

Should a "Christian" be involved in PM research? Well, I guess that depends on how the particular Christian interprets the ultimate symbolism of PM. Some fundamentalist type Christians might perceive the search for PM as diabolical in nature...trying to obtain a device which violates the LAWS that God establish for the maintainance and order of the Universe. Others might see PM as proof of the eternal nature of God or the Universe. Some might even perceive its achievement as yet another "sign" that the "last days" are upon us.
Matthew 7:7 "New living translation" Edited for brevity.

Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks.

Seek and ye shall find, as any invention has come to be. He said that everything man requires is here. We will find it out of necessity as our technology grows and current resources are used up. so goes our need for new findings as did Tesla, Edison, Ford, Faraday, etc.

Do I see any problem with mixing Bessler or comparing the search of his secret with religion, the answer is NO. Did you ever consider that it is Gods will that he introduced the idea 300 years ago and is waiting for the right time in our technology evolution to let us find it, when we the need is for real and man can understand the implications within todays society.

It is my feelings that such time is close and this is one reason why I have survived fatal heart problems. There is something he wants me to take part in before my demise. It is this philosophy that keeps me going when my health gets me down, not unlike your own problems.

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re: Mystery

Post by Joel Wright »

Hi Jonathan I been thinking about this lately and I realize that this doe'snt solve squaring a circle, but I thought I throw it in any way. 8 spheres in this configuration equal a cube.No wonder my method is off by pi/4. What do you think?
Four equal circles equal a square.JPG
Work with gravity and gravity will work for you.There are more than two sides to a wheel.
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re: Mystery

Post by Jonathan »

I don't understand how you want me to respond. Eight spheres don't make a cube, nor four circles a square, but you already know that.
Disclaimer: I reserve the right not to know what I'm talking about and not to mention this possibility in my posts. This disclaimer also applies to sentences I claim are quotes from anybody, including me.
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