A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

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Post by Allen_T »

AB Hammer wrote:
Allen_T wrote:Alan,
What did you use to tell me ? That is was your right to control my will ? Yep, you did say that.
You also said that you are going to sue me for slander. And yet when you show a Bessler drawing, you say "please ignore the squiggles' and now you say surely I need to learn from Mt 1.
You are doing obvious things to act ignorant. With 5 green dots, I think those green dots show that you aren't.
Yet you are begging for me to say something stupid to discredit me or you are wanting me to be "Christ" like. After all, you banned your step son Michael from posting unless he posted what you told him to do.
And if someone wants to avoid insulting you when you are obviously asking for it, then you can say, see how forgiving I have made this person.
And I think that is why you are a dangerous person Alan. You did tell me you want to live for eternity, that people will say Alan Bauldree made himself a Jesus. That's what you're really after right ?
That's why in woodworkingtalk.com, you got me banned. After all, you knew I got banned from an unknown forum. And why was that ? Because you kept telling me not to talk about them woman who has inspired me.
You wanted the discussion we are having here. I think you are sick Alan. This means you need to talk to doctors at the V.A. and let them know you are willing to ruin someone else's life so you can try to play John the Baptist.
And since you want immortality, there is John 3:16. Since you are a Theologian, you would know this. But John 3'16 is eternal life, why you are not discussing Bessler having been a religious man.
It si funny in a way Alan, most people would rather have a life but not you.
Out side of the TOTAL BS you just posted. You said I said, (now in bold) So show the links to prove it. I know you can't, so admit you are a making fraudulent statements and slander for that is all you are doing.

As for pressing charges? You are still giving me a lot of ammunition. LMAO
The person who you discussed your right to control my will might come forward after I finish my build. After all, I doubt they forgot a conversation like the one they had with you.
Also, anyone in here can contact Michael, your step son if you let them, he did tell me he was moving out. If he did, then he might verify that you used his account at overunity.com to post to me.
Also, can you explain how you know I got banned from a forum that the guys in here didn't know about ?
But you do have 5 green dots because you are one of them. Why I should be banned. I'm the person who took the time to learn Bessler's drawings.
Even Bessler said there was something to be found but I guess it's too much work when people have a life.
And yes Alan, you should go to church and talk to a pastor. I'm not responsible for the position that you are in.
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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by AB Hammer »

The person who you discussed your right to control my will might come forward after I finish my build. After all, I doubt they forgot a conversation like the one they had with you.
Also, anyone in here can contact Michael, your step son if you let them, he did tell me he was moving out. If he did, then he might verify that you used his account at overunity.com to post to me.
Also, can you explain how you know I got banned from a forum that the guys in here didn't know about ?
But you do have 5 green dots because you are one of them. Why I should be banned. I'm the person who took the time to learn Bessler's drawings.
Even Bessler said there was something to be found but I guess it's too much work when people have a life.
And yes Alan, you should go to church and talk to a pastor. I'm not responsible for the position that you are in.
So Lindgaard

You are going lower in lies than ever before. You are a sorry sack of $#!+ . My step son Micheal would tell you to go F yourself. He is learning how to build a pole barn at this time and we will have it done in less than a week. Only a 20x12 foot but My Father will have a new place to park his tractor.

Back to this fictitious person. Just another one of your sign ins for another fraud attack? Or maybe you are talking to ISIS people who love to lie against Americans for they are Infidels in their eyes and don't have the right to live. Yes you could probably fit right in. So you need to quote from the Quran, not the bible. Your possible new friends may take it wrong.

As for the wood working forum is simple. You posted it on OU about it and I just stopped in once and a wile to see how long it would take you to break the rules and get banned again. It didn't take long. Like I say, You are your own worst enemy.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Allen_T »

>> As for the wood working forum is simple. You posted it on OU <<

I'm banned from OU so not sure how I could post it there ?
What you are showing Alan is that this forum is a waste of time. :-)

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:47 pm Post subject: re: Bellows Build Reply with quote Report Post to Admin

edited to add;

I see you are still trying to weasel out of a corner Lindgaard?? Purchasing equipment are still not finished wheels.

