Anti-gravity patent

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Post by Furcurequs »

I still live in the "Lost State of Franklin" or, well, where it was to be - a section of now east Tennessee that could have been the 14th US. state.

This isn't the half hour PBS documentary about it which apparently is not currently available online. It's only an 8 minute "making of" clip, but it tells a little about it and has some of the local scenery including some nice shots of some of the mountains and rivers.
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Jim Williams
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re: Anti-gravity patent

Post by Jim Williams »


I live inside the SF city limits, and am pretty much a city person. The only rivalries we have with LA that stand out to me, are in college athletics and baseball, i.e., the Dodgers vs. the Giants.

I've heard of Jefferson, but that's about it.

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re: Anti-gravity patent

Post by rlortie »


I remembered right after I posted the above that you lived in SF, I also remember us conversing about it. I lived in an apartment at 15th and Market across the street from what was then a General Petroleum (Mobile Gas) service station that I managed. I am talking late 1950's.

Problem is, us Northerners do not consider SF to be in Northern California, you have to come up to around Redding or Red bluff

Wayne, I recall hearing of the state of Franklin, I believe it is mentioned in the same link I posted for Ed.

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Jim Williams
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re: Anti-gravity patent

Post by Jim Williams »


There's no gas station there now, just a Chase bank, and a lot where they sell Xmas trees in the winter.

I remember the conversation as well. I live at Gough and Market, which is also where Haight begins it's climb from Market St into the Haight Ashbury, and Dolores begins south.

Both are nice neighborhoods.

Jim W.
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re: Anti-gravity patent

Post by rlortie »

This thread titled "anti-gravity patent" appears to be the appropriate place to post the following.

Received a private e-mail the other day from a another over-unity seeker that I have contact with. we got acquainted some years back on the Minatowheel forum.
I had a go at William Skinners machine but think it was another hoax.
Still in touch with one or two who have some good ideas but currently just coasting. Actually I am on "Gravinert", Paul's list and so touch bases with Charlie, (purely primitives). Then little trinkets like this come in...

"Recently a had a phone call by a friend here and he told me that there are some Bulgarian engineers selling already two types of gravitation-machines, one 5 Kw and another 50 KW. He is expecting to get the plans, videos and pictures from this. See if this works out."

(he is German so kindly over look the language problem)
The only connection I kind find on this forum leading to "Paul" is located here: ... 207#120207

There is a gravinert forum, but I have only been able to find it once and and forgot to bookmark it. I was told that the moderator is not allowing any new members to join. Most searches claim the sight has expired and is up for sale.

Any input on this would be appreciated.

Edit: Lost is found:
Administrators have forbidden any new members.

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