The Patent Application Process - UK

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The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »


The reason for creating this new topic isn't to poke a stick into the wasps' nest, rather to look at the patent process and what shape and form the filed documents may take.

Even for those who open-source, it should still be of interest because if you own the IP to a particular design, as least you can have some control how that technology is used in a commercial setting (otherwise your utopic good intentions WILL be pushed to one side. Money and the generation of wealth lies behind everything . You may not like it, but the powers that be don't give a shit ).

Below I will show the Description, Claims, Abstract and Pictures of a filing I made previously, which was granted a Patent. Again, the actual invention isn't up for discussion nor the merits of it. I just want to show the paper trail and hopefully dismiss some preconceptions and explain why some people's approach to filing is flawed.

Finally, I learnt what was required out of necessity as to use a patent Attorney is prohibitive to say the least. Being concise and all encompassing is the key. I'm not saying I can do as good a job as an attorney, but I just don't have access to a money printing machine, so needs must !!

Last edited by triplock on Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »


Automatically Adjusting Gravity-Equilibrator



In general terms, when a system is said to be perfectly neutrally-statically-balanced, a supported mass is said to have a constant potential energy (PE) throughout its range of movement. That range of movement is determined by the pivoted nature of the mass’s support arm and other countenance factors.

This countenance to the supported mass’s weight is often achieved through the use of springs and/or counterweights. Invariably, the springs used are said to be zero-free length springs, meaning they are pre-tensioned to such a degree that their tension k is proportional to their length, in lieu of their elongation.

Because the supported mass, or Payload, can be said to have constant PE, no energy is required to move or elevate the mass. The mass, in the context of a statically balanced system, is said to be weightless. This type of system is said to be Gravity Equalised.

Moreover, when the support arm and attached mass is released after elevation or repositioning, the mechanism, as a whole, will not move as there is no preferred rest-position within the arc of movement of the device’s balance arm.
A classic example of a Gravity Equalised Device in use today is the Anglepoise Lamp

Other applications that currently use Neutral-Stability principles are assembly-line robotic-arms and personal assistive devices. The common principle behind all these examples of industrial use remains the same, that being any fixed payload is perfectly counter-balanced by any opposing equal-force, so that the operating energy requirement is minimal.

Problem 1:
As a rule of thumb, most gravity equalised structures support a constant load. The downside to this is that if the supported and perfectly countered load is changed, the equitable state of the system is lost, so requiring adjustment.

Problem 2:
That Change of Payload adjustment often takes large amounts of input energy effort, resulting in larger actuators for robotic arm manipulators, and with an increase in running costs also. In the case of orthopaedic arm supports, the wearers will simply not have the muscle strength to carry-out this adjustment.
Therefore, there is a need to reduce that adjustment energy requirement down to a minimum -read energy free adjustment.

Generally, an adjustment of a gravity-equilibrator- spring to mass balance arm- for a change of payload requires some form of external intervention and input, whether that be from an electrical or hydraulic power source or, in the case of energy-free adjustment mechanisms, the locking off of some part of the arm by the operative prior to that adjustment. This is clearly time-consuming and problematic, especially for the unskilled or physically impaired when the principles are embodied in to limb supports.

Various existing designs use a combination of zero-free-length spring(s)- and standard extension springs- to create Gravity-Equalised support arms that are capable of supporting changeable payload weights. Examples of these are: – Figure 2 (Patent: US 2008/0210842) & Figure 3 (Patent Pending: GB 2495012). As stated, the drawback with all is that the adjustment and balancing mechanisms, for all intents and purposes, are distinct and separate, creating a pause in usability, which is a less than satisfactory situation.

This invention embodies a new way to automatically carryout this adjustment for a change in supported payload by altering the length / attachment points of the countenance spring(s) by using the supported masses’ weight – Figure 1- without any other intervention, and bar the energy exchange between the supported masses’ weight and system spring(s), the adjustment can be said to be ‘energy-free’.

Referring to Figure 1, in this embodiment, we have:
A parallelogram support arm(2) attached and pivoted to a fixed structure (1). At the other end of the arm there is a vertically sliding hook (6) which slides within the vertical end bar (3). This end bar remains vertical throughout the range of movement of the support arm (2) about the two fixed pivot points.
The hook is held in place by a standard spring (7) which is attached to the vertical end bar (3) also.
To the underside of the support arm, a zero-free-length spring is attached (4). This, in turn, is attached to the sliding hook assembly (6).
With no supported mass attached, the standard spring will fully retract the sliding hook assembly (6), and the vertical attachment point for the zero-free length spring will be raised. The support arm, without a load, can be said to be in balance.
On picking up a object, the weight of that object will proportionally stretch the standard spring (7).
This, in turn, will lower the effective vertical attachment point of the zero-free-length spring (5).

When the mass is fully supported, the sliding attachment point will remain stationary relative to the vertical end bar, and with the zero-free length spring’s vertical attachment point altered, the system is once again in a gravity-equalised state. The support arm can now raise the changed payload in an energy free manner.

