zero point energy

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re: zero point energy

Post by Wubbly »

Steven Greer - April 2014 Washington DC briefing (partial) 2.5 hours.
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re: zero point energy

Post by Art »

Cognitive Dissonance ?

I think I'm running out of brain neurons ! - I'm having trouble coming to terms with what my eyes see ! Sphere Cube Crop Circles

Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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Post by nicbordeaux »

Wubbly, quote : "If you are paranoid, don't read section 1.5: Categories of Supression."

I did read 1.5. And the rest. The whole thing is written in the style used by conspiracy nuts, new-age freaks and conmen.

Still, 1.5 seems to imply that before presenting a world-saving free energy device, one should develop it's potential as a tool of terminal destruction of the Universe, just to make sure that nobody is going to mess with you, (nobody means rogues in the gummint, and rogues from other universes using black holes and stuff to muck up our fields of corn. Am I on the right track ?
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re: zero point energy

Post by Wubbly »

That is not Steven Greers approach at all.

Would the Rockefellers allow a conspiracy nut to brief them on this subject?
Would the Clinton's allow a conspiracy nut to brief them on this subject?
Would the members of the US congress allow a conspiracy nut to brief them on this subject?
Would the CIA director allow a conspiracy nut to brief him on this subject?
Would the Head of intelligence, Joint Chief of Staff allow himself to be briefed by a conspiracy nut?

Either it's fake and he's fooling a lot of very important people in high places, or this stuff is real while we all giggle and laugh while pretending it isn't.

His belief is that the other civilizations that are visiting planet Earth are generally peaceful, otherwise they would have destroyed us long ago.

His approach is that the only way to get the zero point energy technology out to the world is to bypass the patent process and to disclose and open source it as quickly as possible. Unfortunately the technology, once revealed, could probably also be weaponized.

Here's a link to his Washington DC briefing in 2014, part 2 of 2:
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re: zero point energy

Post by oldNick »

Hi Wubbly

The answer to all your questions above is no, but he does do a very good job of promoting the well educated people, so he probably works for tptb.

It would be easy for him to discredit ordinary conspiracy nuts and get them fighting among themselves.

Just an opinion.

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Post by nicbordeaux »

Had a quick skip through the link above and a few related. Repeatedly, there is talk about, explicit or implicit, the American People needing to share the info with the rest of the world. There is a understanding that only the US is in contact with lifeforms from other planets. This I find a bit hard to believe. Unless, of course, ET's only speak English. Pls, don't get me wrong, I am of the opinion that the likelyhood of highly evolved lifeforms elsewhere in the Uinverse is extremely high, verging on the almost certain.
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