Priority Claim

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re: Priority Claim

Post by triplock »


Firstly, I am fully aware of the distinction between levels of IP protection. When I say 'Patent pending', I mean just that. I know that it maybe hard for you to comprehend, so I'll talk slooowly for you.

As is shown when ideas are put forward on this forum, there is a natural evolution to those designs. What is proposed at one point in time may not necessarily stand the test of time. For one success there can be 100's of failures. That, I think, you'll have to agree with.

Likewise, I am certain that we have all 'published' works, whether here or on other media, that, in hind sight, were patently wrong. So in that regard, your attempt to belittle and ridicule me does actually fall flat for you are attacking the very essence of being inquisitive, and, ultimately, learning from those mistakes.

In fact, I feel that there are never actually mistakes, rather necessary hurdles to overcome on the path to enlightenment. What I show one day, may not be what's put forward the following day.

So, in summary FWG2, I'm actually laughing at you because, in your attempt to join the dots, you've copied the wrong picture :) You've just proven to me your ignorance tbh.

For this attempt, I give you 4/10 because its just a simple copy and paste ( no real substance, just like you ;-) )


Next ......... >yawn<
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Post by Grimer »

FunWithGravity2 wrote:Ed, you could always easily insult Trip by using his own words, there is this bit of hilarity on the internet that pretty well sums up what his intellect is. I just giggle when i picture him "standing on his own two feet" like a big boy in front of national companies pitching this. ... 9P5UE8j4iA

Energy-Free Actuation and Inversion of Gravitationally-Equalised Sub-
Chris Harper-Mears 30th September 2012 © UK Copyright Services-Proposal-Section Only. All Rights
Copyright-Proposal Text and Images Only © 2012 Christopher Harper-Mears. All Rights Reserved.
UK Copyright Service. Registration Number: 284660855
Abstract—This paper will attempt to show how it is possible to invert a statically stable sub-structure
a full 180 degrees and still maintain its equitable properties at the two global-positions. This ability to
invert is a prerequisite, in my mind, to designing a mechanism that will, in theory, induce a state of
continuous over-balance to a free to rotate device. Moreover, in terms of radial displacement, I’ll
show how a small mass can at R can elevate a larger mass > R.
Statically balanced (gravity-equalised) mechanisms are mechanisms which have one or more
conservative forces are acting on them, such that the mechanism is in static equilibrium throughout
its range of motion, rather than in a single point or a limited number of positions (even in the total
absence of friction).
The most common example is the full elimination of the influence of gravity on pivoted beams, by
using counterweights, but this can add undue weight to the overall support structure.
Alternatively, gravity balancing can be accomplished by using springs, thus avoiding the additional
weight and inertia of counterweights. Springs can also be used to balance other springs. An overview
of literature on statically balanced mechanisms can be found in the reference section below.
In the design of statically balanced spring mechanisms, zero-free-length springs are often used. Ideal
springs are defined as tension springs in which the force is proportional to the spring length (rather
than its elongation), and have a constant spring rate, limitless strain, and forces acting along their
By way of a starting point, a simple spring to mass gravityequalising
structure can be seen opposite (Herder).
The zero-free-length spring shown, in conjunction with other
conditions, creates a perfectly statically balanced mechanism
whereby the support mass can be positioned anywhere within
the arc of travel of the beam arrangement and stay there.
Furthermore, we can modify this simple arrangement above by
adding a second spring. This new arrangement (by Herder, and
shown opposite) will maintain its stabilised state as long as the
spring tension of both is ½ that of the spring used in the single
spring set-up above. The 2nd spring is identical to its opposite, but
just turned 180 degrees and affixed.
Energy-Free Actuation and Inversion of Gravitationally-Equalised Sub-
Chris Harper-Mears 30th September 2012 © UK Copyright Services-Proposal-Section Only. All Rights
Copyright-Proposal Text and Images Only © 2012 Christopher Harper-Mears. All Rights Reserved.
UK Copyright Service. Registration Number: 284660855
2.Proposal- Invert-ability
To date, almost without exception, whenever gravity equalised arrangements are used, they are
either firmly anchored to a non-moving structure (such as a floor or wall) or affixed a vehicle (in the
broadest sense) moving in a linear path. There are also arrangements whereby free-energy
adjustments can be made to automatically compensate for a
variation in load to maintain that required stable state.
But I want to deliberately create over-balance and imbalance
from a balanced state.
Firstly, I believe that the fitment of a small weight to the end of
the short lever arm will create an imbalance to that statically
balanced sub-structure, enabling an ‘energy-free’ elevation of
the much heavier supported mass opposite. This, of course, will
restrict the elevated mass to one final position. ©
Secondly, I propose that it is possible to affix the above
arrangement, or similar, to a free to rotate back structure, so
that, upon 180 degree global-inversion, the statically stable
structure will still retain its balance, thus allowing a repeatable
actuated elevation of the large mass by a small falling weight.
I believe this inversion, and subsequent re-elevation of the
supported heavy mass, every 180 degrees only, to be possible
because all balance state parameters remain the same every
180 degrees, thus allowing the actuator to operate as
Furthermore, if we extrapolate the principle, we can show that we have a unique variant of the
Roberval balance. In line with that original balance it is invertible, but my variant can elevate a
heavier mass to a greater radius from COR than the opposing fall of a lighter actuation mass, whose
radius from COR is much less.
Energy-Free Actuation and Inversion of Gravitationally-Equalised Sub-
Chris Harper-Mears 30th September 2012 © UK Copyright Services-Proposal-Section Only. All Rights
Copyright-Proposal Text and Images Only © 2012 Christopher Harper-Mears. All Rights Reserved.
UK Copyright Service. Registration Number: 284660855
Also, we can adjust the mechanism so that the large and small mass retain an equal, and
diametrically opposite, radial displacement upon a full inversion. This is particularly useful for the
theory of continuous induced Over-Balance to a cyclic mechanism.

