Gravity explained.
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Gravity explained.
Atoms and stuff (or the particles comprising stuff like atoms) are held together by several forces.
Gravity is the total force of attraction exerted by the sum of the weakforce and stuff like that hold together the particles which constitute matter referred to above as "several forces".
The greater the mass, the greater the gravity. Viz planets and stuff.
It follows (or precedes, who cares ?) that the denser the mass, the more atoms and stuff it will contain for a given volume. Thus, really dense stuff will have more gravity "power" than similar sized stuff which is less dense.
At the planetary level, gravity is felt as a force pulling towards the center. Well, what do you expect ? The center of the Earth is not hollow. It is the densest place on earth.
This is the sole explanation to gravity, and can suffer no serious criticism.
It will henceforth be referred to as "Nick's Unified Force Field Law" , and expalins both gravity and cohesion of coalsced stuff ranging from sub-atomic things to universes. It remains valid untils such time as the weakforce and stuff are modified due to events such as violent and enormous magnitude temperature changes , acts of God, sabotage.
The clever guys can now put this into a seemingly more educated formula and get themselves a nobel prize.
BTW if you are wondering why there is no law dictating a specific mass to Gravity ratio, it is 1) because nobody has thought of looking for it, or has been looking in the wrong place, 2) gravity is cumulative and nobody knows exactly how many atoms and bosons and particles are out there nor how all this is distributed. It may be of interest that if a value is given to m=g , distribution (where all the non-conglomerated stuff is) of matter within any area, small or large, may be calculated.
With that, I rest my case because I need a leak and a cup of coffee.
Gravity is the total force of attraction exerted by the sum of the weakforce and stuff like that hold together the particles which constitute matter referred to above as "several forces".
The greater the mass, the greater the gravity. Viz planets and stuff.
It follows (or precedes, who cares ?) that the denser the mass, the more atoms and stuff it will contain for a given volume. Thus, really dense stuff will have more gravity "power" than similar sized stuff which is less dense.
At the planetary level, gravity is felt as a force pulling towards the center. Well, what do you expect ? The center of the Earth is not hollow. It is the densest place on earth.
This is the sole explanation to gravity, and can suffer no serious criticism.
It will henceforth be referred to as "Nick's Unified Force Field Law" , and expalins both gravity and cohesion of coalsced stuff ranging from sub-atomic things to universes. It remains valid untils such time as the weakforce and stuff are modified due to events such as violent and enormous magnitude temperature changes , acts of God, sabotage.
The clever guys can now put this into a seemingly more educated formula and get themselves a nobel prize.
BTW if you are wondering why there is no law dictating a specific mass to Gravity ratio, it is 1) because nobody has thought of looking for it, or has been looking in the wrong place, 2) gravity is cumulative and nobody knows exactly how many atoms and bosons and particles are out there nor how all this is distributed. It may be of interest that if a value is given to m=g , distribution (where all the non-conglomerated stuff is) of matter within any area, small or large, may be calculated.
With that, I rest my case because I need a leak and a cup of coffee.
If you think you have an overunity device, think again, there is no such thing. You might just possibly have an unexpectedly efficient device. In which case you will be abducted by MIB and threatened by aliens.
re: Gravity explained.
Sorry, I'm probably missing your point but I'm more than a little confused......
My grasp of gravity is what little I now recall from high school.
But I distinctly recall my tutor suggesting that all matter attracted matter, to then bang on about how we on Earth experienced this as a push down, right to the centre of the Earth, where the push was greatest & thus the matter most dense.
"But sir, it's not a push is it sir, it's a pull....attracted to each other is a pull ain't it sir?"
"Yes Clark, well spotted...experienced as a push but in fact a pull, depends on ones perspective. Now, homework tonight....."
So...for the past 45 years I've always opted for the pull perspective...but now you appear to be suggesting it's something new/novel?
My grasp of gravity is what little I now recall from high school.
But I distinctly recall my tutor suggesting that all matter attracted matter, to then bang on about how we on Earth experienced this as a push down, right to the centre of the Earth, where the push was greatest & thus the matter most dense.
"But sir, it's not a push is it sir, it's a pull....attracted to each other is a pull ain't it sir?"
"Yes Clark, well spotted...experienced as a push but in fact a pull, depends on ones perspective. Now, homework tonight....."
So...for the past 45 years I've always opted for the pull perspective...but now you appear to be suggesting it's something new/novel?
"Everything you know will always equal the sum of your ignorance"
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re: Gravity explained.
it is said that most of "something" or "stuff" as you refer to , is made up of space or emptyness .
if most of it is space , then imagine the earth and what Einstein said about space time bending ,hence gravity according to him .
now imagine every particle/atom surrounded by space ,do you not think that if Einstein is on the dot ,that it means every atom has gravity because of space time curvature ,and all of that together (density) is going to amount to something ?
ultimately I imagine atoms being held together by their surrounding atoms gravity fields plus their own ,all linked by the form of the fields (space time curvature) formed by the space each occupied.
cluster a bunch of atoms closer together and you have gravity ,if a spaceship could gather atoms together in front of it ,it should fly ala gravity powered ..
just my point of view ...
if most of it is space , then imagine the earth and what Einstein said about space time bending ,hence gravity according to him .
now imagine every particle/atom surrounded by space ,do you not think that if Einstein is on the dot ,that it means every atom has gravity because of space time curvature ,and all of that together (density) is going to amount to something ?
ultimately I imagine atoms being held together by their surrounding atoms gravity fields plus their own ,all linked by the form of the fields (space time curvature) formed by the space each occupied.
cluster a bunch of atoms closer together and you have gravity ,if a spaceship could gather atoms together in front of it ,it should fly ala gravity powered ..
just my point of view ...