Again where are your completed wheels? A few loose boards don't count as a build of a wheel.

Admit it Jim_L !! You have been busted, so give it up and leave me alone and you can talk all you want as long as you leave me out of it. I will only have words of support and honest evaluation.

PS I think you will learn a lot from Murilo's Avalanche. It is a good project to work with.

Alan, I think this shows your dislike for me. The Wright Bros. bought much material before building an airplane. And from what you posted, you do want me to quit building. I would think that is because you have no builds of your own.
And since I have continued working on it at my expense, I do have the right to exclude you. You can build your own if you want, I can't stop you but do not want to be associated with you either.
After all Mr. Bauldree, I don't work for you so your input has no value to me.
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Re: re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of moment

Post by Allen_T »

AB Hammer wrote:Jim L

Here is what I see for MT127. pardon the shaky lines but you turn it with the red Top at the top and this is where it would stop in its position It would have to much bellow the 9:00 to the 3:00 line. No runner.

So again. You are having problems seeing by not keeping an open mind and listen to what is being said. Don't take constructive criticism as an attack. The value of the forum is not to push people into showing everything they have for peoples ideas belong to them. But to listen and use those different views that may help you see a better way.
>> pardon the shaky lines but you turn it with the red Top at the top and this is where it would stop <<

With the bellow on the right having water in it, it would rotate in the clockwise direction. This is why I have no need to work with you. You have trouble understanding basic concepts.
Hold it, I get it now, you're teaching me, right ? You know, your secrets, right ?
And that is the main reason I won't work with you Alan. You want to discredit me while taking credit for my work.
And just like everyone in here believes you, why I can't give you that opportunity. You'd leave me with nothing.
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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Allen_T »

A better way of looking at Mt 127 is starting with the 2 tongs. They work together but will always be out of balance.
In the Mt 127 drawing, it is the top weight which is further away from the center line.
With the over balanced bellow, it needs to have enough mass to account for the out of balance tong and also the opposing bellow.
With Mt 127, it might be possible to time the movement of both tongs by either using a latch or leveraged force to work required, work required is what it takes to open the top bellow which would suspend about all of the water in both bellows.
With how the bellows are connected to the lines or lever going through "C", a pulley would allow for the movement shown.
sample of considering different balances.
sample of considering different balances.
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Re: re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of moment

Post by AB Hammer »

Allen_T wrote:
AB Hammer wrote:Jim L

Here is what I see for MT127. pardon the shaky lines but you turn it with the red Top at the top and this is where it would stop in its position It would have to much bellow the 9:00 to the 3:00 line. No runner.

So again. You are having problems seeing by not keeping an open mind and listen to what is being said. Don't take constructive criticism as an attack. The value of the forum is not to push people into showing everything they have for peoples ideas belong to them. But to listen and use those different views that may help you see a better way.
>> pardon the shaky lines but you turn it with the red Top at the top and this is where it would stop <<

With the bellow on the right having water in it, it would rotate in the clockwise direction. This is why I have no need to work with you. You have trouble understanding basic concepts.
Hold it, I get it now, you're teaching me, right ? You know, your secrets, right ?
And that is the main reason I won't work with you Alan. You want to discredit me while taking credit for my work.
And just like everyone in here believes you, why I can't give you that opportunity. You'd leave me with nothing.
James Lindgaard

Arrogant and Delusional, Your Work? only the construction of a well know MT, Your design? Every time you write my name you are calling me to respond
You are a problem child in a mans body and that is why you keep getting banned from every forum on the net. Then you proclaim that Alan wants to control me, own me, take my credit. NO! that is what you want from me, so you attack me and I again and again I have to fend off your attacks.

Telling someone why what your are doing won't work is part of the forum. Not an attack. I am not going to spoon feed you my secrets. You have to figure what to do yourself.

