The Patent Application Process - UK

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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by Fletcher »

As I said quite a while ago Chris - I once had similar ambitions & reasoning as you - I do not hold that against you, nor anyone else - for me it's just a matter of law of diminishing returns & time moving on.

As I get older (I'm 55 now) I find whilst I'm not exactly digging ditches (metaphorically speaking), like you I also don't know what the future will hold - since I work for myself then imminent forced retirement at 65 in a decade is not an issue for me to worry about - still, it'd be nice to collect the old age pension (little as it is) since I did at times employ people & pay tax - hopefully I'll have passive income for a long time into the future from my past & current projects - but who truly knows what is around the corner or how the deck is shuffled or what cards you are going to get dealt.

My motivation, as you put it, is for every person who so desires, to build themselves their own PPM - without fear of threat, or repercussions, or financial avarice from others - if they want to build one for a kinetic sculpture then that's just dandy - if they want to sell power back to the grid good for them (if that can be done).

But we must all take heed of the "Law of Unintended Consequences" which means whatever course you set (or do not take for that matter), no matter how well intentioned, or how meticulously planned, Life will find a way to do something entirely unexpected with repercussions you didn't fully appreciate or consider - that's called materialism & capitalism rolled into one, & is just LIFE.

What I wouldn't want to be responsible for is a negative footnote to history, that set mankind back, or impeded his technological or scientific advancement & understanding.

re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »


I actually concur with everything you say as I understand there is a wider picture.

One of the reasons for this patent thread was to get an understanding of what people see as their end game. A patent , after all, is a documented manifestation of a palpable goal ; it is a declaration of who you are and what you have achieved. It is a date stamp and comment in life's guest book.

I think that it is a fair question to ask 'What do we hope to achieve, and what part does this forum play in this quest ( this is especially true of members who have done over a decade - although I'm not too far behind ).

I think that the over riding theme is the desire to be recognised , to make a mark and to cause a change in viewpoint and to create scientific upheaval . No matter the peripheral add ons to that we seek to live on through written entries in journals.

I certainly feel that those questions become more profound as you get older as you no longer have the immortality of youth on your side.

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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by Fletcher »

I think that the over riding theme is the desire to be recognised , to make a mark and to cause a change in viewpoint and to create scientific upheaval . No matter the peripheral add ons to that we seek to live on through written entries in journals.
And you don't need to write a patent for that to occur Chris, IMO.

re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »

You are again correct Fletcher, but situations dictate course of actions unfortunately.

Anyway, that's enough sensitivity from me for one day. Hate to see people start liking me :-D

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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by raj »

Dear Fletcher,

I could not agree more with you.


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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by daxwc »

But we must all take heed of the "Law of Unintended Consequences" which means whatever course you set (or do not take for that matter), no matter how well intentioned, or how meticulously planned, Life will find a way to do something entirely unexpected with repercussions you didn't fully appreciate or consider - that's called materialism & capitalism rolled into one, & is just LIFE.
Yes I agree, that and in the last few years I have seen 100’s of patents broken and stolen. It is impossible to protect in this global economy. If something as important and needed as clean free energy you will never stop China and other countries from just stealing it and mass producing. Lot of leading technical companies just try to keep always ahead now and don’t bother with the patent because they realize that with a patent they would have to divulge all of their trade secrets which would allow their competitors to easily reproduce the technology. It is better to try to stay ahead of the wolves on prior art alone in lots of cases.
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Re: re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by Grimer »

triplock wrote:Grimer
Assuming you won't be able to plonk a working model on the examiners desk, you will not get passed the examination stage, or even the initial application filing stage if you claim your device is capable of PM.

All such applications fall foul of 'not being capable of industrial application ' or 'insufficent detail for a person skilled in the art to build '.

If you wish to protect, by way of a patent, an, as yet, unpublished version of your Gravity Pulse Motor, you must :

Loose the bloody title 'GPM' !

Call it something like - Dynamic Pendulum

Strip the mechanism right down to its barest composition , and zoom in on that part which gives you that mechanical advantage.

Don't mention a turning wheel . You can cover that in the claims after only a fleeting mention in the Description.

Don't go in to pseudo science.

Do not mention free energy , over unity , Bessler , Gravitational Wind or similar as that is a red rage to a bull !

Anyway, there's your start point Grimer. We can discuss further if you wish.

