The Patent Application Process - UK

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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »


What I wanted to show now is an example of the publication document you'll get once you have gone through the Search and Examination stage.

Your invention, at this stage gets a Publication Number which is not the same one as the Application Number previously received.

The purpose of this publically-available document is to allow anyone to view it and to comment as necessary. Up to this point - Publication Date - it is wise not wise to publically disclose your invention outside of a NDA. A statutory 3 month period in the public domain has to have elapsed before a decision can be made whether to grant or not.

I draw your attention to the last page which is a summary of the Search results. As you can see, this particular application of mine sailed close to wind in regards to being similar to a patent held by Delft University (which came as no surprise as it was my intention to try to improve on that batch of existing patents ).

In the end, the University acknowledge that this was indeed a novel step, which helped my application greatly).

GB2495012-20130327-Publication document.pdf
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by Clarkie »

Hi Chris, UK patents are not published until 18 months after filing, it is unwise to share anything except under NDA before 12 months as you have the opportunity to expand the patent and re-file at the international phase, which is at 12 months. nobody can see the patent until 18 months after filing.


re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »


At last, sanity prevails. You are correct in what you say. You certainly DON'T file without paying any fees, then publish the next day, amend in the public domain, then ask to use the priory date of the sacrificial patent.

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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by Clarkie »

Chis, I have over 40 international patents to my name over 30 years, this is my world. Pete.

re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »

Cool, you are now officially my new best friend Pete :-D.

At last someone else on here who isn't afraid to make MONEY out of their own IP ....

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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by Clarkie »

I'm also a friend of Ralph........

re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »

Aaah and so the circle of happy coincidence completes
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by rlortie »

Chris & Pete,

"so the circle of happy coincidence completes."

Not quite all by coincidence! The two of you will be notified by private e-mail. Your so called coincidence has been in my planning stage for the better part of three years.

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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by Andyb »

Triplock,just a small thing i learned when i filled for a patent with a attorney was to never speak to anyone regarding what you are building and if you do speak to a potential investor then to get a confidentiality agree to protect your self which includes the right for nobody to practice your design ,ps i agree with your point towards Raj he really is not crossing the the i and the t's ,thanks for sharring these very important facts.
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »

No problem Andy.

Tomorrow I'll upload some more docs that will complete the paper trail to patent grant.

I'll then talk about the formation of the all important claims as that is where you protect your IP and possible variants of that IP.

For example , you don't say 'cup' you say a 'container that can hold a liquid'.

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Post by Grimer »

As a matter of curiosity, and leaving aside the fact of prior disclosure, would the Patent Office accept a patent on a Gravity Pulse Motor driven by the "gravitational wind" - or would they regard that as a perpetual motion machine?
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by raj »

I congratulate you ALL for having reached a unanimous and happy conclusuon about patenting procedure.

I, for one, shall continue to do as Frank Sinatra had been saying all along:

'' I did it MY WAY ''

My reasons are clear from:
1. - first picture. - UK IPO
2. - second picture - USA IPO

protecting your patent rights - USA 001.jpg
Protection of patent rights -UK 001.jpg
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by raj »

I would like to make it clear once for all, after re-reading this thread:

1. I ALWAYS make fresh NEW application, whenever, I find it necessary to add any new elements to an existing patent application, making sure of using the right priority date.

2. I NEVER discuss or disclose anything, ANY elements of a patent application BEFORE applying for the patent and receiving a patent application number.

On my AGW thread, I applied for a patent on the 10/11/14 claming the main NOVELTY element ' Archimedes principle - lifting NUTS/eights on screws/arms''
That application was done well before my posting of drawings and details on

I made a FRESH new patent application on the 12/10/2014, claiming a FRESH new NOVELTY elemants '' Scientific principle - lifting of weights on screws/arms using TILTED axles/axes'', with priority date of my first application.
That fresh new application was done well before my posting of drawings and details on

Nobody has contributed or mentioned anything on these two mains CLAIMS, i.s Archimedes Principle and Scientific Principle, before I actualy
posted drawings and details of my AGW concept.

Last edited by raj on Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »

Assuming you won't be able to plonk a working model on the examiners desk, you will not get passed the examination stage, or even the initial application filing stage if you claim your device is capable of PM.

All such applications fall foul of 'not being capable of industrial application ' or 'insufficent detail for a person skilled in the art to build '.

If you wish to protect, by way of a patent, an, as yet, unpublished version of your Gravity Pulse Motor, you must :

Loose the bloody title 'GPM' !

Call it something like - Dynamic Pendulum

Strip the mechanism right down to its barest composition , and zoom in on that part which gives you that mechanical advantage.

Don't mention a turning wheel . You can cover that in the claims after only a fleeting mention in the Description.

Don't go in to pseudo science.

Do not mention free energy , over unity , Bessler , Gravitational Wind or similar as that is a red rage to a bull !

Anyway, there's your start point Grimer. We can discuss further if you wish.

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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by raj »

VERY GOOD advice!!!

That's how I always write my specifications of my gravity wheel concept.

I like to use the word '' automatic'

Like automatic watch.

I never use words like '' permanent, perpetual or self-sustaining''

I always mention that the wheel starts by some outside force.

My main aim is to show the MECHANICAL novelty I am claiming.

Keep learning till the end.
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