Sliding Magnets

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Sliding Magnets

Post by AlanR »

I recall reading that the force required to bring two opposing ("bucking") magnetic poles together was less than the released energy if you did so by sliding one into position above the other.

??? Anyone tried this???
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re: Sliding Magnets

Post by Jonathan »

I haven't tried it in any scientific sense, but from experience I don't believe it. I think JLN had something about this, I'll see if I can find it.
It is a little troubling that he uses grams as a measure of force, but he is using a scale that assumes 9.8 m/s^2, so as long as he is consistent. The correct thing to do would be to multiply grams by .0098 to get Newtons. I'd also like to say that the last picture with the crank really should have two offset by 90 degrees, that way it would consistently go one way.
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re: Sliding Magnets

Post by AlanR »

Thanks jonathan
sure, I dont really believe it either - aside from any technical reasons, it would just be too darn easy!

BTW (I know this is off topic, but I really dont want to start a new thread about it) all the info "tommyK" posts in the "Why So Big?" thread - the details are quite elaborate, I dont know if its (a) rubbish (b) personal commentary mixed with fact as John Collins implies re Alden Parks' writings, (c) extremely valuable info that everyone else has missed ? or (d) none of the above. The use of the pendulum, whereby gravity imparts rotational energy on the mass which is diverted to the flywheel without impacting on the KE of the pendulum itself intrigues me.
Sorry for this ramble...
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re: Sliding Magnets

Post by Jonathan »

Well, that is what I have yet to understand, when the ratchet engages the pendulum has to move the mass of the whole wheel, so it falls slower, and once it disengages it can't go very high. I ceased contact with him about a week ago, still no word on the patent, I really don't have any idea about it, so I've just been doing my own stuff.
As to the easyness, I think that would be preferable, on many levels. I will do some experiments in the upcoming days.
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Georg Künstler
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re: Sliding Magnets

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi AlanR,
yes, I tried that, I constructed a oscillating(regauching) system with the magnets. If you like the construction sent me a mail, I don't publish it on the board.

Best regards


re: Sliding Magnets

Post by carterhaines »

I dont have fancy scales or anything, but if anyone needs magnet experiments done, I have an extensive collections of many types of permanent magnets (most of which are NdFeB [being my favorite as they are the strongest])
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