LOL. I rather thought it would be something like that. Not that I have any wish to patent anything. I was just curious as to the procedure in such a case as the Gravity Pulse Motor. Clearly, the word Gravity is a red rag to a bull.
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »

In the context of my application I cannot but mention Gravity Equalization , Energy-Free Displacement and PE neutrality, so initial had to qualify those terms straight away .

The patent examiner has a list of key words that are typically used in PM applications. Their inclusion does not initially invalidate your application but you've got to fight your corner from the out set.

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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by rasselasss »

Triplock,my advice F.W.I.W. ,if you have an idea,run with it,knock key player doors and come away with cash,let others do the worrying,then move on to pastures many times have you looked at an innovate idea and said "I could have done that"but you did'nt,..ideas which can make a lot of money don't have to be complicated and time consuming,they can be very simple,so simple they must "hit"the marketplace very quickly for obvious reasons,ideas such as this link are useless to patent .....don't let the sun go down on your enthusiasm,you're a clever chap you'll make your doubt some here will say the idea in the link is stupid but the guy that thought of it made a bundle.....Good Luck...
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »


Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words.

I do not hide the fact that that it is my duty as a husband and a father to provide, and that is my sole driving force in this parallel 'job' I'm undertaking at the moment.

I'm taking a medium term view that time invested now will reap rewards later, which will enable me to get off life's merry go round at some point !

Only I, and I alone can do that. If I don't, I can only blame myself. But I never give up as I have a streak of stubbornness that runs through me :)

I have little or no interest in the betterment of mankind or anything as unrealistically noble as that. The woes of the World are not my burden to bear. If I can get in, make some cash and get out again, that's the depth of my plan, nothing more. What others do with those IP is not my concern. They can bury them as far as I'm concerned.

I know that, at the very least, the 3 patents I have not disclosed here yet, do expose some short comings in the definitions relied on in Classical Mechanics. The devices don't run contrary to the Conservation of Energy or anything as dramatic as that, its just that they make you sit up go 'oh shit'.

For example, one Patent Pending device, entitled 'passive and Revolute Gravity Equilibrator' details an invention that effectively renders a supported mass weightless, for that mass to have a spherical range of movement, with that outer sphere being abled to roll to any new orientation without effecting the gravity equalised state of the system.

I'll re-post the two links here that so what I mean (Clearly I've whited out the mechanism that achieves this).

Also, another patent prevents? a pendulum from loosing amplitude upon release from an elevated position because its not a closed system in the conventional sense :)

Also, another patent is a new type of lever that doesn't fit within the 3 classes defined within Classic Mechanics.

Finally, just for sheer self promotion, the links below show variants of my slimline upper limb support device detailed patent 3.

I do have about 30 functional devices described and stored with the UK Copyright service also :)
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by AB Hammer »

Good Going Chris

I like the gearing you are using. Keep up the good work.
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re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »


Thanks, that arrangement of cyclic gear, spring and gravity equalised mass was worth protecting imo.

Its a shame that is can't be used in a fully revolute environment, in any axis, as the spring collapses upon inversion. Believe me I've tried :(

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Re: re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by Fletcher »

triplock wrote:

Finally, just for sheer self promotion, the links below show variants of my slimline upper limb support device detailed patent 3.

Hi Triplock .. I presume you made these 3 sims in the freeware Algodoo/Phun physics simulation software ?

Have you built them in any other sim program to see if they behave the same way in each, as a check on sim reliability & accuracy ?

I assume from your previous comments that you haven't built any real world counterparts ?!

FYI - I doubt I could construct these in WM2D as you have them because I can't do the internal planetary gears - maybe someone else could with better skills & knowledge.

They look good though !

re: The Patent Application Process - UK

Post by triplock »


The principles shown in the cyclic gear / spring arrangement were tested for real as part of the examination process in Switzerland, so it is viable,

I particularly like the vertical displacement when using pantographs. So in this arrangement, when using a zero free length spring, the supported mass has no PE at any position as it is, effectively, weightless. This means it has no preferred rest position.

The biggest drawback of these spring to mass gravity equilibrators is that, upon inversion of the system, the equitable state is lost as the springs are no longer in tension.

This I have now overcome by taking a slightly different approach. I am now in early stage talks with a NASA support company to create a low cost passive zero gravity simulator for astronaut training.


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