A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

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AB Hammer
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Re: re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of moment

Post by AB Hammer »

Allen_T wrote:
AB Hammer wrote:Jim

Of course Romans used pulleys. That is old tech. I also believe pulleys where possibly use in Bessler's wheel. Not in the complex way but the standard single pulley way. Use your concept and see what you can do with it. It is not what I am doing. Like I have said till I am blue in the face. I am not doing what you are doing. I have different roads. Next week I am taking away from armoring and finishing one of my simple wheel that is based off the wheel of death.

The only thing I would suggest you look out for is when using complex pulleys that you have the room to make them function.
You have never shown any work and I know what you are working on ;-)
It is interesting, for all you have said about having 26 years of engineering experience, yet you discount the gains that using pulleys allow for.
I am not sure how you consider the simple diagram I posted from howstuffworks.com as being complex. I think they explained it quite well.
As with PBS, they did show where using multiple pulleys allows for work to be done when using pulleys in your simple fashion won't work.
And since you have never contributed to any work I have done, why do you try to discount any understanding that could lead to a realization of Bessler's work ?
Bessler did use pulleys. Everyone in here knows this except for you. Your quote, " I also believe pulleys where possibly use".
And what else you had to say about it, "That is old tech". Bessler's wheels are "old tech". You know, early 1700's.
Hello Jim

Most of what you are showing is still a trade off. I have had a lot of experience with trade offs. I don't use them anymore. You say I have never shown. LOL I have to much to post so here are the links.

Here on Bessler's Wheel


You Tube


The funny part is, I don't know why you keep saying such.

PS Your actions are what got you banned. I could only give you a single red dot per name. You have many many names that you have gave me red dots, but I am sill in the green. Respect must be earned.
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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Allen_T »

What AB Hammer says;
"Most of what you are showing is still a trade off. I have had a lot of experience with trade offs. I don't use them anymore."

What Heinz Beste, an Italian architect says, "describes how he found evidence for a massive set of pulleys and levers used to move".

Alan, You are disagreeing with someone who has shown your claims to be wrong. Kind of why I have made much progress by not posting in here. You only seek to distract.
And unfortunately Alan, regardless how many times you post that I am a fraud, it will not keep me from pursuing my own work as well as Bessler's. As you have posted recently, Bessler possibly used pulleys.
Hmm, you disagree with Bessler, you disagree with Heinz Beste, and you disagree with me. I like the company I keep. :-)


edited to add; Alan, how could you say Heinz Beste's work is a trade off you wouldn't use ? I think before you say he is wrong, you should probably explain how he fooled PBS into doing a documentary on it.
That is one heck of a claim on your part. If you can't show where he is wrong or where the multiple explanations online are wrong, I will need to consider is you that are wrong.
Yet if I disagree with you, I am wrong. Strange.
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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Allen_T »

If you check Mt 25, when a lever rotates 90°, if the water it shifts from the bottom bellow to the top bellow weighs more, then the wheel is top heavy.
That is if Mt 25 is considered in conjunction with Mt 127. And when the wheel rotates 90°, the weight is @ 9 o'clock and the full bellow is at 3 o'clock.
And when that weight reaches top center, it will fall to the 3 o'clock position.
After I finish my invention, I am going to try 2 different Bessler builds. And since I will be in a better position then, I'll be able to enjoy working on it.

edited to add; the picture I am adding is to an Mt 127 build that I did. the water proof material was too stiff. It takes time to recreate someone else's work and since I am not Bessler, it will take time.
Maybe one day Alan will be willing to an open Bessler build. I've yet to see him start a thread about Bessler's wheel and then build it. And until he does that, can't know for sure if he ever built anything.

By the way Alan, I started this thread to let some people know what I am working on and how it might help to understand Bessler's work. You've managed to make this thread about you. Why not do your own build(s) and leave me alone ?
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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »

Sorry Jim
I think you need to reed Bessler's book

I agree with Bessler. The MTs are samples of what has been tried and didn't work. But there is something to learn from them. Bessler never showed how he achieved the wheel, only a few clues. He understood trade offs very well.

