Bessler theory Solved - Lift weights with little effort

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Bessler theory Solved - Lift weights with little effort

Post by poplianil »

Bessler had almost given the idea in his clues with too many unnecessary details to confuse everyone. After years being on this subject I have solved the key how he lifted weights with little effort. Go thru the attachment ( Popli Gravity Wheel . pdf ) and balance is just creativity.
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Popli Gravity Wheel.pdf
Popli Gravity wheel- Bessler solved
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re: Bessler theory Solved - Lift weights with little effort

Post by Oystein »

How are you getting around 0,5 kx`2 ?

0,5 kx`2 is true both for the ascending and descending weights.

What you are suggesting is only true if the weight is dropped vertically when connected to the spring. (0,5kx`2 = M*D) But in this way you will not be able to "save" energy from shorter arms when the weights ascend.

You save 0,5kx`2 lifting throught the wheel from 3 o`clock to 12 o`clock. You then need to add work equal to 0,5kx`2 to rise the weight at 12 o`clock.

There are several ways to make the spring contain 2(0,5 kx`2) at 12 o`clock, all known methods either will have to be dropped from vertical position, or using variying "gearing" through springs on levers at angles or stork bills. These methods will not reduce the work/torque*'D needed to rise the weights from 3 o`clock to 12 o`clock.

I suggest your prototype does not turn at a steady speed and direction without loosing momentum.

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re: Bessler theory Solved - Lift weights with little effort

Post by Tarsier79 »

1. Your idea isn't new.

2. Please tell me where your engineering degree is from so I can laugh

3. No, please, I need to see your working wheel, not just take your word for it, as I can see plainly, as I am sure others can: why your wheel will not and does not work....

4. "optimising output" Please tell me this is sarcasm or a joke.

5. Do not come here beleiving the people on this forum are fools.
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re: Bessler theory Solved - Lift weights with little effort

Post by AB Hammer »


You really need to build the idea and see for yourself. For a build is the only proof real seekers will accept. But your presentations of your PDF is done well, but is incomplete for there is no hard data of proof.

Thanks for posting and welcome to the forum.
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Post by zoelra »


If I understand correctly, you are saying the spring at the 12 o'clock position has enough stored energy (lets call it E) to lift the weight from the axle to the upper rim position (which we will call R), so no additional energy has to be applied to lift the weight.

When the weight is raised at the 12 o'clock position, the wheel then has 2E of stored potential energy due to the weight being at a height of 2R from the bottom of the wheel. Although the weight doesn't drop straight down, that doesn't matter due to the conservatory nature of gravity. The weight will drop 2R, hence the stored potential of 2E at 12 o'clock.

The wheel is overbalanced and will rotate 180 degrees. With the weight now at the 6 o'clock position, you will have to apply 2E of energy to lift the weight from the lower rim position to the axle. One E to lift the weight, and another E to stretch the spring.

The wheel can now freely rotate another 180 degrees, and after doing so, you are back at the original 12 o'clock starting position. The weight is at the axle, and the spring has enough stored energy to lift the weight to the upper rim position.

To me this sounds like a break even scenario, so I must be overlooking something. I probably am so I will re-watch the video.
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re: Bessler theory Solved - Lift weights with little effort

Post by Unbalanced »


I give you an "A" for presentation. Nice work. There may be room for an enhancement by connecting opposing weights with conrods.

The solution (if one exists) is likely as simple as this.

Thanks for sharing. My initial impression mirrors those who have posted before me especially ABHammer.

What I envision as a sticking point, not yet addressed here, is that the energy to be harvested for each reset of the weight at 12:00 must come from the weights moving through 45 degrees not 180 degrees because a reset must occur with every 45 degree of wheel rotation.
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re: Bessler theory Solved - Lift weights with little effort

Post by Andyb »

My good man it is no new idea it will not work think again,sometimes we get stuck, i certainly do, but this design only fits a few of besslers clues, the frame work its self will stop the energy created from getting out,but hey call my bluff put me out of my misery please do,lot of effort there though, well done and happy new year, your share is appreciated Andy b
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