Its also obvious the Trip thinks that using a copyright protect service is the same as filing a patent, LMAO
Google can be very cruel. ;-)

The best search I ever did on an Forum Member found he was a lawyer who had been disbarred and sentenced to 6 years for selling drugs.

Not a member of this forum I hasten to add.
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re: Priority Claim

Post by Ed »

I guess it's that time of year when the vultures begin molting again. It seems to happen earlier every year!

Chris, as a self-professed plutocrat and unrepentant capitalist who admittedly would sell his own mother, you should realize that when people aren't buying what you are selling that you need to move your wiener wagon to the next street corner.

re: Priority Claim

Post by triplock »


'Wiener Wagon' ? If you mean a hot dog stall, then please can you say so as this corruption of the English language is unacceptable to many. 1/10

I await for one of your girlfriends to jump to your side here in an act of sisterhood.


If intellect was rainwater, you would not have enough to create a puddle deep enough to get your big toe wet. 2/10

And so the rooks get moved around the board and the footprint gets bigger :) Thank you for being all so co-operative and predictable.

You remind me of a bunch of cackling hyenas tbh. Whoa betide anyone who questions the greatness of the inner sanctum !

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re: Priority Claim

Post by Ed »

Right Gov, corruption is unacceptable to many.

Your "hot dog stall" is probably mobile, so you should take advantage of that.

The sisterhood as you so "eloquently" put it will get to watch your chimney get swept whilst you use your monkey rate system on your fellow blokes.

So put your bonnet in your boot and get ready to have your drink freshened (or is that clock cleaned? I never can tell with this British lingo).
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Post by Grimer »


re: Priority Claim

Post by triplock »


To be honest I have no clue about what you are talking about. I think you've watched Dick van Dyke in Mary Poppins too often.

As I said, if you sit down at the table, please can you communicate in a more clear, concise manner, else the point you're trying to get across will be lost.

Also, can you structure your sentences a little bit better as they are all over the place at the moment.

I cannot tolerate sloppy use of our Queen's English.

Please try again mate and start from the top. Thank you ;-)

Chris Harper-Mears

< this will make FunwithoutIntellect2's - re Stalker- Google search easier in future....

Grimer, can I share your popcorn ?
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re: Priority Claim

Post by Ed »

"Who said that? I have no idea what you are taking about! Who took my false teeth?!"

Yeah, I can see how "fuck" and "ball-less little shit" could be classified as well-crafted Engish, ya queen.

Chris, your English always ends up devolving into that of a school-yard chap who can't have any pudding.
Last edited by Ed on Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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re: Priority Claim

Post by daxwc »

I am beginning to think Triplock that members resent you pilfering the forum and patenting knowledge gleaned from it.
Any chance you now have a RBGS proposal at the patent office? 8P

PS. Just thought I would stir the pot as I hate to see the forum flat lining. 8)))
What goes around, comes around.

re: Priority Claim

Post by triplock »

Daxwc wrote:

''I am beginning to think Triplock that members resent you pilfering the forum and patenting knowledge gleaned from it.

Any chance you now have a RBGS proposal at the patent office? 8P''

Stop it, I can't breathe for laughing so hard.....

'patenting knowledge gleaned from - the forum' - omfg my sides are splitting. >waaah<

Incidentally, I looked at Roberval Balances 2 years ago and soon realised they have very limited use so the answer's no to that also.

Daxwc, thank you soo much though for bringing humour into this thread. For that you get 9/10 :)

Last edited by triplock on Sat Nov 08, 2014 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

re: Priority Claim

Post by triplock »


That wasn't a bad response. Certainly a lot more structured than previous attempts. Still slightly fragmented though so it still remains difficult to read.

Purely based on effort, as its important that you feel that you are moving forward, I'll give you 4/10. ( Previously I awarded you 1/10 so you have improved dramatically. Well done you ;-) )

Generally, Try not to be so reliant on Google translator in future, although I do accept that English may not be your first language so I'm allowing for that when I score you.

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Post by Dunesbury »

Perpetual motion machines are not useful.
I. E., you must have one to show examiner.
Mere description is rejected on "incredible utility".
Anyone's description of possible PMM here falls in this category, even roberval balance gear systems or spring balanced mechanisms.
How did Bessler do it?
We'll never know for sure unless there are undiscovered papers somewhere with either solution (which would show it wasn't PM in modern definition) or confession.

re: Priority Claim

Post by triplock »

In straight talking terms, perpetual motion simply isn't possible. Anyone who claims such a thing is rightly open to derision, or indeed anyone who seeks it.

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re: Priority Claim

Post by Ed »

Chris, you've been watching too much Strictly Come Dancing, though it is right up your street, as Bill was correct about monkeys thinking they are special... enough to dole out scores. Maybe you should focus all of your efforts on your organ grinding business? Maybe you already have?

How much longer before you have another one of your patented "you can't handle the truth, you ball-less little shit" moments? When you do, can you phrase it in the Queen's English?

re: Priority Claim

Post by triplock »

Excellent Ed. I can see that you put more thought into that post as it has a subject matter, a theme that is carried through, and a well rounded conclusion.

You also attempted to include previous subject matter to give a context and a frame of reference to the reader.

A great effort ;-) 9/10

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