There is always a third dynamic action to make a wheel work from my experience.
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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Allen_T »

This thread was meant to be about my current build. At no time have you discussed it.
As for Bessler, you say "But there is something to learn from them. Bessler never showed how he achieved the wheel, only a few clues. He understood trade offs very well. "

What Bessler said, " however, taking various illustrations together and combining them with a discerning mind, it will indeed be possible to look for a movement and, finally to find one in them."

Alan, according to Bessler, he did show in his drawings how he achieved it. He also said a discerning eye is needed. This means when you say he understood trade offs, you are making a general or vague statement.
And as your friend ovyyus said, I should be banned for wanting to discuss specific details. Why should that be a problem ?
Of course, Bessler's drawings have often been over looked. As you say, nothing there.
But as they say Alan, you can't discuss what you don't understand. Kind of why you give a link to your builds and then say can't discuss anything in that link.
Not sure why you can't discuss something you helped build. That's pretty basic. And what is funny, if what I know works out, people like you Alan will have made this forum look bad. After all, how do you put it ? You like to call me out ? That is it. It's not what would it take to understand Bessler's work.

@ovyyus, please remember to mention that I do have a build in progress yet Alan has kept it from being discussed. And since I do have a place where I can show my work, it could be as some have said, those green dots get away from working at Bessler's wheel and have become more about supporting people that have been in here a long time and haven't done much to understand Bessler's work.

edited to add; @Fletcher, you know that wheel you built with levers and hydraulic pumps ? That's actually the right idea.
I think it may be easiest to build with wood and Bessler did build with wood. I just need to be in a better position. Damn shame alan isn't willing to work cooperatively but he shouldn't be my problem but is.
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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »

No Jim

You have made this string go astray for you prefer talking about me. I compliment you on your work and would rather talk about it but you keep saying things that have to be addressed. Just talk about what you are doing and ignore your vendetta ant I would have given you a green to help give you a chance here again. I even apologized if I said anything out of line. I even requested that we only talk wheel. But you hate me so you blame me for stuff I have never had control of. In truth it is all you. When you realize this I will support you to keep in the forum. Just stop the BS is all anybody really wants. Thanks to meds I take I don't get mad as often and can let most thing go by. I found you PM kinda funny they where so pathetic BS. You caught me once before I took my meds and then I calmed down and saw what you where doing. LOL
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Post by jim_mich »

James A. Lindgaard, aka Allen_T, wrote: notice how I get red dots
It takes only negative 15 points to turn your reputation red. Just two red-dots, one from each of any two Well respected (or higher) members.
AB Hammer wrote:PS Your actions are what got you banned. I could only give you a single red dot per name. You have many many names that you have gave me red dots, but I am sill in the green. Respect must be earned.
Banned members negative red dots no longer count after they get banned.

When your reputation is in the red, then red-dotting other members has no effect.
See: http://www.besslerwheel.com/forum/faq.php#47

I thought I'd pass out some green dots tonight. I see it boosted the rankings of a few members.

I checked the stats before and after and I found the results of my green dotting to be...

Three members got boosted to Highly Regarded
Two members got boosted to Well respected.
One members got boosted to Appreciated.
Six members got boosted to Acknowledged.

Don't bother with thank you's, just send money. (I'm joking)

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Re: re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of moment

Post by Allen_T »

AB Hammer wrote:
Allen_T wrote:
AB Hammer wrote:Jim

Of course Romans used pulleys. That is old tech. I also believe pulleys where possibly use in Bessler's wheel. Not in the complex way but the standard single pulley way. Use your concept and see what you can do with it. It is not what I am doing. Like I have said till I am blue in the face. I am not doing what you are doing. I have different roads. Next week I am taking away from armoring and finishing one of my simple wheel that is based off the wheel of death.