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re: Gravity explained.
I think gravity is sufficiently explained for the situations where we are confronted with this phenomenon. As I see it, on earth gravity accelerates a mass with 9.81 m per second per second. So I don't see any problems or applicable PM- advantages at 'our' scale (time and size) we live in.
If we stretch the timescale we meet the foucault pendulum where we have to consider earth rotation. On a kilometer-scale and/or very heavy masses it starts to be usefull to think about gravitational constants and thus deviations from the standard accelaration.
The rest is speculation, like:
On small-scale: A particle with mass-like properties contracts space around it (how and why?) and results in -what we call- gravity, some speculate they are tiny black-holes, some say it's the Higgs-Boson as distributer of mass.
On large-scale: The rotation of the milkyway is not entirely understood, so irregularities are the blaim of some mysterious dark-stuff (mass or energies we don't see). On that scale are also black-holes (we are somewhat in orbit of one), gravity waves and relative straight-lines.
I would vote: it's sufficiently understood, but not completely.
eehm: What's a Mass-to-Gravity ratio?
F = N*g = (G*N*M)/(r*r)
(N=small weight, M=Mass earth, G=Grav.Const, g=Grav.acceleration)
So you ask: what is ratio N:g ?
Edit: In response the Jim_mich below:
wiki: Aether theories
If we stretch the timescale we meet the foucault pendulum where we have to consider earth rotation. On a kilometer-scale and/or very heavy masses it starts to be usefull to think about gravitational constants and thus deviations from the standard accelaration.
The rest is speculation, like:
On small-scale: A particle with mass-like properties contracts space around it (how and why?) and results in -what we call- gravity, some speculate they are tiny black-holes, some say it's the Higgs-Boson as distributer of mass.
On large-scale: The rotation of the milkyway is not entirely understood, so irregularities are the blaim of some mysterious dark-stuff (mass or energies we don't see). On that scale are also black-holes (we are somewhat in orbit of one), gravity waves and relative straight-lines.
I would vote: it's sufficiently understood, but not completely.
eehm: What's a Mass-to-Gravity ratio?
F = N*g = (G*N*M)/(r*r)
(N=small weight, M=Mass earth, G=Grav.Const, g=Grav.acceleration)
So you ask: what is ratio N:g ?
Edit: In response the Jim_mich below:
wiki: Aether theories
Last edited by ME on Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Marchello E.
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
Gravity and Inertia via Radiation -
All forces that act through a distance are attributed to cosmic radiation pressure and shadowing of these frequencies by matter. The shadowing causes a local unbalanced flow in the normally balanced radiation frequency flows of space. All matter exists as interference patterns in the Prime background radiation frequencies of space. A surface gravity limit of 1.141 gs and a radiation pressure limit is shown to exist when the radiation flow is totally shielded by large planets. The cause for the inverse square laws of physics is shown to be a natural result of shadowing geometry with distance. Data and graphs are presented demonstrating the gravitational shadowing for our solar system planets.
--- snip ---
Thank You, Stan Byers
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I'm sure that a normally dense 12 year old with an internet connection enabling him to look up in Google, and a spreadsheet could key in the mass values of planets, their distance from each other and other celestial bodies, the gravity of each planet, and come up with a constant.
But my point was : gravity is quite simply the sum of the "weak forces" which enable the constituents of atoms to remain spatially stable, therefore allowing atoms to exist.
Obviously, this won't help anybody to build a gravity Wheel. Gravity exists, and there is no known way of modifying it. Erstaz gravity can be created, and so it should follow that anti-ersatz gravity can be caused. Just keep in mind that ersatz gravity is a result of pseudo-forces, which arise from the application of force.
I know this whole topic is absolutely pointless.
But my point was : gravity is quite simply the sum of the "weak forces" which enable the constituents of atoms to remain spatially stable, therefore allowing atoms to exist.
Obviously, this won't help anybody to build a gravity Wheel. Gravity exists, and there is no known way of modifying it. Erstaz gravity can be created, and so it should follow that anti-ersatz gravity can be caused. Just keep in mind that ersatz gravity is a result of pseudo-forces, which arise from the application of force.
I know this whole topic is absolutely pointless.
And thank you, Jim, for digging up that very relevant link.jim_mich wrote:Gravity and Inertia via Radiation - forces that act through a distance are attributed to cosmic radiation pressure and shadowing of these frequencies by matter. The shadowing causes a local unbalanced flow in the normally balanced radiation frequency flows of space. All matter exists as interference patterns in the Prime background radiation frequencies of space. A surface gravity limit of 1.141 gs and a radiation pressure limit is shown to exist when the radiation flow is totally shielded by large planets. The cause for the inverse square laws of physics is shown to be a natural result of shadowing geometry with distance. Data and graphs are presented demonstrating the gravitational shadowing for our solar system planets.
--- snip ---
Thank You, Stan Byers
Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata?
re: Gravity explained.
•Prime non electromagnetic non particulate radiation
pervades all space and matter at an apparently infinite speed.
Infinite speed?
•Prime non electromagnetic non particulate radiation
pervades all space and matter at an apparently infinite speed.
Infinite speed?
An "apparently infinite speed" is not the same as an "infinite speed".
He should have said a speed beyond the present capacity of our instruments to measure.
I suppose at one time the velocity of light must have seemed to have an "apparently infinite speed".
I've no doubt that one of these days the velocity of the gravity wind will be measured.
He should have said a speed beyond the present capacity of our instruments to measure.
I suppose at one time the velocity of light must have seemed to have an "apparently infinite speed".
I've no doubt that one of these days the velocity of the gravity wind will be measured.
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