Desalination of Sea Water

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Desalination of Sea Water

Post by Allen_T »

Just mentioning this since you live in Australia.
It is one reason why I need to finish my build and have it work. I am kind of hoping that the editorial people at that newspaper include what I wrote back to them. If so, then someone might read it that would find it an interesting concept.
It does seem at least the comment I submitted will be published.

To hleditorial@herald-leader

Thank you for catching my mistake.
In the group Desalination of Sea Water, I outlined a way in which using sound waves to inhibit water's cohesion. It might allow for a more economical method.

Comments or Questions *

Peace and the Middle East

I think what has been over looked by policy makers in the U.S. is that
like Russia, the Middle East's economy is based on energy exports. This is because what is a scarce resource in that region while Russia has short growing seasons.
It might be that unless desalination of sea water can be improved upon,
there might not be much reason to hope for stability in the Middle East. The
availability of water is important for any sustained economic development.
Even here in the U.S. we are facing water shortages but it seems that
innovation isn't something that is promoted in America ANY MORE. American ingenuity used to be considered
what helped to build America.
Now we ask, is there an App for that ?
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