Upon release of the supported mass, the automated mechanical adjustment reverses, thus re-establishing a balanced state. Therefore, it can be said that, for any payload picked up (within a given range from Zero), adjustment is automatic and energy-free.
Further embodiments of this method of carryout this automatic adjustment can be seen in:
Fig.4- Pan Tray Support
Fig.5- Limb Support.

Also, this invention would be well suited for pick and place robotic arms, physical therapy centres where you have a large patient through-put (there would be no need to adjust the support apparatus for individual body masses)


1. An automatically adjusting spring to mass, gravity equalised support arm, the support arm comprising: a balance arm; and a vertically moveable load bearing portion located at a distal end of the balance arm, the vertical movement of which is controlled by two supporting elements, whereby the energy required to carry out any adjustment of the support arm is derived from the weight of the mass being supported.

2. An automatically-adjusting spring to mass, gravity equalised support arm according to claim 1, wherein the supporting elements are non-rigid.

3. An automatically adjusting spring to mass, gravity equalised support arm according to either of claims 1 and 2, wherein the support elements comprise a first standard spring , the second spring exhibiting zero-free length behaviour irrespective of load within a predetermined weight range.

4. An automatically-adjusting spring to mass, gravity equalised support arm according to claim 1 where the standard spring and zero-free length spring, or equivalent, are both located at the non-fixed end of the balance arm so as to adjust the length and / or attachment points of both in unison.

5. An automatically adjusting spring to mass, gravity equalised support arm according to claims 1-4, whereby all supporting and adjusting elements are so arranged as to provide static equilibrium of the support arm at any position within the range of movement of the support arm.


Generally, an adjustment of a gravity-equilibrator- spring to mass balance arm- for a change of payload requires some form of external intervention and input, whether that be from an electrical or hydraulic power source or, in the case of energy-free adjustment mechanisms, the locking off of some part of the arm / device by the operative prior to adjustment.
This invention embodies a new way to automatically carryout this adjustment of the countenance spring(s) by using the supported masses’ weight as the energy source.
Keywords: static-balancing, spring to mass balancing, energy-free adjustment, automatic adjustment, storage spring, gravity equilibrator

INSERT Figure 1

re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »


re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »

Attached is the Publication Document which is put out there for others to comment on as they wish. If no reasons are received for refusal, then the patent is granted.

Of course the application went through the Search and Examination stage right at the beginning of the process.

Any questions, please ask.

GB2501418-20131023-Publication document.pdf
(699.36 KiB) Downloaded 190 times

re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »

I am keen to hear of Raj's and Trevor Lynn Whatford's experience with the IPO (UK), their approach to filing, claiming priory on a previous application and the general process.

Trevor Lyn Whatford
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi Chris,

I do not have that worry anymore, all I got from the Patent Office is your invention contravenes the known energy laws, therefor can have no industrial application, and thus a patent cannot be given to this device, and we the Patent Office will not publish your application for the reasons above, even though you paid for a search and publication. That's it in a nut shell.

It seems to me a working Bessler Wheel is clearly outside the jurisdiction of the patent office, because it would contravene Known Physics Laws and empirical tested experiments (in their professional opinion ), there for the only use for a working Gravity wheel is art work, and that is where I have placed my IP.

Edit, PS I do find it annoying that people who have nothing to give to the world expect people who do have something to give to the world, to give it away for nothing. The truth is unless you get into bed with big business you could never get your Invention to the masses, if you do not get into bed with big business they will take it anyway, "mind you" if you have nothing to give, you can at least make your self feel superior by taking the moral high ground!
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »

Hi Trevor
I have to admit that I did read all your patent appeal judgement ( which are a matter of public record ).

What struck me was that you were in an untenable and un-winnable situation. TBH, without a working physical prototype , the applications were doomed to fail. As you say, unless supported by evidence to the contrary , PM devices are incapable of industrial application. They all fall at that hurdle .

For me, I have taken one step back and avoid any such claims like the plague as, not to do so, signs your application's death warrant.

Furthermore, it is my belief that PM is derived from the interplay of mechanisms and states, with those constituent parts being quite explainable and lying within standard physical laws.

Therefore it makes sense to protect those parts individually. That way, for others to create PM in the commercialised sense , they have to go through your ring fence of IP.

On other words , if you want to build a castle on the Middle of someone else's lake, you have to pay the ferryman to gain access.

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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi Chris,

A Patent last for 20 years and I think Artistic copy rights last for 50 year and goes to your estate after your death, so your family will still get the benefits long after.

I did not care to call my invention a toy or something else, I tried and I fail to get a patent, so be it, at the time I did not know how to put my invention into their words, and did not have the time to rebuild my lever systems to show them, I explained where the energy came from so the outcome was predictable, It is not my place to change the rules.