After being banned over and over again, you came back here over and over and over to start the same crap where I am at. I only keep an eye on you to gather evidence if for when I am ready to show the wheel for you will claim it to be yours with absolutely no evidence. For this reason is why I don't post my full mind because people like you.

People like you are the reason people have private forums to keep you out. You have to follow the rules to play.

I am a very forgiving man, but I really hate being the subject of your infatuations outside of your delusion of being Bessler.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

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Re: re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of moment

Post by AB Hammer »

Allen_T wrote:Alan,
A better way of looking at Mt 127 is starting with the 2 tongs. They work together but will always be out of balance.
In the Mt 127 drawing, it is the top weight which is further away from the center line.
With the over balanced bellow, it needs to have enough mass to account for the out of balance tong and also the opposing bellow.
With Mt 127, it might be possible to time the movement of both tongs by either using a latch or leveraged force to work required, work required is what it takes to open the top bellow which would suspend about all of the water in both bellows.
With how the bellows are connected to the lines or lever going through "C", a pulley would allow for the movement shown.
Now Jim L

I will tell you some of your problem on this. A pulley is best used only as a relay for the moving weight. You have to ask yourself. Where is the falling weight going to go? how is it going to effect the wheel? Very few free swinging weights on cables you can keep from landing somewhere unwanted and causing a negative reaction due to it.

I have played with swinging weights and from a side to side viewpoint they look good until you look from an up and down view. That it the lesson everybody needs to keep in mind. For instant 2 cables 12:00 and 6:00 and a weight attached in between them. The wheel will go either direction and it has a nice start but when the cables sit at 3:00 and 9:00 the weight hangs bellow the 3 to 9 line and that is where it will want to stay. As soon as the cables tighten with the weight on both ends it is game over. Here is a picture to help. the picture shows both positions. The red line is the 3 to 9 o'clock points.

edited grammar due to being rushed out the door this morning. Dr appointment and then to add picture.
Last edited by AB Hammer on Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Allen_T »

I've read your post a few times and can't make since of what you are saying. I tend to think that you can't grasp what Bessler was trying to convey in his drawing.
Either that or you are just trying to confuse people.
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Post by eccentrically1 »

You guys should take this outside. lol
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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Allen_T »


>> You guys should take this outside. lol <<

This is the way he has always been towards me. I am showing work and am also referencing Bessler's drawings.
Am not sure why he is allowed to flame when I am building something.
I guess another way of looking at things is that I am pursuing Bessler's work and ab hammer is pursuing me.
I am still working on my build. I do have medical/budget issues to contend with but am close to being finished with the build I posted in the 1st post.
I need to add 2 stops per weight for when they are retracted. This is because the tether line will hold the weights in place once retracted. It is a detail I need to have right if I expect this build to work.
Kind of why I am glad my weights weigh 2.2 and 2.24 lbs. each. Basically they weigh 1 kg which will allow me to show math in newton-meters. As for SAE and inch or ft. lbs., that would be the more basic way of showing the math.
I think what is sad is that ab hammer didn't want to work with me on any builds that I've done. If he had been willing to do so, he could be using engineering terms and references. Then when he considers one of Bessler's drawings, he could apply the same math and science to it that Bessler might have done.
I doubt Bessler used calculus but considering he knew Leibniz, he most likely knew trigonometry and knew how to perform various calculations. Something that would have allowed him to engineer a better wheel.
And that's probably why he wanted to start a school, it probably would've been a Christian based engineering school.
And with the pendulum in Mt 83, remember that I think as far as Bessler goes, they represent 2 things. One is his weight's got their force from swinging and secondly to have faith.


edited to change math type
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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by justsomeone »

Jim, you dumb a__, look at ABHammer's very first post in this thread. You're the idiot that won't let things go! Why do you want to be here after being kicked out several times? Just go away , please. I am sooo tired of you.
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by AB Hammer »

Jim L / Allen T waa waa waa You come here and start your BS lies for instant.