The only thing I would suggest you look out for is when using complex pulleys that you have the room to make them function.
You have never shown any work and I know what you are working on ;-)
It is interesting, for all you have said about having 26 years of engineering experience, yet you discount the gains that using pulleys allow for.
I am not sure how you consider the simple diagram I posted from howstuffworks.com as being complex. I think they explained it quite well.
As with PBS, they did show where using multiple pulleys allows for work to be done when using pulleys in your simple fashion won't work.
And since you have never contributed to any work I have done, why do you try to discount any understanding that could lead to a realization of Bessler's work ?
Bessler did use pulleys. Everyone in here knows this except for you. Your quote, " I also believe pulleys where possibly use".
And what else you had to say about it, "That is old tech". Bessler's wheels are "old tech". You know, early 1700's.
Hello Jim

Most of what you are showing is still a trade off. I have had a lot of experience with trade offs. I don't use them anymore. You say I have never shown. LOL I have to much to post so here are the links.

Here on Bessler's Wheel


You Tube


The funny part is, I don't know why you keep saying such.

PS Your actions are what got you banned. I could only give you a single red dot per name. You have many many names that you have gave me red dots, but I am sill in the green. Respect must be earned.
Why is it when I followed your link, it was said I should be banned when I posted your work ? And like Jim_Mich, neither of you have ever posted your work.
If so, show the threads.
It's why you 2 got me banned last time I was in here. And isn't it funny Alan that the one build or work of yours that I post so we can discuss it turns out it might not be your work.
And until you discuss actual engineering as in math and how it applies to a specific structure, what was it you said about the work in your own album ? That old thing ?
Why are you and Jim_Mich afraid of discussing mechanics and math ?

@Ovyyus and justsomeone, read Alan's own comments about his link. Unless I am being accused of hacking his account, he has work to show and it is in the folder his link is to. He did not mention other people having contributed to any work in his folder.
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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »


Sorry after 7+ years of you being here off and on at Bessler Wheel. You don't understand that a Bessler Wheel album shows everything you post. Even re-post when you are talking to others bringing up other information. All you have to do is read a little after clicking on each picture.


Thanks and thanks for the understanding on the dots I will admit I didn't know that.

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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Allen_T »

I think at some point that you and Jim_Mich need to show work you can discuss.
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Post by jim_mich »

Allen_T wrote: and Jim_Mich need to show work you can discuss.
I don't "NEED" to do anything. Just who do you think you are to come in here and claim that I "NEED" to do as you want me to do? You aren't my boss! I'm a free person. I'm libertarian. DON'T come here and start telling me what I "NEED" to do.

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cloud camper
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Re: re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of moment

Post by cloud camper »

Allen_T wrote:Alan,
I think at some point that you and Jim_Mich need to show work you can discuss.
You can eliminate JM from your list. There was no "work". It was all lies.
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Post by Allen_T »

jim_mich wrote:
Allen_T wrote: and Jim_Mich need to show work you can discuss.
I don't "NEED" to do anything. Just who do you think you are to come in here and claim that I "NEED" to do as you want me to do? You aren't my boss! I'm a free person. I'm libertarian. DON'T come here and start telling me what I "NEED" to do.

It's simple Jim_Mich. As AB Hammer said, he will not allow me to put him in a position where he has to defend himself.
In reality, I can't do that, only he can.
And as you know, if my current build works, AB Hammer will not be able to excuse his attacks on me just as you started a thread asking Scott to ban me.
I don't think working openly is a justification for someone attacking me personally.
As to the design I posted, Neither you nor AB Hammer have given one specific reason why you do not think it will work. That would be on topic.
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Re: re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of moment

Post by Allen_T »

cloud camper wrote:
Allen_T wrote:Alan,
I think at some point that you and Jim_Mich need to show work you can discuss.
You can eliminate JM from your list. There was no "work". It was all lies.
Sometimes I wonder CC. There are probably a few different ways p.m. can work but some people in here seem allergic to thinking it is possible.
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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Allen_T »

Am curious, anyone in here interested in why I think my build will work ?
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