The rules are my protection in some ways, because the Patent Office cannot give a patent to a Bessler type wheel, because they was not qualified to do so. If I had the patent hearing now things could have been very different I would take in more evidence and a third party.
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by raj »

Dear Chris,
I did apply and got a UK patent granted some eight years ago, Using its Priority Date, I also got granted a World Patent. The Patents are for a Wave Energy Conversion Device.

At the start, I hadn't a clue about patent application.
I managed to get on UK Patent Office website. I followed their online help, which were so easy to follow their patent application procedures. I received my application form I, by post to me in Mauritius. What surprised me more, was that they also sent me two beautiful handbooks, showing you everything you need to know about UK patent application, with well structured patent application samples.

Nowadays, I make patent applications online regularly, almost for all designs posted here.

You don't have to pay for patent application for one year, yet you get patent pending protection for one year from date of application, which you lose if you decide not to procede with the application.

I know NONE of my patent application for designs posted in here will be granted.

The only reason I apply for these patents is that should by chance, one in a trillion, I manage to build a working prototype, a patent will be granted, as proof is in hand.

Just to add a personal note: I never post anything here, that are NOT true to me.
Because, in my eyes, I shall be fooling myself, and I do not want to lose my SELF-esteem.

Keep learning till the end.

re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »

As this topic is about patent procedure I wanted to pull you up about how you use the online filing system.

Firstly, when you say you file on line an idea before you show it on the forum, what do you mean ?

Do you submit a fully formed set of documents showing description , claim, abstract and pictures , albeit without any fees paid ( not even an application fee so that your file can be put on the patent office shelf ) ?

Basically, what form does your 'held on account' filings take ?

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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by raj »


All you need to do for UK Patent online filing, is to go on UK IPO online Web Filing site.

You would be given all necessary help and instructions there on how to use the web filing procedures.

Yes, I file all patent filing documents every time, that is: Full Specifications, Full Claims, Abstract and Drawing/s.

You will be given an email copy,if you wish, of your patent application form duly filled in with all the details you have given and most importantly, your Patent Apllication Number and Filing date and time.

Keep learning till the end.
Trevor Lyn Whatford
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi all,

read this quote from Raj, as it is very good advice and gives you 12 months to get your wheel built in safety, I do this my self and have advised many members here by PM to do the same.
Raj wrote,
You don't have to pay for patent application for one year, yet you get patent pending protection for one year from date of application, which you lose if you decide not to procede with the application.

I know NONE of my patent application for designs posted in here will be granted.

The only reason I apply for these patents is that should by chance, one in a trillion, I manage to build a working prototype, a patent will be granted, as proof is in hand.
I do not do this so much now though, because it is quicker for me to knock up a quick model to see if it works than it is to make a patent application, also I already have my leverage systems, and only look for a Bessler type wheel (OOB) to complete the set.

This is where Ovyyus steps in and says deluded, which is only true if you cannot prove the system works.
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »

You will always get 'established' figures not wanting the status quo upset as the chance to vocalise is more important to them .

Take Ovvyus and me. I am sure we hold each other in equal contempt :-D His opinion carries not weight with me, nor mine to him ( therefore it's awash and we'll all move on ).


re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »


Although you were granted a patent already, I still feel that you have little understanding of the Patent process and the legal framework around it.

By your own admission, all the new patent applications you've filed to date stand no chance of getting through the initial examination stage. Ok, fair enough. So what are their purpose. ?

It is clear that you file a core idea with the view that an amendment might be of some use, so you hope to claim the priory date from the earlier 'filed' patent. WRONG

Firstly, it is illegal to submit sacrificial patents who's soul purpose is a premeditated attempt to hold the door open for later amendments.

Secondly, your record of unpaid-for filings will have already come to the attention of the technical / procedural examiner who will take a dim view of your approach.

Thirdly, say you 'file' for a cup without a handle. That handle-less drinking vessel will have a well described technical description and a set of claims.

If you then discuss on an open forum the idea of adding a handle, then try to patent, by-way of an amendment or fresh application, you will not be able to do so because you have disclosed publically.

You are making a lot of false assumptions about the patent procedure, so you should not be held up as an example of how to do it. If you attempt to 'cheat' the system, they will screw you to the wall, and you will be left with zero IP rights.

Trevor Lyn Whatford
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi Chris,

do not get me wrong about Ovyyus, it is just my sense of humour, I do not hold Ovyyus in contempt at all, in fact I owe Ovyyus a debt of gratitude, if it was not for the banter between me and him, I would not of took the time to study Physics and look to see his side of the argument, I still owe Ovyyus and the forum some videos and a full account of my work thus far, but I just do not get any time to formulate my work and improve the videos.

My work is not finished yet, and will not be finished until I crack the out of balance wheel, If indeed it is possible.

Edit, Chris what I cannot understand is why do you wish to neutralize good leverage, and make a balance, when it is better to make a balance and use good leverage.
Last edited by Trevor Lyn Whatford on Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have been wrong before!
I have been right before!
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