I said
Jim Lindgaard

Nice wood work, and a nice face book page.

Lets just keep it civil and you will have no complaints from me. I will just let bygones be bygones.
Was this an attack?

You said
There is a slight problem. You posted that I am the world's ultimate fraud and say my service connected disabilities do not matter to you.
You see, I did happen to see your post where you are waiting for your back pay from the V.A.
Myself, they are sitting on my appeal because if a 50% hearing loss in one ear automatically qualified, many Veterans would benefit by such a decision.
And from what you told me, all of you injuries occurred as a civilian.
You would have no need to wait for back pay.
Besides, you were not one of the people who wanted to understand how something is built.

Then you do attack with lies.

Then I said the truth and then tried to smooth things off.
Hi Jim

The ultimate fraud string was for your BS statements about my self and others but mainly the many many sign ins you had which did make you fraudulent. So let get over the past and look only to the future.

Good luck on your appeal. As for myself, I have most all my problems back to the military. It did help that I finally got a copy of my military medical records which highly support my case's as well. For instant, try to run and do any work while standing on your legs that requires twisting with a left knee that straitens to 0 degrees and a right leg that hyper extends a negative 10 degree and I finally got an MRI on my right knee and my ACL is completely unseen and the horn looks like spider webs in tears in the MRI. The Anterior Cruciate Ligament "ACL" is what stabilizes the knee, and I haven't had one for over 30 years. The measurements came from the 1985 claim. The claim is being revised now being redone. It would take a small book to go into all the issues so I will stop here about my VA dealings but will end at 100%+. Then I will spend my time making what I want to make and not beat myself to death trying to survive.

I like the work you did on the MT127 reproduction for it is smooth and clean. With that clean of work, I look forward to seeing more complete projects. I have been holding back showing for many reason but I will be showing again very soon.

3 years ago the VA finally caught up with me and now we are working out what is needed. I was dropped through the cracks and buried in the sand since my claim in 1985.

Then you said
Maybe one day you might consider apologizing to me.


(Then you said)
I don't like you. After all, I thought your injuries were from hitting a drunk driver.
And for as many times I stated that I was a disabled Vet, you said you have an 80% disability rating and the V.A. was taking care of you.
At no time in the last 10 years did you say that you ever suffered a service connected injury.

So I talked about an accident but the doctor said my injury on my knee was old damage. But you do have a history of mixing things up to try to say I said something else. So I keep asking for the link to prove it and you can never show one.

So I posted back.
Hi Jim

I normally don't talk about my physical problems openly. My accident only made my problems worst. As dealing with for a settlement on the accident. My preexisting conditions where well used against me. 80% is what I believed at the time. The record says differently. On a scale of 1 to 10 of pain I live at a constant 5 and spike on a regular basses. So I guess I my lack a bit of sympathy for it become comparative to my own pain and I still have been able to survive despite the odds With a bit of will you learn to overcome. I tried to encourage you and you took it the wrong way. I tried to save you steps but you had a problem with constructive criticism. Then you started attacking me direct and that is where things went the wrong way. I took 2 separate classes in cognitive thinking at the VA. Learning I am sometimes not as clear as I would like to be. You called me many names and they where extremely offensive to me. So now I have to forgive you for those, and I regret continuously fighting with you when it got to far. So for that you also owe me an apologize as well.

So I apologize for anything I may have said out of line.

