Stampers were perhaps not mandatory, but in this case why buid several of them : 3 for Draschwitz, 4, Merseburg, 2 Weissenstein ?
If they were only for power demonstrationw why complicate the mechanism ? and multiply the risks of failure?
- the box under the stampers is referenced as numbre 5 in the 2 drawings of Merseburg wheel.
5 is hard to read or even misssing for the second drawing. We know importance of 5 or 55 for Bessler. ... mbers.html
- Legend says in latin "Pilis et pistiliis ... subserviens" that means subsystem or asservisement.
More than a simple box Isn't it ?
- If you measure the course of the stampers on the drawings you can see that they can't hit nor touch the bottom of the box. They can't crush anything.
- Why the box has legs and does not lay on floor ? not logical, and a potential big problem for the solidity of the structure if it is only a grinding machine.
The end of the stampers are rounded. Not very useful to break materials but convenient for applying all the force to a small point.
Why MT55 is so important ?
55 is 5 and 5 !!
It is the first drawing without comment.
It is the last of a group talking about mechanical parts.
(MT50 uses spheres, MT56 uses air and bellows)
The last one of a group is meaningful. (verified)
It is one of more than 40 drawings where action is taken NEAR the axle and released FAR from it.