My teachings tell me at this point to let it go and carry on and don't dwell. So I am headed out to work and it is your turn. You don't have to like me for I have no reason to like you either, but we can learn to be civilized and save the rest of the readers these foul writings that have happened in the past. Now once the problem is fully buried, we can continue the quest possibly being helpful out of respect for the quest.


edit to just tell you my problems so there are no more questions about my health. MRI on my back, 1 compressed disk and 7 herniated disk Medical records noted hit by a car in a cross walk. Both knees are shot and have not been able to run since I was in the military. Sleep apnea since the military but we didn't know about that for it was not checked on but not sleeping is in my medical records. but if you don't sleep? you eat to try to keep up your energy thus my weight is recorded in my medical records as well. Abuse or over worked of a minimum of 110 hours each week due to I was the only cook on ship when it required 2 and a mess cook which I didn't have either. The XPO was an alcoholic and didn't trust non drinkers not to mention I was a Mormon at the time which he didn't like. Just imagine being ordered to give a man CPR that was bloated and in rigamortis. That is the crap I had to deal with and constantly watched for anything they "the XPO and his drunk buds" could get on me. So I suffer from PTSD as well (severe anxiety disorder) and was untreated for 27 years but claimed in 1985 finally treated in 2012. Oh yeas I also have an unrepairable bone spur in my left foot that all may tendons on my are attached to and I found where I have visits to the Dr for that in my military medical records except it was considered a tendon problem that I still need to file for. Always the left foot.

Now you know my problems, I recommend you get your military medical records and comb through them to find other possibilities for yourself. That is how you have to fight the VA. By the recorded record. Your VA rep should be able to get them for you thanks to the new system.
Then Jim L / Allen T PMed me with the heading of. u r an idiot because I tried to be nice. Ha Ha and this is what I get from this slanderous cry baby James Lindgaard

And here is the string about James Lindgaard and his many many sign ins. That is probably how he has this name from finishing being banned. His Troll tactics are nearly legendary for the lies and BS

So Jim L, Can you do anything but lie? or all this just your vendetta because a post of mine got in the way of you swindling someone out of money? You have written so many time that I am suppose to share with you or I won't profit from it. Sorry but your credibility is more like a 2 in a credit score compared to a trust level.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Allen_T »

AB Hammer,
Posting an actual build is starting b.s. ?
You've flamed me ever since I first posted in OU.
For someone who claims to have 26 years of engineering experience,
I just don't see it.
I guess what you call B.S. is showing where taking time to do actual
work yields results. I'll need to remember that. But do wonder, why aren't you laughing now ?

edited to add;
AB Hammer, we could talk about your build if you'd prefer. But I don't think you can validate my build. I have notice everyone has stayed away.
From my perspective, I have to think that is their way of supporting you.
After all, I did POST work. What you've posted is B.S. why you know nothing of Bessler.
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Post by Allen_T »

AB Hammer,
I received recognition from the V.A. for my 2 service connected disabilities as I was told to file a disability claim for 2 conditions involving my ears and then also for my knees as well.
It is funny though, walking on a ship can damage the inside of a knee cap. However, the surgery can create a more severe condition as often such a condition will resolve itself or at least not become worse.
I could get your post from museum of hoaxes where you posted an accident with a drunk driver caused your problems and you lost your job in Arkansas ?
And your step son Michael told me I was stupid because you lost your job and then a few years later was in that accident.
Besides, why bring in what ever medical condition you have now ? I know it has nothing to do with possibly being able to show either a working wheel this weekend or that it can work but may need to add some guides to control movement of linkage.
But they can have you Alan. After all, between Rome and the 1500's or 1,600's was one of the darkest periods as far as culture etc. went and that is where your expertise is, right ? You now, the time periods covered by armoring ?
But seriously Alan, I don't think your flaming me while I build is your teaching me. In reality, Bessler's water wheel might have been known a couple of years ago.
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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by AB Hammer »

Jim Lindgaard

I can't stop you from posting nor building but when you try to post a lie as fact is where the problem starts. You have shown very little of anything but redoes of designs that have been tried over and over.
Here is some of the Albums you have here under some of your different names. This way people can see your progress as a builder and designer.

As P-Motion
As to.late
As James.Lindgaard

Now Lindgaard

There is another poster here who claims for a running wheel but has only showed a photo of supposedly himself. The picture has a family resemblance with you like maybe your dad, IMHO of course and cant be proven as fact without a DNA test. But you are well known for games on forums.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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